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Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by MC09

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time

I think we should be focusing on the top tier salaries, not the bottom tier salaries....

Very true but many deserve what they make.

Why is it when this discussion comes up that the CEO deserves to make $50M salary, but the guy who cleans the toilets and stocks the shelves and packs the online orders deserves to eat out of a dumpster? Can the CEO not live a nice life on $5M or is that slumming it? The difference sure would go a long way towards keeping the lower workers who keep the company afloat from splitting a cardboard box under a bridge with 4 roommates and needing public assistance just to eat.

And why does all the money for increased wages have to come from the consumer? The consumer already paid the wages for the company's employees. It's just that like vultures the top tier management pulled up to the buffet first and ate it all and left the scraps for the lower workers and then passed the buck to keep their employees from starving on to the tax payer. Then they turned around and bought the politicians to eat the whole public assistance system. You can't have it both ways.

If the CEO can't survive on $5M salary then maybe he/she needs to buy fewer Starbucks lattes and pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

ITA some salaries are just insane but then on the other hand, many of us run out the door at 5pm while people who might make a lot more are working many hours later, maybe leaving their families for extended periods of time. Do you think a 15 year old flipping fries should make the same as a CEO or even just a manager who is working many more hours and have more responsibilities? Where is the line then how much we all make? Just like all kids get trophies. No one gets the best this or improved that. No one wants competition anymore and that is why motivation goes down as why should I put in more time at work when Joey at Wendy’s is going to make the same amount of money as me who for the majority of teens (as I see some have had to support their families) are working for some spending money and some savings?

Posted 1/15/21 5:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by blu6385

Posted by MC09

Posted by blu6385

I didn’t read all the responses but I’m going to stand by my standard statement of where are we getting all this money to pay for it.

And really another round of stimulus checks. Why are we giving money to people who did not lose income???!!!!

Why are we giving PPP loan money to giant billion dollar corporations and wealthy individuals to buy yachts with instead of the small businesses that actually needed it to survive?

Good question why are we?

How about the government actually take the time and figure out how to give money to people and businesses that actually need it instead of just blindly giving it out.

Because that means they would actually have to work for their average $174,000 salary.

Posted 1/15/21 5:14 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Not every teen and young adult has their parents to fall back on to pay their bills so their wages are "spending money" to buy candy and video games. And yes, they have bills. Not every kid has help paying for a car, insurance, gas, etc. I know it's crazy for some people to understand, but some teens work just to help their family keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Some students are fully funding their own education. Some adults work minimum wage jobs. I know it's beneath a lot of LIers, but not everyone works a corporate career and just because someone works a minimum wage job doesn't mean they deserve less respect and dignity than the person in charge of making the decisions.

Posted 1/15/21 5:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by queensgal

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by queensgal

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by BFNY516

My only concern at this juncture is the min wage should be $20 an hour.

Are you serious?

Minimum wage jobs were not meant to be “careers”. We need to focus on how to get employees in minimum wage jobs the education or skills they need to get a career. Not a “job”

Sorry, but the kid bagging my groceries doesn’t deserve $20 an hour. The adult bagging my groceries deserves access to skills and knowledge to get them moved up to either a management position in their minimum wage JOB or another field.

Exactly. That only will have people try to do the minimum in life and no competition for jobs. Why should someone bagging groceries made a few dollars less than myself for the amount of work and years of experience I have? Why would I bother working my butt off, going over and beyond working more hours than needed, if I could work at an entry level job and make the same?

Your comments are so ignorant. What is your logic for saying there will be no competition for jobs if we pay people (who need to stay alive in order to work) a living wage?

Your argument of wanting to prevent benefit for others because you want to maintain some predefined distance between them and you to maintain your feeling of supremacy is disgusting. Work on bettering your own life/career and don’t deny others access to basic wages, healthcare etc.

You are a white supremacist. You are the problem in America, not people seeking to work and use that work to provide for themselves. And if you say “oh no that’s not me” then realize you are aiding and abetting them and adopting their policies, which is just as bad.

