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Amnio at 38 weeks

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LIF Toddler

Member since 2/11

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Amnio at 38 weeks

(Sorry, this is long... I'm just getting nervous/scared since it's so close to the end!!)

Last night I had my last sono before this baby comes... they're telling me the baby is already measuring 8lb 7oz so it's time to talk options for "intervening"...

Essentially, we can wait and see if I go into labor naturally, but if the baby is measuring too big at that point, they won't let me labor and we'll go right to c-section.

They want me to have an amnio on Monday to see if the lungs are fully developed (I'll be 38 weeks), and if so, they want to induce me, as it could be my only chance at a natural delivery. But that being said, I know so many women who have labored (naturally or through induction) and had to have c-sections anyway due to different scenarios, so there are really no guarantees. They won't induce before 39 weeks without confirming the maturity of the lungs.

DH is very set on me having the amnio and going for induction, but I'm starting to get nervous about having the procedure done so late in the game. How safe is it to have this done? Is this my only option? I feel like this is pretty invasive so far along, but I understand the need of the dr's to be completely sure before going forward with an induction.

Also, what if they test me and the lungs aren't fully developed?? Then I have to have a c-section no matter what?

My first big parenting decision and I don't know what to do Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/13 7:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

OK this IMO and you have to do what you feel is best, but if I was in your situation, I would not do it. If they wanted to induce me just because the baby was weighing too big, I would say no. People deliver large babies vaginally all the time. My sister and I were both over 9 lbs. Plus, those growth sonos are not completely accurate.

I'm very against interventions though and like to let birth and labor happen naturally, unless there is a serious medical concern. To me, having a large baby is not a medical concern, and I'd rather wait and let things happen naturally.

Is there any other reason they want to induce or only because they feel the baby is too big?

Again, I have strong feelings on this. You have to go with what YOU are comfortable with and what you feel is right.

Posted 11/15/13 8:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/11

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Amnio at 38 weeks

Sorry to crash, but I wouldn't induce at 38 weeks because the baby seems large. At one of my last sonos they told me DS was well over 9 pounds and wanted to induce me also, but I decided to wait (he was born 8 pounds). My friend's doctor pushed her to have a C section because they told her that her baby was on the large side and he was a little over 7 pounds when he was born. Those growth sonos where they estimate baby's weight always seems inaccurate.

If I were in your shoes I would wait it out. GL!!!

Posted 11/15/13 8:16 AM

LIF Adult

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Amnio at 38 weeks

I think that's crazy. Those measurements tend to be off up to a pound in either direction. You are full term at this point, why would they think the lungs aren't mature? I would not do the amnio at this stage. Sounds like the doctors just want to do the easy thing, schedule an induction or C.

Posted 11/15/13 8:24 AM

LIF Adult

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Amnio at 38 weeks

i gave birth to 2 children over 9lbs. My secondwas almost 10lbs. I say wait.

Posted 11/15/13 8:55 AM


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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

i wouldnt do it - i would want to wait to see if i progress on my own

i am surprised they want to an amnio and induce all because of an estimated weight that they admit are not 100% accurate.

IMO unless you or the baby are at risk (low fluid etc), i would try to hold off on induction

Posted 11/15/13 9:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I personally would not get an amnio just because the baby is measuring bigger. I was induced at 38 weeks due to elevated bp and vaginally gave birth to an 8 lb baby. All was fine but I would not go for an induction again unless medically necessary.

Message edited 11/15/2013 9:45:11 AM.

Posted 11/15/13 9:40 AM

L'amore vince sempre

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Mrs. B

Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

If I were you I probably would not let them induce me at this stage.

Plenty of women have given birth vaginally where the baby weighed over 8lbs.

Plus, it's my opinion that most Doctors were wrong when they told patients how big their babies were measuring inutero.

My good friend was told her DS would most likley be born close to 9lbs. He weighed in at 7lbs.

Your body knows how much it can handle. I feel like a lot of Doctors today love to induce for things that are not medically necessary.

Posted 11/15/13 9:50 AM

My sweet boy

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Amnio at 38 weeks

Do you have GD? I know a concern with that is babies with GD moms tend to be bigger in the middle and can have problems during a vag delivery.

Posted 11/15/13 9:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

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Amnio at 38 weeks

i wouldn't - they were at least a pound off (higher) in what they estimated DS weight to be. I thought I was have close to a 9 lb baby and he was under 8. Def not reason for an amnio IMO!!!!

Posted 11/15/13 10:03 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

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Amnio at 38 weeks

I had an amnio at 17 weeks. I can't comment on getting induced or anything as I had my DS at 37 weeks and they NEVER even questioned the lungs.

