"Working" Toward A Better Future: Building Self-Esteem Through Hard Work And Dedication
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We’ve all accepted the fact that anything worth having is worth working for. This, according to professionals is a very important lesson to impart on our children.
They suggest that success is based on hard work and dedication, not just skill. In fact they cite that most successful individuals attribute their “prowess” to: 5% raw talent and 95% hard work. They key however is identifying what you love, what you do well, and sticking to it, expecting and accepting “failure” and “pitfalls” along the way.
Another principle to impart on youth is that with every trial (and tribulation) arises potential opportunity. Many “artists” at their craft merely accidentally stumbled up it while in “hot pursuit” of something else. However, once the “spark” was ignited, they relentlessly fueled the flame of the torch of their “passion”. It is ok to NOT enjoy something you thought you would and to venture in another direction. Most of all we need to allow our children to understand that there is no such thing as “failure”, only experimentation, exploration, growth, and learning…. and what they learn “can” be very valuable to what they can accomplish.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
"Working" Toward A Better Future: Building Self-Esteem Through Hard Work And Dedication