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If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

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Love my babies!

Member since 8/11

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If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

Dd will be 3 in Oct., and she's been home with me her whole life. I take her to library programs as often as possible, and she takes a toddler dance class once a week. But that's it so far as far as outside socialization or education goes. Although she is very smart and social. She also is pretty clingy to me and dh, especially me since she's pretty much never been away from me. I'm trying to decide what to put her in for the Fall, so right before she will be turning 3. I was sure I would just do a separation class with her, that allows me to stay in the classroom with her for the first half and then I sneak out for the rest of the class. But when I spoke to the director, she was kind of trying to convince me to go with the drop-off preschool type program. I don't know if dd would be ok with that yet, and the thought of dropping her off and leaving her there makes me and dh nervous. I know people leave their kids at daycares all the time from when they're little babies, and they're fine, but we're just not feeling ready yet. So I guess I'm just trying to get an idea of what most 3 year old are, or will be, doing. I know that most likely if they've been in daycare full time, they will either continue with that or move on to a full time preschool, or some combination. But if they've been used to being home, do you start them out slowly with getting used to a school routine and being away from you, or just "rip off the band aid" and they'll get used to it?

Posted 6/4/15 2:36 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DD was 3 in april and we're going to start her on a 2 day program in the fall (drop off). I was originally planning to wait another year but now with another baby at home I decided to send her since I don't do as much at home as I'd like. We go out a ton and do library classes and play dates like you said and DD is also very social and inquisitive so she'll do fine. When we visited schools she had no problem with me leaving her in a classroom and touring the rest of the school. I do worry a little about leaving her but at least she's old enough to tell me all about what goes on and I'm very happy with the school and teachers we found so hopefully all will go well.

Posted 6/4/15 2:44 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

ds#1 4
DS#2 3.5 - he did 1/2 nursery and pre-k.

I will say ds #2 we tried right before he turned 3 (October baby) and it didn't work I didn't think it was worth the stress for him or myself. We waited a few months and it was easier. We only did 3 days.

DS#1 adjusted fine at 4 for pre-k. It was a 1/2 day program which I felt was enough just to get the routine and separation going.

I am not sure if I will do 3 or 4 with ds#3

Message edited 6/4/2015 2:47:21 PM.

Posted 6/4/15 2:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

With DS1 I was working full time so he's been in daycare since 12 weeks. I left my job around the time DS2 was a baby. At 18 months we did mommy and me classes. We did that together for about 8 months then I started to do transition with him. We had our usual 45 mins together then when it was snack time after gym I left for about 15 minutes. Then a half hour and longest was 45 minutes. He started preschool 2 half days a week in January (exactly a year after being in the school) when he was 2.5. For the summer I signed him up for 3 days a week and now he's in preschool 3 days a week. He'll be 4 this summer. Going to camp this summer and will be going back to the school 3 full days starting September.
It's totally what you're comfortable with. You'll get a lot of advise but you make the final decision. I think she'll be fine and it'll be harder on you then her. She will cry when you leave but have some fun and amazing experiences in school. I love to see the shows they put on and they're always putting up pictures outside the classroom. He's seen a magic show and they had a petting zoo at the school recently.

Message edited 6/4/2015 2:49:10 PM.

Posted 6/4/15 2:48 PM


Member since 8/08

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

She had turned 2 in May and started a two day a week program that following September, so 2 and 4 months.

Posted 6/4/15 2:51 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DDs will be 3 in oct and have always been home with me, DH or a sitter in our home. My one DD has been very attached to me lately but is fine when I just separate from her. They are also going 2 d per wk to preschool so we will see how it goes. Overall, I think it's good for them and they need it. They are often fine once they settle in. It's fun for them to be with other kids, sing, play, learn, etc.

Posted 6/4/15 2:57 PM

Love multiplies, not divides

Member since 11/12

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If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

16 months she started a step up program. Started as mommy and me October - December. January when she was 18 months it became drop off. It's the nursery school where she will do 2s, 3s etc. she LOVES it.

She cried at drop off for the first two months, but for two minutes. At pick up she would be beaming and playing. After that she ran into the class room and was so excited to see her friends. Best decision to start her early, especially trying the separation.

Posted 6/4/15 3:08 PM

I am a mom :-)

Member since 6/06

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DD did a 3 day 3s program when she was 3.

DS will likely do a 2s program next year because we really liked the experience that DD had.

Posted 6/4/15 3:11 PM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

I'm a SAHM and I started my DD in a drop off 2's program when she was 2y2m. She started going 2 days a week for 2.5 hours each day.

Posted 6/4/15 3:44 PM

Mommy to FOUR little men!