If you have questions about the actual amnio let me know. IMO the actual procedural isn't that bad. Its sono guided so they will be no where near the baby. The stress and anticipation of the procedure is worse then the actual thing.

IMO at 38 weeks you are full term (or used to be until the new guidelines) so I wouldn't be as concerned as having one earlier on.

Posted 11/15/13 10:08 AM

One more?

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

Totally jmo as well, but I would in no way do an amnio at this point, and a doctor that is suggesting things like this and a c-section bc the baby "might" be too big, makes me nervous too... Sorry. Unless he/she has other reasons... Stick to your gut and do what you think is best! Also, not that it's ideal, but I had two friends deliver at 37 & 38 weeks this year.... Both babies are/were completely fine.

Posted 11/15/13 10:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I'm sorry. But this scream of you dr thinking he doesn't want to deliver a baby on thanksgiving, so lets just induce now and avoid that.

I would wait. Those growth songs are soooo of. My ds was estimated to be over 9 lbs, he was born 7 lbs 10 oz.

This is not a medically necessary induction- the health of you and your baby are not in danger.

Posted 11/15/13 11:08 AM

My heart is full

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

Posted by jax1023

I'm sorry. But this scream of you dr thinking he doesn't want to deliver a baby on thanksgiving, so lets just induce now and avoid that.

I would wait. Those growth songs are soooo of. My ds was estimated to be over 9 lbs, he was born 7 lbs 10 oz.

This is not a medically necessary induction- the health of you and your baby are not in danger.

I tend to agree with this. I was only a few days late when my dr wanted to induce, and looking back, I honestly think it was because it was the week before Xmas. They never really gave me a good medical reason for the induction, but being a FTM, I went for it. After laboring for a day, I ended up with a c-section. Not fun. So, I'd wait it out and see.

Posted 11/15/13 11:33 AM

I love my kiddies!

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I wouldn't do it. It's invasive and who knows how large the baby really is. Does this dr have a vacation planned or something? Seriously.

DS was born at 38 weeks and they never questioned his lungs. I went into labor and he was breech so out he came!

I know many people who had 9+ lb babies vaginally.

Posted 11/15/13 11:52 AM

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Amnio at 38 weeks

This my opinion and strictly JMO.. at my 37 or 38 week sono, they told me DD was already at 8.5 lbs. With my petite size, and me being no where near labor, I was told to be prepared for C. DD was breech untlil 37 weeks, so I had to schedule a C anyway, but she flipped but they told me keep the date. Anyway, I was induced two days after my due date and I labored for 2 days in the hospital.. when DD was born she was barely.. barely 7 lbs!!

I would never go off those growth sonos.. if you are not in labor if the baby is fine, just wait it out.

Message edited 11/15/2013 12:59:10 PM.

Posted 11/15/13 12:58 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/11

454 total posts


Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

thank you so much for everyone's feedback. I really appreciate it because my mind has been spinning and I've been feeling really torn on what to do. I'm not opposed to waiting and seeing how things progress but the dr's have also kind of instilled this thought of "this could be your only chance at a natural birth and if you wait you'll be too big and they won't let me labor..."

I would really prefer not to induce either. DH has kind of had a strong opinion in the other direction where he wants to intervene because he doesn't want CS to be the only option based on what the dr is suggesting about the growth of the baby if we wait.

again, not sure where this leaves me but I definitely appreciate everyone's opinions because I really feel like I don't know what to do.

ETA: I don't have GD and there doesn't appear to be any medical reason to induce. The main reason they appear to want to induce is because of size and my preference to have a natural delivery. it's hard because I want to trust my dr's but I know that those growth measurements can be off. their persistence that this could be my only opportunity to go natural and if I wait another week or so and if I don't go into labor he/she could be too big is what is throwing me off.

Message edited 11/15/2013 1:24:30 PM.

Posted 11/15/13 1:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I am pretty against interventions like this.

There doesn't seem to be any medical reason to induce you now. Growth estimates are notoriously off. I refused to be induced, I went into labor on my own 6 days after my due date. I just think...your body was designed to do this. I have heard a lot of stories about failed inductions. I would hate to force the baby out when they were not ready just to end up with a c/s anyway.

Posted 11/15/13 1:38 PM

My Princess is Here!

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I agree with all the other posters.

Def NO amnio, and no induction because baby is too big. Induction doesn't guarantee a vaginal delivery anyway, and having to be induced raises your chances of cesarian bc of the interference of drugs.

If there's no medical reason, I would let baby do it's own thing. I doubt your baby is going to gain like an astronomical amount of weight in 3 weeks. Even if it's 9lbs or even closer to 10 doesn't mean you can't deliver vaginally.

