109 Coverly Place Melville, NY 11747
516 220 6471
This is what Dr. Roberta Karant, Director of Education for THDC says;
“I heard Stefan Deutsch give a talk about his ideas four years ago and my first reaction was, ‘Wow. I had never heard concepts on human development, psychotherapy or love that were comparable. Simple, intuitive, experiential, logical – but most of all – they rang true. I thought this is someone I have to work with – he is going to change the world.’ A lot of people are called Foremost Experts in this or that field. I don’t believe it applies to anyone more than Stefan as far as the realms of love, loving, healing or developing human potential are concerned. I’ve been working with Stefan Deutsch ever since, and have witnessed the power of his ideas in our work as well as in my own practice and life firsthand.“
Why do most people get married - why did you? Or wanted to?
We did a study with hundreds of couples, married, about to get married, both first timers and second timers. Here are the top reasons people get married..READ MORE
Learn the most effective way to Develop your Child's Full Potential.
Sports, healthy foods, good schools and computers, and good neighborhoods are the minimum you try to invest in your child’s successful development. You should feel good about your sacrifices and effort. But will it guarantee your child’s success in their careers and relationships? Read more on Parenting...