Member since 8/08

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

My oldest started a toddler program for 3 hours, 2x week when he was 2y10m. My twins will start the same program in September, and they will be 2y3m. I've been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born.

Posted 6/4/15 3:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

4399 total posts


If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

My DDs are with a nanny. DD1 went 2 days a week at 2, and 5 days a week at 3. We aren't sending DD2 until 3.

Posted 6/4/15 4:14 PM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21538 total posts


If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DD is not in daycare We're going to start her off with 1/2 days when she's 4.

Posted 6/4/15 4:15 PM

My little lamb

Member since 8/05

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aka momma2b

Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

Dd was 2.5 when she started pre-school.

Posted 6/4/15 7:16 PM


Member since 6/10

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If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DD was 2. She went 2 days a week for 2.5 hours.

Posted 6/4/15 8:18 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

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love my family!

If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

Started my dd when she was 2 in a 3 day, 2 and a half hour program. I work but grandma watches her. She is a fall baby so she turned 2 after she started. She did phenomenal. She will turn 3 in the fall and will be doing the same thing this year.

Posted 6/4/15 8:57 PM

My boys turned 8

Member since 5/11

2451 total posts


If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

My boys also started at 3yrs.

Posted 6/4/15 9:11 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

My boys were home with me or family until they were 3. They both started preschool drop off for 3s and then 4s.

Posted 6/4/15 9:36 PM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

8585 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DD1 started at age 3
DD2 will start in Sept at age 3

I never felt a need to do the 2 year old programs with my girls. They are only home for 5 years and i wanted to enjoy them being with me all day. They get plenty of socialization from activities like swimming, dance, and gymnastics.

Posted 6/4/15 9:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

5435 total posts


If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

I'm a SAHM.
DS started a 3 year old program when he wasn't quite 3. he started in september, and turned 3 in november (so like 2 months later). it was only 2 AMs a week- 2.5 hours each time... so total, 5 hours a week. he had a rough time at first.... but he did ok and we made it through HAHA the teachers are GREAT and know how to handle it. At DS's school they even did a gradual drop-off thing- so the first day parents stayed with them, but then the next day we dropped them off but only for an hour (instead of the full 2.5) so it made it a little easier. they also had extra staff on hand those first couple days to give extra hugs and help out Chat Icon
DS is now 4.5 and just finished his second year there.... and he did fine this year.
so just start off slow... and a lot of 2 and 3 year old programs are set up with this kind of situation... you'll both be fine!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/15 9:58 PM

Love my babies!

Member since 8/11

4096 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

Thanks for all the responses! So I've been thinking about it all day, and the thought of starting her in a drop-off program this Sept. really makes me want to cry! Chat Icon I don't know, maybe she'll be a lot more independent by then, but right now, I'm just feeling like doing the separation class first is the way to go for us. I'm thinking I'll try that in the Fall, and then if she's doing great I'll switch her to a drop-off class for the Spring. I feel like she's only little once, and it's all just going by so quickly! But I definitely do see the value of getting her started with some type of program in a school type setting.

Posted 6/4/15 10:24 PM

life is good

Member since 5/05

2013 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DS was 3 years and 3 months when he started a pre-school program. He went for 3 half days for this year - and we'll up it to 3 full days next year.

Posted 6/4/15 10:52 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

DS started a 2 year old program at just over 2 years old. He went 2xweek, 2 1/2 hours. We did the "pull off the band aid" method you mentioned. It was really a good thing. He needed the separation and the socialization. He cried terribly for a couple of weeks but the teacher assured me his was fine when I left. I didn't doubt it because I used to work in pre school and that was the truth. 5 minutes of crying, max, and then they would be fine. He really loved school so it was good for him. This year he did a similar 3's program but he should have gone for more. He loves it.

Posted 6/5/15 7:11 AM

My heart is full

Member since 3/12

1961 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

I'm a SAHM and DD started a drop off 2's program when she was 2y1m old. It was 2 days a week, 2 hours a day.

In Sept, she'll be going to preschool 5 days a week for 3 hours and 15 minutes. She'll be 2y9m.

Posted 6/5/15 8:25 AM

Baby Girl #2 is Here!

Member since 7/11

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Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?


Posted 6/5/15 9:21 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1712 total posts


Re: If your child never went to daycare, at what age did they start preschool?

#1 - 4 ( Pre-K) I wasn't ready before then. Even then DH had to force me Chat Icon
#2 - Just had turned 3 ( Pre-school)
#3 - 3 ( Pre-school)

Message edited 6/5/2015 9:36:14 AM.

Posted 6/5/15 9:35 AM
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