What will it take to wake you up? Your very argument is what the republicans use to manipulate you into voting against your own best interests. It’s how they turn you against anyone “below” in some sort of class war. Meanwhile, they continue to exploit all of us and give the rich and corporations tax breaks. It’s sad how easily you fall into it.

Wow you can’t be serious. Why would I want a teenager living at home having no bills making a few dollars more than someone who has degree. Or someone who owns a home and has a family and bills.
You sound very previleged and no clue how people really live.

You have no respect for other people.

I feel sad that you have children. I hope they are more positively influenced by their friends and classmates so they grow up to be kinder members of society.

Do you make minimum wage? Does your husband? Not all adults make over minimum wage and it makes no sense for a teenager looking to make gas money and spending money to make the same or more than an adult who has children and a home.

Why would you feel sorry for my children? Just like myself, you work your way up in life and a teenager should not be making the same amount of money as their parents who have jobs with more responsibilities and real bills to pay. Parents who have worked 20 and 30 years.

So, if I am reading this right minimum wage shouldn't be increased because it wouldn't be fair to YOU? Might I suggest that if you are unhappy with your salary you go look for a higher paying job. You don't get to keep others down just so you can feel better about yourself and what you make. Minimum wage is an absolute joke and as a society we should do better in providing people with better work opportunities and better pay because when one does better we all do better as a whole. If 2020 has taught people anything is that lower wage workers are essential to our communities, we should pay them more than pennies.

Also, MANY teens work not for "fun money" but to help support their families, buy a car, fund their college accounts. etc. If they are working the same minimum wage job as an adult then they deserve the same money. Period. I had many friends that NEEDED to work (sometimes TWO jobs) just so they would have money to get by because their families didn't have much money.

Your comments are not only tone deaf but insensitive.

No it is not fair to any person who has worked themselves up the ladder and also struggled. I do think minimum wage is a joke but if it goes up, then every other salary would have to go up as why would I as a manager want to take on more responsibilities than someone flipping a burger (and yes I have had minimum wage jobs and worked in the food business).
I am sure your husband doesn’t have the position he does and the salary because he does the bare minimum and has minimal responsibilities.
I also don’t think companies can afford to keep all on to work if they have to pay more and then it defeats the purpose as now you have the same amount of work and less workers. How will companies pay $8 more to their workers? How will the managers feel when a 15/16 year old comes in and makes the same amount they do to do less work and have less experience?
My husband has worked 2 jobs many times for different reasons and I took a pay cut so I know what it means to struggle. Any privilege I have is because we have worked our butts off for over 30 years and we still don’t make lucrative money. As I have gotten older I feel smaller is better for us and we make it work. I am much happier even though I make less. We could both go back to school to make more but we find it unnecessary as we have no need to keep up with the Jones’. I do believe though that someone who is in high school, inexperienced, who hasn’t put in the blood, sweat and tears should be making the same amount of money.
I do agree minimum wage should go up but you are putting it hard on not only businesses but the people who work for them as hours will be cut to accommodate the pay increase.

Posted 1/15/21 5:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by MC09

Not every teen and young adult has their parents to fall back on to pay their bills so their wages are "spending money" to buy candy and video games. And yes, they have bills. Not every kid has help paying for a car, insurance, gas, etc. I know it's crazy for some people to understand, but some teens work just to help their family keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Some students are fully funding their own education. Some adults work minimum wage jobs. I know it's beneath a lot of LIers, but not everyone works a corporate career and just because someone works a minimum wage job doesn't mean they deserve less respect and dignity than the person in charge of making the decisions.

ITA with this but I think some people are so far beyond minimum wage they want to give to understand.

Posted 1/15/21 5:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1187 total posts


Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

I don’t think you should have to give blood’ sweat and tears to a job or work a ton of overtime or stay late, giving 300% each day, never take a day off, etc just for a decent wage and basic employment benefits, or to hopefully move up to a title without the proper pay increase.

Most Americans don’t even use all their sick time. We as a nation are overworked and underpaid and under - benefited.

Message edited 1/15/2021 5:46:35 PM.

Posted 1/15/21 5:44 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by MC09

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time

I think we should be focusing on the top tier salaries, not the bottom tier salaries....

Very true but many deserve what they make.

