My son is 21 months old and not always but from time to time he will get fustrated with a toy or when he is asked not to do something he freaks out gets really red some shaking and causes his veins to pop out of his neck. I'm not sure what to do when he acts like this some times he gets more mad when I try to calm him. It will last a minute or less and then he'll move on but it's really scary to look at and it makes me wonder at times, is this a sign he will be difficult in school, will I be getting calls from the teachers that he doesn't like to listen. He never hits us or himself he just will show his fustration BIG time.

I have to say most of the time he is an angel but when he wants to be bad and not listen he can be scary to look at. It's also embarrassing when he does it in front of other people. He's my first so I'm learning.

Will he outgrow this? Any input on what you've experienced, or any advice is greatly appreciated. Chat Icon