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Do you like your job?

Forum Opinion Poll
I love it! 39 24.22%
It's OK. Not great, but I like it. 49 30.43%
Meh. Not bad. 18 11.18%
It's a paycheck..... 30 18.63%
I HATE MY JOB!!! 22 13.66%
Other 3 1.86%

Do you like your job?

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MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Do you like your job?

I'm a tax accountant and I really do love my job. My firm is very flexible and I feel valued here for sure. Tax season can be brutal but it's a trade off for the rest of the year being so much more relaxed. (Leaving by 1pm every Friday in the summer, luncheons, paid holidays, etc.) But overall I'm very happy in the work that I do for sure.

Posted 6/21/16 2:59 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


Do you like your job?

I was at a job I absolutely hated for ten years. I was so miserable and everyone else that worked there was too. The money was good, and it became routine which was why I stayed. When I had my son it went even more downhill. I was sick every morning that I would have to leave my baby and go to that hell hole. I was fired and it was the best thing that ever happened to me!!!

I'm now at a wonderful job, with wonderful positive people. I get praised all the time, I look forward to going to work. My schedule is so much better and allows me more time with my son. The money isn't nearly as good, but I am so much happier it doesn't matter.

Posted 6/21/16 3:38 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Sometimes ...but they are my kids so what can I do Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/16 3:47 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Do you like your job?

And for the record, today I HATE my job..

One of those days....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/16 3:48 PM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

9145 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

I kinda like it.

I'd rather not do this particular job anymore but I've been in this field for 20+ years already and work freelance form home. I can't beat my schedule and pay with anything else, so I stick with it.

Posted 6/21/16 4:02 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by gina409

Sometimes ...but they are my kids so what can I do Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's one of those jobs where you can never retire, the job description just constantly changes.... Chat Icon Chat Icon

A popular quote on the Internet:
"Parenting is a terrible job when you think about it. Long hours, no pay, the boss is moody and demanding and the benefits don’t kick in until years later. Ehh, at least my coworker is hot."

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/16 4:08 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 9/15

19 total posts


Do you like your job?

I hate my job! I hate what I do, I hate my coworkers, I hate everything about it but the pay. I applied for the position I love but I never get the chance to do it. I'm looking for another job before I quit.

Posted 6/21/16 5:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


Do you like your job?

Yes, love it for the most part.

Pros: flexibility, WFH, good work life balance, control my own destiny, freedom to work on what I want (for most part), interesting -learn something new everyday, feel like I'm making a difference have a purpose, genuinely like most people but everyone is tolerable ateast, competitive salary and benefits, lots of growth potential, minor travel, great parental leave program

Cons: minor travel, siloed organization hard to get stuff done sometimes, deal with some short sided non strategic people who are happy with status quo (but guess that's everywhere), lack of consistent processes throughout firm drive me crazy daily.

Posted 6/21/16 6:49 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

LOVE IT!! (So far lol)

One year ago I got laid off from my retail management job where I worked for 14 years. I loved (really loved) my co workers, but the job I really loathed it. I got an amazing severance and was able to file unemployment. I ended up going to school for cosmetology which was something I had wanted to do since high school. I met some amazing people and now have a part time job in a hair salon. The pay won't be great until I work myself up to stylis but I love the job. I never have a bad day there and I always leave there in a good mood....

Posted 6/21/16 7:23 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Hate it so much i quit today! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/16 7:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/12

742 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by BabyBMakes3

I'm somehwere between paycheck and hate as well.

I work in banking, and the industry is changing RAPIDLY. My position has been re-worked several times over the past few years and I forsee it being eliminated all together very shortly. I'm terrified because I have a 5 month old, bills to pay, and I've been doing this for 10+ years, so I don't have experience in many other fields. I need to work and I feel NO stability whatsoever Chat Icon

I was in banking and always felt uneasy watching my friends/ coworkers get laid off Chat Icon I'm not working right now but when I do go back to work (soon),I really hope for a nicer environment.

Posted 6/21/16 7:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/12

742 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by bunnyluck

Yes, love it for the most part.

Pros: flexibility, WFH, good work life balance, control my own destiny, freedom to work on what I want (for most part), interesting -learn something new everyday, feel like I'm making a difference have a purpose, genuinely like most people but everyone is tolerable ateast, competitive salary and benefits, lots of growth potential, minor travel, great parental leave program

Cons: minor travel, siloed organization hard to get stuff done sometimes, deal with some short sided non strategic people who are happy with status quo (but guess that's everywhere), lack of consistent processes throughout firm drive me crazy daily.

What?! This exists? Chat Icon It sounds like a very nice position..!

