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BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

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Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

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BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I plan to take a breastfeeding class. I was just curious if it was common to hire a lactation consultant or join a breastfeeding support group. I feel it would be weird to whip out my boobs in front of others and try to breastfeed.

Posted 2/11/09 4:35 PM
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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

Is that what you do during the class? Yeah, I would totally feel weird. I'm signing up for a class at the hospital I'm delivering at b/c it's included with the Birth classes.

Posted 2/11/09 4:39 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

What hospital are you delivering at? I think it's pretty standard for them to send around an LC in the hospital (at least to get you started).

Posted 2/11/09 4:39 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I took a class that they had offered when I did lamaze at my hospital last pregnancy. Then I gave birth on a sat, and no consultant to teach me... so I ended up teaching myself, with the help of a lactation expert over the phone and a mom on here helped me alot with fms.

My hospital did offer a lactation get together ever weds and wanted to go, but never got there.

Posted 2/11/09 4:39 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I've been going to La Leche Leaugue meeting for a few months so I have a support group established.

Also, my midwives provide lactation support and consult as part of their services.

Posted 2/11/09 4:40 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

Posted by SweetCaroline

What hospital are you delivering at? I think it's pretty standard for them to send around an LC in the hospital (at least to get you started).

I'll be delivering at Yale. They do have a lactation consultant to help you while you are at the hospital. I was just curious if it is common to have one help you after you go home from the hospital. Yale also has a weekly breastfeeding support group.

Posted 2/11/09 4:41 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

Posted by Blissful

I've been going to La Leche Leaugue meeting for a few months so I have a support group established.

Also, my midwives provide lactation support and consult as part of their services.

Midwives sound so wonderful! Are all their services covered by health insurance?

This may be a stupid question but can I use a midwife practice AFTER the baby is born?

Posted 2/11/09 4:42 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

Posted by EricaAlt

Is that what you do during the class? Yeah, I would totally feel weird. I'm signing up for a class at the hospital I'm delivering at b/c it's included with the Birth classes.

No boobie whipping out at the class. At mine we had to bring a stuffed animal for practice Chat Icon

Posted 2/11/09 4:44 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

Posted by Bridex100

Posted by Blissful

I've been going to La Leche Leaugue meeting for a few months so I have a support group established.

Also, my midwives provide lactation support and consult as part of their services.

Midwives sound so wonderful! Are all their services covered by health insurance?

This may be a stupid question but can I use a midwife practice AFTER the baby is born?

All my services are 100% covered by my insurance..... they provide all GYN care after pregnancy as well..... SO my yearly's etc will all be done by them.

My midwife practice is located in Meriden, Ct. They are all Yale Alumni and actually all three teach in the midwifery program at Yale....

Posted 2/11/09 4:47 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I took a BF class which was a waste. I found the lactation consultants in the hospital after I delivered Emerson were great! I had one woman who literally sat with me for 2 hrs. going over everything and showing me tips and techniques.

Posted 2/11/09 5:36 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

As of now, I plan to take the breastfeeding class offered at my hospital as well as take advantage of the lactation coach after delivery. I am not sure about joining support groups (between my mom, two sisters, sister in law, cousins and friends I have plenty of support in BF).

I am also currently reading The ABC's of Breastfeeding and like it so far. I just got to "Phase 2" in the book.

Posted 2/11/09 6:00 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I did a class with DD and it was actually really nice. You get to meet other new moms, they weigh your baby before and after to make sure they are getting enough and you hear how difficult other mom's find the beginning to be.

To be honest, after you give birth, you kind of lose all modestyChat Icon

Posted 2/11/09 6:20 PM

Onward and Upward!

Member since 2/08

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

There are private lactation consultants to come to your home for lessons. You can also hire a baby nurse if you think you will need help in the beginning.

Posted 2/11/09 7:08 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I did all three of those things. I stopped BFing after 2 and a half months.

Posted 2/11/09 8:24 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

i never took a class or attended a group. but my pediatrician's office had a lactation consultant who was a lifesaver... i couldn't have done it without her!

Posted 2/11/09 9:14 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

With my first DD, I took a class and then I had the lactation consultant at the hospital help me get started. She was a big help for the 2 days I was there.

Posted 2/11/09 9:18 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: BF Help: Do you plan to take breastfeeding classes, hire a lactation consultant, or join a breastfeeding support group?

I took a class, which I didn't find all that helpful. I think it was that I didn't care for the instructor.

At the hosptial they had only 2 lactation consultants for an entire maternity wing. I had issues with DD breastfeeding due to some health related issues with her and it was EXTREAMLY frustrating that when I called for the lactation consultant it would take almost 1.5 hours for her to get to my room. Especiallly since DD needed to eat.

DD is now 9 days old and I was just given the go ahead this morning from my pediatrican that I can start breastfeeding DD again (she's been solely on formula since the day after she was born). She's been doing just okay today, but while I can tell she's getting milk, I'm not so sure she's latching correctly and I'm struggling to actually get her on the breast, especially when she's hungry. So, I have a lactation consultant coming to my house tomorrow to help me and to help my confidence in feeding her.

Sorry for being so long winded...

Posted 2/11/09 9:33 PM

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