I work with a girl at school who is having her 2nd child. She is registered for a few things this time around. But I just got an email fom someone at work who says we are having a shower for her becaus when she had her 1st baby she had left us a few months before due to another leave replacement in another school.

Anyway, sorry to babble but I looked at the registry and she has some big ticket items that I know her family would geet her. I would spend around $35-$40 for her. I like to do theme gifts but since she doesn't have much on there so I'm at a loss.

She has a Diapee and Wipee case that is cute but it's only $14.99. What else can I buy her to go along with that witout just buying a box diapers and wipes? To make it a little harder she also does not know what she is having.

Any suggestions form you creative ladies is appreciated!! TTIA!!