I have IVF meds & needs for who ever need them... I am 17 wks pgnt & decided I will donate them for someone that has to pay.
all meds & needles are unopened.


-Progestrone inOil 10 ml- 1 bottle

-Leuprone 0.2 ml- 1 bottle with 9/ 28g syringes

-Folistin 900 iu 1 box & alot of extra needles...sorry no pen.


-3 ml 22 1.5 g with needles amount 51
-3 ml 18 1.5g with needles amount 30


-22g 1 amount 25

-18 g 1.5 amount 20

-22g 1.5 amount 30

please fm if you want any of this i will meet you. I live in Bellmore & work in East Meadow.