Fighting Work Day Lulls: Catching an Energy Boost
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 By Rachel Derry Staff Writer LIFamilies
By the end of the day you expect to be dragging yourself home after a long day of work. It is perfectly acceptable to do nothing but sit on the couch and lounge for the evening. But, what if that dragging sensation is during the day?
I know that I have had trouble staying awake at my desk before. Your energy level suddenly plummets to zero and you’re using tape to hold your eyelids open. But what can you do when these lulls strike, other than wait it out? There are little tips for your daily routine that can help you boost your energy level.
Sleep. Of course, sleep seems like a redundant ingredient in the recipe, but it really makes the difference. Try sleeping a full 8 hours every night for a week, and see how your energy level has improved. The human body needs to be able to shut down and rebuild for a certain amount of time everyday. When your body doesn’t have enough time to reboot at night you wake up sluggish and not entirely rejuvenated. You are already behind in the game.
Eat and Drink. With the rushing around everyone does to stay ahead often meals are left behind. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which directly affects your energy level. Carbohydrates and proteins are both extremely important components that your body needs to produce its own energy.
Make sure to drink plenty of water as well. When the body is properly hydrated it is running at its fullest potential. Being dehydrated will also make you irritable and cranky, which will bring down your mood and with its corresponding affects. If you wait until you’re thirty to drink then it is already way too late. Most people need to take in at least 48oz of water a day. That sounds like a lot but that’s only 8 full glasses a day. Do your best to reach that goal.
Breathe. Okay, this may sound silly, but only until you try it. When you are at your deepest lull at work, and yawning like there’s no tomorrow, just stop for a minute and take 10 deep breaths. If you can, open a door or window to let some fresh air in. When you’re done, step back and do a self-check. Guaranteed you already feel more revitalized and the yawns have significantly diminished.
Move! Coming from someone who is used to sitting behind a desk all day, I know that you can’t always drop everything and go for a walk. If you can, that’s fantastic! Go for a quick walk, and sure enough your energy level will pop right back up. But if you can’t just go for a walk then take a moment to stretch. Sit up as tall as possible and stretch your chest and back. Rotate your shoulder blades and flex your muscles in your legs. You’ll wake your body up from its state of limbo, and the people around won’t even notice.
Caffeine. Okay, so there will always be a raging debate between people who love and loath caffeine, but it really can come in handy. When you are really low on energy, moderations of caffeine can boost your levels by stimulating your brain, lungs, and heart. Try a cup of good old coffee or tea when you’re running low. Again, you’re always safe if you practice moderation. Caffeine should be avoided after 3pm, though, because then it may interfere with your sleep. Then try a simple protein snack, like a hand full of nuts, for a quick energy boost.
Clutter. Lastly, check the environment around you for little changes that can be made. If there are piles of papers or tons of files scattered around you it may be contributing to your energy lull by stressing you out. Try to organize and eliminate as much of the matter that stresses you as possible. Decorate your work space cheerfully, as you would your home décor. You will come to find that the comfort in your work space will not put you to sleep, but rather encourage you to be there. Hey, you never know, you may even look forward to going to work in the morning! I know it’s a long shot, but you can always try.
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Fighting Work Day Lulls: Catching an Energy Boost