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All my son does is cry

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Re: All my son does is cry

These all helped us... (and Similac Sensitive made things worse like pp said):

Colic Drops


Gripe Water

Gas Drops

Rock N Play

They make a RNP with vibration now. DS loved the vibration in his bouncy seat. Wish we had this in his RNP when he was born!!

Also, does your child take to a paci?

Posted 3/17/14 9:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


All my son does is cry

I have Gerber Soothe, Up and Up Sensitive, and Up and Up Advanced. Plus tons of formula coupons, checks, etc.

Posted 3/17/14 12:14 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


All my son does is cry

I called my dr and he recommended the similac sensitive. I am going to give it a try and hope it will help him

Posted 3/17/14 12:28 PM

3 under 3?!

Member since 5/11

2229 total posts


Re: All my son does is cry

Posted by Pinkisles

I called my dr and he recommended the similac sensitive. I am going to give it a try and hope it will help him

If it doesn't help, I'd try alimentum or nutramigen. It could be a milk protein allergy. DS was the same, but once we put him on Axid for reflux and the alimentum, he was a different baby!!

Good luck and I hope your DS feels better.

Posted 3/17/14 12:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/12

901 total posts


All my son does is cry

The combination of gas drops, similac sensitive and playtex ventair bottles worked for us. But it also took time. I agree about the nit ready to be born comment. And my son grew like 6 inches and 10 pounds the first 4 months of life - that's a lot of growing!

By biggest advice is...stay calm and when he does sleep just chill out. Forget dinner, laundry, dishes. He was different with my husband because he is way more laid back then me, I am convinced in a way I was making DS anxious because I was so anxious.

If I could do it over again I would have worn him more and just tried to keep a more positive outlook and perspective. I felt like I was doing something wrong, but I wasn't, he just needed time! Instead of feeling like it was me against him, it would have been helpful to think it was us against whatever was making him upset.

I also realized I had a touch of PPD and PPA...if you need help..reach out!!

Posted 3/17/14 1:08 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: All my son does is cry

The mamaroo was the best thing for DS when he was going through his gassy periods. It seemed as though if he wasn't fed enough or if he was but was gassy then we had a problem.

So, my advice - look into the mamaroo or some kind of swing but the mamaroo is more of a glider - very smooth, very similar to being held. I would swaddle DS and put him in that - and it has white noise built in with MANY settings for movement.

But, more than even that, for us switching from Similac (the one your child is on) to Similac Sensitive for Fussy and Gas HELPED TREMENDOUSLY. It is the one in the orange bottle instead of the blue. Also, we used liquid as the powder upset him too.

The gas drops helped a ton - we used them regularly - as did Gripe Water. The Gripe Water along with using gas drops was a wonderful combination for him. Additionally, our ped told us about a probiotic -- Culturelle makes little powder single packs that you can put into the bottle and mix in. Just follow the directions because you have to put it in the formula, stir, and then let it sit for 10 minutes before feeding. You have to really look to find the powder single serving packs because most probiotics are pill form and he's too little for that -- so, I found it at a great family pharmacy near me (Spage's in Saint James) but if you can't just order it online. Google Culterelle Probiotic Single Serve Powder Packets. That was huge in settling his stomach, keeping his immune system strong, regulating his digestion and keeping him regular consistently.

The swaddling was huge for him -- but each baby is different. My DS needed to be swaddled daily until five months old! But some kids don't like it so maybe he needs to be taken out of the swaddle to be happy? Or put on his side? Or elevated slightly -- some people use wedges or incline the sleeping area a little - that sometimes helps, esp with gas or reflux.

The rock and play is good because they can sleep right next to you while you are in bed -- which is so key when they are that young. DS was with us until just under four months old... in his bassinet. But the mamaroo is so light and easy to move around that you could even have them sleep in that at night next to you - it's low to the ground too so they are right there like with a bassinet or rock and play.

The big thing for us was a combo of: gas drops, gripe water - both consistently and as much as the dosage said you could do. Don't feel bad, it won't hurt them! Ped told us so. And switching to the Similac Orange bottle for fussy/gas and using those priobiotics - one single serve powder pack in a bottle a day -- so just one a day, that's all - you just have to add one pack to one bottle at some point during the day. Then, it was swaddling since DS really loves that.

Beyond that the most important thing was feeding him enough during the day -- he needed every 2-3 hours and sometimes would take as much as 5 then 6-7 ounces at a clip at that age. He was such a bottomless pit the ped told us to put him on cereal at TWO MONTHS OLD. He started solids, stage one at three months!!!! Usually kids don't start that until like 5-6 months! It was crazy! But he needed it and you noticed that he was so much happier once he was satisfied. So, I say as long as he takes it and burps - feed him! Don't feel bad - the formula is so good and he needs it if he is showing interest. We did this as much as we could during the day -- and created a daytime environment so he knew day from night and created a very set routine when getting ready for bed at night - even from day one that was helpful.

