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what would you do differently?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/11

3708 total posts


what would you do differently?

I am pregnant with DC#2 and I am thinking of what I would do differently this time around.

I am thinking this time:
- I will not rock the baby so he/she will be able to go to sleep on its own
-am having second thoughts about giving paci
-not hold them ALL THE TIME so he/she can learn to play independently

I am just thinking this through. If you have one or more DC did you do anything different or if you plan to have another will you be doing anything differently?

Posted 10/26/11 3:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: what would you do differently?

The only thing I think I really did differently was DD#2 cried more. There were times that I had to attend to DD#1 and DD#2 cried for a little bit.

Both my girls play pretty well independently but I'm not sure if that's anything I did or just their personalities, they are just not snuggly mushy kids.

Posted 10/26/11 3:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/11

3708 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

Posted by Mkr09

Both my girls play pretty well independently but I'm not sure if that's anything I did or just their personalities, they are just not snuggly mushy kids.

thanks for your response.

Interesting......I am wondering if playing independently has to do with teaching them to or if its just their personalities. I wonder.

Posted 10/26/11 3:46 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

Posted by Bella0701

Posted by Mkr09

Both my girls play pretty well independently but I'm not sure if that's anything I did or just their personalities, they are just not snuggly mushy kids.

thanks for your response.

Interesting......I am wondering if playing independently has to do with teaching them to or if its just their personalities. I wonder.

I think it's a bit of both. Both my girls were fine with putting them in a bouncer, exersaucer, tummy mat (as long as they weren't actually on their tummies) and would play fine. So we encouraged that as much as possible.

Posted 10/26/11 3:48 PM

My Loves :)

Member since 1/09

4980 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

With dd2 I didn't want to get into the habit of her needing a bottle to fall asleep. I put her down drowsy and she falls asleep after a few mins. Something dd1 NEVER did because I never really tried. My oldest STILL needs a bottle to sleep and she's over 20m old Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/11 3:55 PM


Member since 7/09

9209 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

DS was great independent baby till around 6m then all hell broke loose.

Around 8m I was at my wits end, I was reading everything, I came across the book "Your self confident baby" and slowly started adapting the parenting style recommended. Nothing short of magic for us.

The author has since passed but left a little legacy, I read her apprentices blogs and follow this method closer each day. I love it. I only wish I knew of it sooner. It would have saved us a ton of money too!

Posted 10/26/11 3:57 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: what would you do differently?

I'd like to say I wouldn't give a pacifer- because she is madly addicted to it and I don't see it ending anytime soon.

But then again- when you are in the THICK of it and so sleeped deprived, I would have given her a crack pipe if it kept her quiet.
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I just feel like I was weak- because I wanted to sleep and wanted quiet in the house- so I can't say I'd do anything different- it's all in the heat of the moment and what you do for your sanity at the time.

Posted 10/26/11 4:08 PM

I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05

3939 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

When I had my second when she was napping, as soon as she would fall asleep in the swing, I transferred her to her pack and play or cradle. I didn't let her stay in the swing for extended periods of time.

Posted 10/27/11 7:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

507 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

I only have one so i am just going on what i see with my friends who have two or more...with alot of them when their second came it was alot easier (as far as not picking up all the time so they become more independant to play on their own) mostly cause the first child depending how old will play with them. As far as sleep and paci no input for you on that one im guilty on both accounts :).

Posted 10/27/11 9:11 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: what would you do differently?

You will be doing so much differently this time around because you won't have the time to do what you did with your first. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/27/11 9:13 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

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Re: what would you do differently?

I'm due with #2 in April and my plan is do just what I did with DS. I'm a go with the flow mom. So I'll go on motherly instinct steered by DC, guided by my mentor moms in my life.

I think DS is turning out quite nicely Chat Icon so I would not change a thing. However, I feel that a good deal is because DS is DS so I will not hold my expectations to be exactly the same.

Posted 10/27/11 9:46 PM

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