Why is it when this discussion comes up that the CEO deserves to make $50M salary, but the guy who cleans the toilets and stocks the shelves and packs the online orders deserves to eat out of a dumpster? Can the CEO not live a nice life on $5M or is that slumming it? The difference sure would go a long way towards keeping the lower workers who keep the company afloat from splitting a cardboard box under a bridge with 4 roommates and needing public assistance just to eat.

And why does all the money for increased wages have to come from the consumer? The consumer already paid the wages for the company's employees. It's just that like vultures the top tier management pulled up to the buffet first and ate it all and left the scraps for the lower workers and then passed the buck to keep their employees from starving on to the tax payer. Then they turned around and bought the politicians to eat the whole public assistance system. You can't have it both ways.

If the CEO can't survive on $5M salary then maybe he/she needs to buy fewer Starbucks lattes and pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

ITA some salaries are just insane but then on the other hand, many of us run out the door at 5pm while people who might make a lot more are working many hours later, maybe leaving their families for extended periods of time. Do you think a 15 year old flipping fries should make the same as a CEO or even just a manager who is working many more hours and have more responsibilities? Where is the line then how much we all make? Just like all kids get trophies. No one gets the best this or improved that. No one wants competition anymore and that is why motivation goes down as why should I put in more time at work when Joey at Wendy’s is going to make the same amount of money as me who for the majority of teens (as I see some have had to support their families) are working for some spending money and some savings?

So, you're saying that everyone will just want to work at McDonald's flipping burgers being yelled at by the public for thinking extra pickles meant 8 slices instead of 12 because where's the incentive now that minimum wage would be so lucrative what with it being brought to a livable standard over the course of 6 years for the first time since 1970whatever? Interesting theory.

By the way there are a lot, like A LOT of workers putting in a ton of hours with very little or nothing to show for it. At least the minimum wage earner is getting paid OT for the extra hours worked. But there are a lot, again A LOT, of salaried employees working round the clock without additional compensation. It's a fantasy to think that everyone working 80 hours a week at their corporate job will somehow be rewarded for that work. Do you know how many people slaving away at their desk are rewarded? By getting EVEN MORE work piled on for a job well done. "You've done such an excellent job here. Here's 75 more accounts to manage. I'm confident you can handle it. What's that? You haven't had a raise in 4 years? Well make it 5. It's just not in the budget. We've had to make a lot of cut backs. Actually, come to think of it, you could do with a little less pay." And no amount of travel or hours worked or high stakes decision making is worth the ceo making 1000x more than the company's employees.

Has Clark Griswald taught you nothing about how corporate bonuses work?

Message edited 1/15/2021 6:06:24 PM.

Posted 1/15/21 5:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Posted 1/15/21 5:57 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by LittleDiva

just replace them with automated computers.

There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

That's already happening.

And Chat Icon at your last statement.

Posted 1/15/21 6:00 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by BFNY516

I don’t think you should have to give blood’ sweat and tears to a job or work a ton of overtime or stay late, giving 300% each day, never take a day off, etc just for a decent wage and basic employment benefits, or to hopefully move up to a title without the proper pay increase.

Most Americans don’t even use all their sick time. We as a nation are overworked and underpaid and under - benefited.

The American worker would have to be on their death bed to not be expected to take calls, check emails, hop in on conference calls and meetings, answer questions, guide the other idiots, and deal with clients on their "PTO" days. Quality family time? What's that?

Posted 1/15/21 6:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1187 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by LittleDiva

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Ah yes, the drive to work your way to to CEO is so easy, anyone can do it. Just stay a few hours later is all! Take a pay cut!

There are 190k CEOs in the US.
Most are men.
1% are black.

Posted 1/15/21 6:02 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by LittleDiva

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Ah yes, the drive to work your way to to CEO is so easy, anyone can do it. Just stay a few hours later is all! Take a pay cut!

There are 190k CEOs in the US.
Most are men.
1% are black.

Didn't you know people have to eek their way through life working 4 jobs just to eat so they could maybe one day be ceo?

