Great idea to do a newborn update Chat Icon

DS is 4 weeks old tomorrow and he had a well visit this week and is 9 lbs, 9 oz.

I'm exclusively pumping and he eats like a champ- 4 ounces every 3-4 hours.

No STTN here, he wakes up twice a night for feedings but he's a really sweet baby and usually goes back to sleep within an hour of eating.

He is starting to hold up his head and jerk it when I'm trying to burp him. The ped said we can start tummy time on playmats now, he also hold his pacifier in place with both hands Chat Icon

How early did you/are you taking your newborns into the outside world? I get so nervous with the weather and cold/flu season. (I don't mean the grocery store or mall, more like friends houses, holiday family gatherings where there will be children,etc).