Posted 6/21/16 8:03 PM


Member since 12/12

4088 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

I like my job a lot! I like my boss, my co-workers, my patients, and my responsibilities. I don't like the commute. It just makes my day too long.

Posted 6/21/16 10:52 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

I like it. It's relatively low stress/ low expectations Chat Icon The people are pretty nice. There are lots of opportunities to move around, move up, make more money. It's a lot of doing the same things over & over which I don't mind because I like routine. Some drawbacks are that the hours aren't flexible & I can't work part time or from home.

Posted 6/21/16 11:27 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by GoldenRod

Posted by gina409

Sometimes ...but they are my kids so what can I do Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's one of those jobs where you can never retire, the job description just constantly changes.... Chat Icon Chat Icon

A popular quote on the Internet:
"Parenting is a terrible job when you think about it. Long hours, no pay, the boss is moody and demanding and the benefits don’t kick in until years later. Ehh, at least my coworker is hot."

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Love that!!!

Posted 6/21/16 11:37 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Do you like your job?

2 Jobs: I love and hate them both.
1 Full-time mom during the day. Around 3:30 I punch out. Sometimes I run out the door. Other times, I linger to mingle. It depends on how much drama there was at the "office" Chat Icon

2. Part-time teacher (night school/alternative school) I punch in at 4, punch out at 7. Sometimes, I want to punch a wall. Sometimes, I want to mingle and linger. Depends on how much drama there was in school that night. It's a good day when no one rips their exam in half in desperation. Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/16 11:52 PM

Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08

2776 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Between hate and paycheck. We are opening a business so until that's up and running I need to have a steady income. So I accepted a promotion. Nursing I believe is a love hate day-to-day field... nursing management.... lets just say I have an appointment to request a script for ativan.

Posted 6/22/16 4:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

1674 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

I really like my job for the most part. The best thing is the flexibility. I can work from home, take time off as needed. The pay is good, great benefits. My coworkers are awesome. The work is good but can get tedious and monotonous. It's really the schedule that keeps me there. I know I wouldn't find anything nearly as good anywhere else.

The biggest con is travel. One of my job requirements is up to 75% travel. The higher ups have been really great about keeping me off the road because of the kids. But if/when that changes, I will have to seriously think about finding something else.

Posted 6/22/16 7:04 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/15

429 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by NervousNell

I like the flexibility I have. That's the main thing that I am grateful for and overrides all else. I definitely have it made.

I like the people I work with- I have known them for years.

The work itself, I don't LOVE but it's ok. I'm not miserable every day or anything like that.
Some days I really like it, other days I'm like I am done with this work!

This exactly!

Posted 6/22/16 12:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/15

306 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

I am done with it. I don't need the stress....but the paycheck allows for a nice living, so I am stuck. My job is has a lot of pressure and complexity. Almost impossible to do this and be a FT mom to my kids! On the bright side, my schedule is somewhat flexible and I have a lot of vacation!

Posted 6/23/16 12:03 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Do you like your job?

Mostly I love my job but there are things that are wearing on me after all these years lol

Posted 6/23/16 8:51 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/09

420 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by luvbuffet

i will be here 16 years ( with a small break )

im eiter incredibly lazy or incredibly comfy /happy

Chat Icon

Same for me- I've been here since 2000!! I guess I'm comfy Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/16 12:37 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09

537 total posts


Re: Do you like your job?

Posted by Mushesgirl

Hate it so much i quit today! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

This is awesome lol!

Posted 6/23/16 12:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/09

537 total posts


Do you like your job?

This is an interesting question. I like that my job is pretty flexible - since DH's isn't, I need to be able to take off for the kids if needed. I don't get to work from home (boo) but I never really get grief for taking time off (although I beat myself up over it, so I guess they don't have to do it for me lol)

The work is not bad, though I would much rather be out in the field more often rather than sitting at my desk staring at an Excel file all day. Slowly but surely, that is happening so... it's getting better and better.

I love (most of) my co-workers. My boss is getting better at giving me/teaching me more of the fun stuff to do lately, so that is good (wonder if he is planning to leave lol)

I have a LOT of job security, great benefits and my commute isn't too bad... but my pay is decidedly NOT great. But it's a trade off, I guess. I make waaaaay less than I did working in the city, but now I have amazing job security, a shorter commute and no one looks at me cross eyed when I have to leave to go get a puking kid or something.

So, overall, I guess I kind of DO like my job.

Well, color me shocked lol. I've been telling people for years that I hate it! Chat Icon

Message edited 6/23/2016 1:03:11 PM.

Posted 6/23/16 1:02 PM
Pages: 1 [2]

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