Posted 1/15/21 6:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1187 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by MC09

Posted by BFNY516

I don’t think you should have to give blood’ sweat and tears to a job or work a ton of overtime or stay late, giving 300% each day, never take a day off, etc just for a decent wage and basic employment benefits, or to hopefully move up to a title without the proper pay increase.

Most Americans don’t even use all their sick time. We as a nation are overworked and underpaid and under - benefited.

The American worker would have to be on their death bed to not be expected to take calls, check emails, hop in on conference calls and meetings, answer questions, guide the other idiots, and deal with clients on their "PTO" days. Quality family time? What's that?


Posted 1/15/21 6:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1187 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by MC09

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by LittleDiva

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Ah yes, the drive to work your way to to CEO is so easy, anyone can do it. Just stay a few hours later is all! Take a pay cut!

There are 190k CEOs in the US.
Most are men.
1% are black.

Didn't you know people have to eek their way through life working 4 jobs just to eat so they could maybe one day be ceo?

And the same exact people who don’t believing in paying fair wages also want a booming economy, no foreign debt, no one getting government aid, don’t want people taking on debt for school and want people to pay out of pocket for private insurance.

That’s been working out just swell!

Posted 1/15/21 6:09 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by LittleDiva

There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Btw, not everyone wants to be ceo and not everyone should be charged with heading a company. Some people don't have the mental capacity for it. Trump, for instance.

Posted 1/15/21 6:13 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by MC09

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by LittleDiva

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Ah yes, the drive to work your way to to CEO is so easy, anyone can do it. Just stay a few hours later is all! Take a pay cut!

There are 190k CEOs in the US.
Most are men.
1% are black.

Didn't you know people have to eek their way through life working 4 jobs just to eat so they could maybe one day be ceo?

And the same exact people who don’t believing in paying fair wages also want a booming economy, no foreign debt, no one getting government aid, don’t want people taking on debt for school and want people to pay out of pocket for private insurance.

That’s been working out just swell!

They believe in magic.

Posted 1/15/21 6:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by jlm2008

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by queensgal

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by queensgal

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by BFNY516

My only concern at this juncture is the min wage should be $20 an hour.

Are you serious?

Minimum wage jobs were not meant to be “careers”. We need to focus on how to get employees in minimum wage jobs the education or skills they need to get a career. Not a “job”

Sorry, but the kid bagging my groceries doesn’t deserve $20 an hour. The adult bagging my groceries deserves access to skills and knowledge to get them moved up to either a management position in their minimum wage JOB or another field.

Exactly. That only will have people try to do the minimum in life and no competition for jobs. Why should someone bagging groceries made a few dollars less than myself for the amount of work and years of experience I have? Why would I bother working my butt off, going over and beyond working more hours than needed, if I could work at an entry level job and make the same?

Your comments are so ignorant. What is your logic for saying there will be no competition for jobs if we pay people (who need to stay alive in order to work) a living wage?

Your argument of wanting to prevent benefit for others because you want to maintain some predefined distance between them and you to maintain your feeling of supremacy is disgusting. Work on bettering your own life/career and don’t deny others access to basic wages, healthcare etc.

You are a white supremacist. You are the problem in America, not people seeking to work and use that work to provide for themselves. And if you say “oh no that’s not me” then realize you are aiding and abetting them and adopting their policies, which is just as bad.

What will it take to wake you up? Your very argument is what the republicans use to manipulate you into voting against your own best interests. It’s how they turn you against anyone “below” in some sort of class war. Meanwhile, they continue to exploit all of us and give the rich and corporations tax breaks. It’s sad how easily you fall into it.

Wow you can’t be serious. Why would I want a teenager living at home having no bills making a few dollars more than someone who has degree. Or someone who owns a home and has a family and bills.
You sound very previleged and no clue how people really live.

You have no respect for other people.

I feel sad that you have children. I hope they are more positively influenced by their friends and classmates so they grow up to be kinder members of society.

Do you make minimum wage? Does your husband? Not all adults make over minimum wage and it makes no sense for a teenager looking to make gas money and spending money to make the same or more than an adult who has children and a home.

