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cord blood banks (Viacord)

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Member since 5/05

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cord blood banks (Viacord)

Anybody have an opinion on banks such as Viacord? Its seems a little expensive but if it could save my child or another childs life it may be priceless.

Posted 11/19/05 9:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

We did it three years ago and I struggled with the decision for the same reasons. Gosh, what have we wasted $1000 in the past. After my son ws born my ped said he would not have suggested it because God forbid my son needed it, his own cord blood cells would not be able to help him. It might help us (parents)or any future sibs. That was 3 years ago, so I dont know what he would say now.

But the updates I get from Viacord are incredible about the advances they have made and what the cord blood cells are being used for now.

You should talk to your prediatrician about it.

Posted 11/19/05 10:10 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

How much is it to bank the cord cells?

Posted 11/20/05 7:27 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

Most companies the intial fee is $1700 which is a big chunk of change but for me we have blood disorders(thalissemia) in our lines so we will bite the bullet and budget. Then you have a year upkeep fee for use of their storage.

Posted 11/20/05 7:33 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

Posted by rose825

We did it three years ago and I struggled with the decision for the same reasons. Gosh, what have we wasted $1000 in the past. After my son ws born my ped said he would not have suggested it because God forbid my son needed it, his own cord blood cells would not be able to help him. It might help us (parents)or any future sibs. That was 3 years ago, so I dont know what he would say now.

But the updates I get from Viacord are incredible about the advances they have made and what the cord blood cells are being used for now.

You should talk to your prediatrician about it.

My DH and I recently decided we were going to do it, but we were under the impression that it could help the baby if he needed it. Is that incorrect?

Posted 11/20/05 9:56 AM

Best Friends

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

that is what my pediatrician told us 3 years ago. He said if you have a problem that could be helped by cord blood, your own cord blood would have the same problem. Check with your pediatrician.

Posted 11/20/05 10:00 AM

My munchkins

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

i read a great artlcle in newsday about a month ago about how this couple did the cord blood bank for their son, he got sick and when they went to go use the cord they couldnt there wasnt enough there and they had to depend on the public cord bank. they felt like they wasted their money this article helped us decide. my obgyn said 5 years ago he wasnt for it but now he is at that you need to bank at least 2 kids for it to be beneficial down the road. also one of the companies cbr when u look the financials since they are a public company they are not doing to well and wouldnt want to chance them going under. i knowthat viacord strickly banks the cord and doesnt do research like CBR its a difficullt choice but we decided against for the above reason,

Posted 11/20/05 4:22 PM

Back in LI!

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

its a personal choice you need to think about and decide on together..we opted to do this..

we believe that over the years only more and more medical reasons for the use of stem cells will occur....its hopefully something we will never have to use but we have a peace of mind knowing it could be of help if need be...

Message edited 11/20/2005 7:43:16 PM.

Posted 11/20/05 7:22 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

I used viacord and i am glad i did. I almost had to use it when she was 3 days old. They thought she was going to need a blood transfusion. They were so great and understanding.

Posted 11/20/05 8:27 PM


Member since 5/05

2313 total posts


Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

Thank you for all of you opinons. We are going to talk to our doctor about it.

Posted 11/21/05 7:05 AM

life moves fast

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

We used Cord Blood Registry.

Posted 11/21/05 8:56 AM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

From reading these responses, I'm still not clear if your own child has a problem can their own cord blood help them or will it only help another family member?

Posted 11/27/05 2:45 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

From what I have read the cordblood lasts for a certain amount of years and then it is no good....has anyone else heard this?

Posted 11/27/05 5:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

Posted by Moehick

From what I have read the cordblood lasts for a certain amount of years and then it is no good....has anyone else heard this?

This is true. It's been a while since I did the research, but I believe it's 11 years. Also, there are currently very few diseases that they can treat with cord blood. Pretty much only lukemia. But they have great hope for it in the future, but who knows how long in the future it will be.

My aunt is a genetic scientist and we also spoke to our ped and my OB and decided against it. We have no history of any blood diseases, so it just didn't make sense in our case. But it is recommended for families with blood disorders.

Posted 11/27/05 7:03 PM

My girls

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Re: cord blood banks (Viacord)

Posted by cloddy

From reading these responses, I'm still not clear if your own child has a problem can their own cord blood help them or will it only help another family member?

It depends on what is wrong with your child.

There are very few applications at the moment, but there is a ton of research being done that is creating new uses. I banked the blood more for the possibility of additional advancements in five years.

Posted 11/28/05 8:28 AM

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