As for your have to do what you think is best. DH will eventually understand that. Maybe explain to him how induction works and why you don't want to be induced, etc

Posted 11/15/13 3:43 PM

2 under 2!

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

Sorry you are dealing with is Chat Icon

I would just say to trust your gut. As you know I had DD at 38 weeks and they never even mentioned lung maturity to me. Also you said you're not totally sure of your due date so while you are 38 weeks on paper you could actually be 39. I would wait on the amnio and if you have to induce do it at 39 weeks. The baby won't gain that much in a week.

Good luck with your decision. Talk to DH and decide what is best for you guys and the baby.

Posted 11/15/13 4:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I also have VERY strong feelings about this but IMO there is absolutely no reason to mess with mother nature here. Baby is healthy and growing well, you are healthy, why would they consider delivering a baby that is still cooking? If you feel strongly about a natural birth then let your body do the job it is suppose to do, you aren't talking about a 2 week postdate baby. The growth sonos can definitely be off and my OBGYN doens't even do them UNLESS there is some sort of medical issue as they aren't really that useful. Plenty of tiny women give birth to large healthy babies, and just as many large women have trouble delivering small babies. Size is not that big of a factor. Good luck and go with your gut but do not let your doctor bully you into a decision you aren't comfortable with.

Edited to add- I would also be concerned with a doctor who feels you might need a c-section before you even make it through the hospital doors. How hard is he going to try to let you have a vaginal birth if he is already preparing you for an inevitable failure?

Message edited 11/15/2013 5:02:52 PM.

Posted 11/15/13 5:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/13

1843 total posts


Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

Posted by jax1

OK this IMO and you have to do what you feel is best, but if I was in your situation, I would not do it. If they wanted to induce me just because the baby was weighing too big, I would say no. People deliver large babies vaginally all the time. My sister and I were both over 9 lbs. Plus, those growth sonos are not completely accurate.

I'm very against interventions though and like to let birth and labor happen naturally, unless there is a serious medical concern. To me, having a large baby is not a medical concern, and I'd rather wait and let things happen naturally.

Is there any other reason they want to induce or only because they feel the baby is too big?

Again, I have strong feelings on this. You have to go with what YOU are comfortable with and what you feel is right.

this. I hate to sound like a pessimist or like i have no faith in the medical field...but I feel they are often too gung ho to intervene in what should be a natural process. they look at things as a surgical issue bc that's how their mind works.

1) the baby's weight is an ESTIMATE and can be a difference of 15% of what they say.

2) a woman's body is made to adapt to a child during the birthing process. I would be concerned that they are making it seem like you can't deliver naturally just bc baby is big. Female anatomy says otherwise.

Posted 11/15/13 7:40 PM

Somewhere in Westeros

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

I would just like to say that my baby measured big all along and they swore she was going to be 8.5+ lbs...I was 9 days late by the time she came out via c-section after a failed induction and she was 7lbs 1oz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally, I would refuse the amino and wait until 39 weeks to see what happens. I would probably then let them induce me at 39 weeks if they felt it was really necessary.

This is assuming EVERYTHING else looks good and baby and I were in good health.

Posted 11/15/13 9:00 PM

LIF Adult Cat

Member since 6/12

1308 total posts


Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

Posted by lucky1007

I agree with all the other posters.

Def NO amnio, and no induction because baby is too big. Induction doesn't guarantee a vaginal delivery anyway, and having to be induced raises your chances of cesarian bc of the interference of drugs.

If there's no medical reason, I would let baby do it's own thing. I doubt your baby is going to gain like an astronomical amount of weight in 3 weeks. Even if it's 9lbs or even closer to 10 doesn't mean you can't deliver vaginally.

As for your have to do what you think is best. DH will eventually understand that. Maybe explain to him how induction works and why you don't want to be induced, etc

100% agree
"and having to be induced raises your chances of cesarian bc of the interference of drugs."

my previous ob changed my due date because of the size of my baby, making it seem like i was over due when i technically wasn't. then because he was so big, asked me to go to hospital for induction. tried for 24 hours straight & ended up with a C. he was born 8.8lbs and the OB said he was waaay too big for me to have tried delivering vaginally.
i changed OB's.
current one says there is no reason i needed that C. which goes to show you, they all have different philosophies.
if i knew what i know now, i would have said no to a lot of things, including induction. HTH Chat Icon

Posted 11/15/13 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/13

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Re: Amnio at 38 weeks

after watching pregnant in america it's crazy to watch them compile the actual numbers of how many C-sections, inductions, interventions are happening compared to the past and how these things are scheduled on weekdays instead of weekends, especially before holiday weekends. Just really makes you wonder how many of these doctors really have their patients best interest at heart.

Posted 11/15/13 9:39 PM
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