Why would you feel sorry for my children? Just like myself, you work your way up in life and a teenager should not be making the same amount of money as their parents who have jobs with more responsibilities and real bills to pay. Parents who have worked 20 and 30 years.

A lot of teenagers don’t work for only “spending money and gas money.” That’s a very ignorant and privileged thing to say. I know I didn’t.

So you think they should make $15 or $20 an hour at an entry level job? You had bills at 15 and 16 to pay?

I promised myself I would not respond to you since you are a troll but are you fckn kidding with this???!!!!!!! Yes, I had bills at 15 and 16. Some of us worked to keep our household running, roof over our heads, food on the table, electricity. STFU, your privilege is showing.

Excuse me, I didn’t grow up rich and it was probably barely middle class back then. One salary family. My husband and family lived on welfare, had no support, all kids quit school, had to go into the military as he had no choice. Go or move out at 16. Living in a ton of houses and never really having a stable life. He started working at 14.
Not all kids need to work to pay bills as well as many adults work for extra money and could live without a job.
This is not a clear issue but for people who have gotten themselves out of the struggle and worked their asses off it would not be fair if their hours are cut because everyone will make the same amount of money.

Posted 1/15/21 6:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by BFNY516

I don’t think you should have to give blood’ sweat and tears to a job or work a ton of overtime or stay late, giving 300% each day, never take a day off, etc just for a decent wage and basic employment benefits, or to hopefully move up to a title without the proper pay increase.

Most Americans don’t even use all their sick time. We as a nation are overworked and underpaid and under - benefited.


Posted 1/15/21 6:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by MC09

Posted by LittleDiva

just replace them with automated computers.

There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

That's already happening.

And Chat Icon at your last statement.

Why bother working your way up when you can have less responsibilities and make more money?

Manager - worked their way up for years. Has more responsibilities. Takes work home with them. Always on call. $25 hour let’s say when you look at their salary.

Employee - entry level. Minimal education required. Clocks out and doesn’t worry about their JOB once they leave. $20 an hour as someone thinks minimum wage should be.

No drive to work their way up.

Entrepreneurship would disappear....who is opening up and paying for all these employees at $20 an hour and the rising costs of goods due to increased minimum wage?

I’m just trying to make a point that the person who suggested $20 an hour for minimum wage is off their rocker!! That’s insane.

I can’t argue this anymore. I worked my butt off to get where I am. No one handed me or my husband anything. We’ve both worked two jobs and gone without seeing each other for more than an hour a week. If you really want to be successful you find a way to make it work.

There will be some people that have the cards stacked against them and those are the ones that truly need help. And I don’t believe in just throwing them money. I believe in giving them the tools they need to, training in a trade, childcare so they can go to school or work until they get their feet on the ground.

But to reward people who have no drive to work hard and think they are going to make a living bagging groceries is ridiculous. That’s a JOB. Not a career. And that’s what we need to change. If that’s all you want that’s fine. But if you want to own a home, have a new car, have the newest fashion, always have your hair and nails done, newest cell phone go get yourself a career. Needs vs wants. Live within your means.

Posted 1/15/21 6:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by MC09

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by MC09

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time

I think we should be focusing on the top tier salaries, not the bottom tier salaries....

Very true but many deserve what they make.

Why is it when this discussion comes up that the CEO deserves to make $50M salary, but the guy who cleans the toilets and stocks the shelves and packs the online orders deserves to eat out of a dumpster? Can the CEO not live a nice life on $5M or is that slumming it? The difference sure would go a long way towards keeping the lower workers who keep the company afloat from splitting a cardboard box under a bridge with 4 roommates and needing public assistance just to eat.

And why does all the money for increased wages have to come from the consumer? The consumer already paid the wages for the company's employees. It's just that like vultures the top tier management pulled up to the buffet first and ate it all and left the scraps for the lower workers and then passed the buck to keep their employees from starving on to the tax payer. Then they turned around and bought the politicians to eat the whole public assistance system. You can't have it both ways.