Lastly, I think you should order online or buy the DVD "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Karp -- this was HUGE for us. The five S tips and the techniques he shows in the video were LIFE SAVING for DS's happiness. We did the DVD because it SHOWS you what to do vs the book which is SO lengthy and I just didn't have time for that -- the DVD is fifteen minutes and a gateway to heaven! He responded to the techniques AMAZINGLY well. It was literally like magic. I buy that DVD for every expectant mom I know. DH and I always joke about what we would have done without that DVD.

I hope all of this helps you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA - if it helps the Philips ADVENT bottles were best for him -- as well as the technique of holding him under the chin to burp... take your hand and hold him right at his jaw while he is propped on your knee in a seated position - slightly hunched over and supported with your hand that is holding his jaw -- and just pat with the other hand on the back -- The nurses in the hospital showed us this, it is how they do it - So helpful and gets rid of gas.

Message edited 3/17/2014 1:33:38 PM.

Posted 3/17/14 1:28 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


All my son does is cry

Thanks everyone for all of the advice. Hopefully he will be a happier little guy because he is just too cute to be sad

Posted 3/17/14 2:17 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 9/08

418 total posts


Re: All my son does is cry

New formula (try gentlease and if that does not work maybe nutramigen), new bottles, fisher price rock n play, and if you need to get things done try a wrap or sling to keep him on you while your hands are free. It will get better!! Good luck!!

Posted 3/17/14 6:49 PM

L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05

9320 total posts

Mrs. B

All my son does is cry

DS was colic - it was a miserable 6 months of his life and ours. He just cried and cried and cried. I slept on the couch for the first 3 months with him on my chest. It was the only way he would sleep.

We brought him to a gastro and ENT. We did six formula changes before finding the right combination that worked for him. Our magic formula was Similac Alimentum, Zantax and Mylanta using the Playtex Ventaire bottles.

DS was worse on Sensitive, it just made him even more miserable. If he is colic, he needs something that is broken down as much as possible so his digestive system does not have to do so much work. Sensitive is geared more towards gassy babies and IMO will not help a baby with colic.

Also, try feeding less more often and burp after every ounce. I know it sounds time consuming (it is!) but it helps them out a lot if they don't have too much to digest at once. Keep him upright for at least 30 minutes after he feeds. I also recommend using ready to feed versus powder. The powder creates extra gas bubbles when you mix it.

IMO gripe water and gas drops are useless. My doctor agrees and says there are no studies that show they truly do anything. I prefer giving an ounce of warm camomile tea to soothe gas and upset tummies. I see actual results using it rather than gas drops. I give this to DD (she's 3 months).

Ultimately, the only TRUE thing that made it all better was time. Hang in there and try to enjoy this time as much as possible. Before you know it a year will have passed and you won't even remember how you got there. Good Luck!!

I wanted to add that 4 weeks is a growth spurt period as are the 6-8 weeks. Your DS will definitely change during these weeks and may seem extra fussy. Hang in there...the one month period is when the sleep deprivation kicks in HARD on parents and it is mentally and physically draining.

Message edited 3/17/2014 7:46:55 PM.

Posted 3/17/14 7:38 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: All my son does is cry

Posted by Pinkisles

I called my dr and he recommended the similac sensitive. I am going to give it a try and hope it will help him

This was the only one that worked for ds#2 (the orange one) and we tried 4 different ones for him. But it had to be ready to feed bottle, not powdered. Powdered made him worse.

RNP was a lifesaver for us. Swaddle and RNP.

gripe water, colic calm and every other drops out there... didn't work for us.

Sometimes the only thing that would calm him down is to put him on the couch (we have a warm fuzzy blanket on the couch for the dog), lay him on his side, hold his legs/arms and with the other hand put the pacifier in his mouth while shushing him. I honestly was afraid something was wrong with him. Chat Icon

he did have bad reflux so i'm sure that helped. Once we got the meds and formula worked out, he got better.

It took 3 months. It was a LONG 3 months.

My husband worked rotating nights and of course i tried keeping everything normal for ds#1 who was 3 1/2. Thank god he was old enough to understand. I'd be bouncy #2 while he was screaming and sitting on the floor with #1 reading his bedtime books. Chat Icon Chat Icon

good luck!!!! SO tough and frustrating but you will get through it. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/17/14 8:34 PM
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