All That And A Bag Of Chips: Coping and Effectively Dealing With Your Teenage Daughter's "Princess" Period
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Anyone who has a teenage daughter knows that raising her can be a veritable “mine” field.
According to psychologists, adolescent girls are in a stage of egocentricity. That’s not to say that our girls are “egotistical”, but that they frequently experience difficulty “thinking outside the box” and past their own personal points of view.
Professionals point our that this behavior is typical and normal and stems from young ladies’ inability to fathom anyone else having similar life experiences and issues. And they assure that with the proper love, attention, understanding, and encouragement, it’s only a matter of time before they “mature” and “grow out of it”.
Her selfishness will eventually be replaced by empathy, but in the meantime remember, patience is a virtue….as is helping her see beyond her own concerns. Encourage her to volunteer (bring help to the “less fortunate”, elderly, and lonely) or simple take her out for an afternoon of bonding and inspiration will a chai and a “chick flick”.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
All That And A Bag Of Chips: Coping and Effectively Dealing With Your Teenage Daughter's "Princess" Period