If the CEO can't survive on $5M salary then maybe he/she needs to buy fewer Starbucks lattes and pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

ITA some salaries are just insane but then on the other hand, many of us run out the door at 5pm while people who might make a lot more are working many hours later, maybe leaving their families for extended periods of time. Do you think a 15 year old flipping fries should make the same as a CEO or even just a manager who is working many more hours and have more responsibilities? Where is the line then how much we all make? Just like all kids get trophies. No one gets the best this or improved that. No one wants competition anymore and that is why motivation goes down as why should I put in more time at work when Joey at Wendy’s is going to make the same amount of money as me who for the majority of teens (as I see some have had to support their families) are working for some spending money and some savings?

So, you're saying that everyone will just want to work at McDonald's flipping burgers being yelled at by the public for thinking extra pickles meant 8 slices instead of 12 because where's the incentive now that minimum wage would be so lucrative what with it being brought to a livable standard over the course of 6 years for the first time since 1970whatever? Interesting theory.

By the way there are a lot, like A LOT of workers putting in a ton of hours with very little or nothing to show for it. At least the minimum wage earner is getting paid OT for the extra hours worked. But there are a lot, again A LOT, of salaried employees working round the clock without additional compensation. It's a fantasy to think that everyone working 80 hours a week at their corporate job will somehow be rewarded for that work. Do you know how many people slaving away at their desk are rewarded? By getting EVEN MORE work piled on for a job well done. "You've done such an excellent job here. Here's 75 more accounts to manage. I'm confident you can handle it. What's that? You haven't had a raise in 4 years? Well make it 5. It's just not in the budget. We've had to make a lot of cut backs. Actually, come to think of it, you could do with a little less pay." And no amount of travel or hours worked or high stakes decision making is worth the ceo making 1000x more than the company's employees.

Has Clark Griswald taught you nothing about how corporate bonuses work?

I have gone years without a raise and more worked piled on me so experienced with that.

Sorry but getting yelled at for extra pickles is not the same as getting yelled for possibly loosing a huge account that could make or break a company.

Posted 1/15/21 6:31 PM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Not all kids need to work to pay bills as well as many adults work for extra money and could live without a job.
This is not a clear issue but for people who have gotten themselves out of the struggle and worked their asses off it would not be fair if their hours are cut because everyone will make the same amount of money.

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Message edited 1/15/2021 6:34:39 PM.

Posted 1/15/21 6:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by LittleDiva

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Exactly and while I would love to stand at the door at Walmart and greet people, that job does not warrant $20/hour. Why wouldn’t someone with a lot of responsibilities want to stay at their job when they could do that instead?

Posted 1/15/21 6:35 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by LittleDiva

The more I sit and think about minimum wage the more I wonder how it will help.

As someone suggested raising it to $20 would just in turn raise the cost of doing business and in turn raise prices on everything. Thus putting the person struggling to make ends meet on minimum wage in the same position. I’m fact, I would think initially that many small business would have to let go of employees and bigger companies would just replace them with automated computers. Now unemployment is up. I just don’t get how raising the minimum wage sooo high is beneficial. Yes, it should be raised but not too much.

Some jobs don’t warrant $20 an hour. Sorry, I don’t see it. There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

Exactly and while I would love to stand at the door at Walmart and greet people, that job does not warrant $20/hour. Why wouldn’t someone with a lot of responsibilities want to stay at their job when they could do that instead?

And to add, that’s going to take those type of jobs away from people with special needs. Teens. Etc....

I’d sign up to be a greeter at Walmart for $20 an hour! Sorry I stole your job that you needed but I don’t want to bust my butt for $5 more an hour.

Posted 1/15/21 6:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/20

1831 total posts


Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by MC09

Posted by LittleDiva

just replace them with automated computers.

There will be no drive to work your way up to be a CEO one day.

That's already happening.

And Chat Icon at your last statement.

Why bother working your way up when you can have less responsibilities and make more money?

Manager - worked their way up for years. Has more responsibilities. Takes work home with them. Always on call. $25 hour let’s say when you look at their salary.

Employee - entry level. Minimal education required. Clocks out and doesn’t worry about their JOB once they leave. $20 an hour as someone thinks minimum wage should be.

No drive to work their way up.

Entrepreneurship would disappear....who is opening up and paying for all these employees at $20 an hour and the rising costs of goods due to increased minimum wage?

I’m just trying to make a point that the person who suggested $20 an hour for minimum wage is off their rocker!! That’s insane.

I can’t argue this anymore. I worked my butt off to get where I am. No one handed me or my husband anything. We’ve both worked two jobs and gone without seeing each other for more than an hour a week. If you really want to be successful you find a way to make it work.

There will be some people that have the cards stacked against them and those are the ones that truly need help. And I don’t believe in just throwing them money. I believe in giving them the tools they need to, training in a trade, childcare so they can go to school or work until they get their feet on the ground.

But to reward people who have no drive to work hard and think they are going to make a living bagging groceries is ridiculous. That’s a JOB. Not a career. And that’s what we need to change. If that’s all you want that’s fine. But if you want to own a home, have a new car, have the newest fashion, always have your hair and nails done, newest cell phone go get yourself a career. Needs vs wants. Live within your means.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/21 6:37 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: Biden's 1.9 Trillion Dollar Plan

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by MC09

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by MC09

Posted by valentinesbaby48

Posted by GoldenRod

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time

I think we should be focusing on the top tier salaries, not the bottom tier salaries....

Very true but many deserve what they make.

Why is it when this discussion comes up that the CEO deserves to make $50M salary, but the guy who cleans the toilets and stocks the shelves and packs the online orders deserves to eat out of a dumpster? Can the CEO not live a nice life on $5M or is that slumming it? The difference sure would go a long way towards keeping the lower workers who keep the company afloat from splitting a cardboard box under a bridge with 4 roommates and needing public assistance just to eat.

And why does all the money for increased wages have to come from the consumer? The consumer already paid the wages for the company's employees. It's just that like vultures the top tier management pulled up to the buffet first and ate it all and left the scraps for the lower workers and then passed the buck to keep their employees from starving on to the tax payer. Then they turned around and bought the politicians to eat the whole public assistance system. You can't have it both ways.

If the CEO can't survive on $5M salary then maybe he/she needs to buy fewer Starbucks lattes and pull themselves up by the bootstraps.

ITA some salaries are just insane but then on the other hand, many of us run out the door at 5pm while people who might make a lot more are working many hours later, maybe leaving their families for extended periods of time. Do you think a 15 year old flipping fries should make the same as a CEO or even just a manager who is working many more hours and have more responsibilities? Where is the line then how much we all make? Just like all kids get trophies. No one gets the best this or improved that. No one wants competition anymore and that is why motivation goes down as why should I put in more time at work when Joey at Wendy’s is going to make the same amount of money as me who for the majority of teens (as I see some have had to support their families) are working for some spending money and some savings?

So, you're saying that everyone will just want to work at McDonald's flipping burgers being yelled at by the public for thinking extra pickles meant 8 slices instead of 12 because where's the incentive now that minimum wage would be so lucrative what with it being brought to a livable standard over the course of 6 years for the first time since 1970whatever? Interesting theory.

By the way there are a lot, like A LOT of workers putting in a ton of hours with very little or nothing to show for it. At least the minimum wage earner is getting paid OT for the extra hours worked. But there are a lot, again A LOT, of salaried employees working round the clock without additional compensation. It's a fantasy to think that everyone working 80 hours a week at their corporate job will somehow be rewarded for that work. Do you know how many people slaving away at their desk are rewarded? By getting EVEN MORE work piled on for a job well done. "You've done such an excellent job here. Here's 75 more accounts to manage. I'm confident you can handle it. What's that? You haven't had a raise in 4 years? Well make it 5. It's just not in the budget. We've had to make a lot of cut backs. Actually, come to think of it, you could do with a little less pay." And no amount of travel or hours worked or high stakes decision making is worth the ceo making 1000x more than the company's employees.

Has Clark Griswald taught you nothing about how corporate bonuses work?

I have gone years without a raise and more worked piled on me so experienced with that.

Sorry but getting yelled at for extra pickles is not the same as getting yelled for possibly loosing a huge account that could make or break a company.

The extra pickles was just in reference to your argument that suddenly flipping fast food burgers would become a highly sought-after job.

Posted 1/15/21 6:38 PM
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