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Homework grade - question

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2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Homework grade - question

So my DS is in 7th grade and has a tough science teacher this year but he's doing well.

He had an assignment last week. He told me it was done. I get an email saying it wasn't handed in complete the day after it was due. So I asked him about it when he came home as the email made it seem like he didn't hand anything in. He handed in the 4 page assigment but forgot one label on one of the diagrams. Because of this one label, his assignment was viewed as incomplete and he was given a 50 for turning in a late assigment.

He had the entire assignment 90% complete correctly and 3 pages of it (75%) were perfect. Am I wrong thinking that he deserves more than a 50?

Posted 10/18/22 10:00 AM
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Homework grade - question

My kids are in 9th and 11th and some teachers are so strict with their grading. Im hoping by they being so tough that my kids will learn to be more careful and learn what each teacher expects

Posted 10/18/22 10:09 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by pugmama

My kids are in 9th and 11th and some teachers are so strict with their grading. Im hoping by they being so tough that my kids will learn to be more careful and learn what each teacher expects

I hope so! This is the first year for both of my kids that grading is fairly there with Covid and all. I understand it wasn't complete but it was mostly complete and submitted on time so I thought he should get more than a 50%.

Posted 10/18/22 10:44 AM

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Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by ali120206

Posted by pugmama

My kids are in 9th and 11th and some teachers are so strict with their grading. Im hoping by they being so tough that my kids will learn to be more careful and learn what each teacher expects

I hope so! This is the first year for both of my kids that grading is fairly there with Covid and all. I understand it wasn't complete but it was mostly complete and submitted on time so I thought he should get more than a 50%.

I agree. I think the missing label should’ve been marked as if he labeled it incorrectly.

Posted 10/18/22 11:13 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by Katareen

Posted by ali120206

Posted by pugmama

My kids are in 9th and 11th and some teachers are so strict with their grading. Im hoping by they being so tough that my kids will learn to be more careful and learn what each teacher expects

I hope so! This is the first year for both of my kids that grading is fairly there with Covid and all. I understand it wasn't complete but it was mostly complete and submitted on time so I thought he should get more than a 50%.

I agree. I think the missing label should’ve been marked as if he labeled it incorrectly.

Agreed - that's insane. That one label can not be worth half the grade. There are so many teachers that should really not be teaching. They are sometimes completely ridiculous with their expectations. This is a 7th grader - presumably 12 years old. Give me a break. That's not teaching them anything except that they are set up for failure. And we wonder why our kids are riddled with anxiety these days.

Posted 10/18/22 11:20 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by lululu

Posted by Katareen

Posted by ali120206

Posted by pugmama

My kids are in 9th and 11th and some teachers are so strict with their grading. Im hoping by they being so tough that my kids will learn to be more careful and learn what each teacher expects

I hope so! This is the first year for both of my kids that grading is fairly there with Covid and all. I understand it wasn't complete but it was mostly complete and submitted on time so I thought he should get more than a 50%.

I agree. I think the missing label should’ve been marked as if he labeled it incorrectly.

Agreed - that's insane. That one label can not be worth half the grade. There are so many teachers that should really not be teaching. They are sometimes completely ridiculous with their expectations. This is a 7th grader - presumably 12 years old. Give me a break. That's not teaching them anything except that they are set up for failure. And we wonder why our kids are riddled with anxiety these days.

Thank you for justifying my feelings lol. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy. DS has forgotten homework and stuff - and if that was the case and he turned it in late, he definitely deserved the lower grade IMO - but this was submitted on time.

Posted 10/18/22 11:27 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/19

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Homework grade - question

Completely ridiculous! A missing label is not worth 50 percent of the grade, he is in 7th grade. There are college professors that are more reasonable and lenient. The only thing g he may be learning is that teacher is a tough grader with his own rules that are not so reasonable.

Posted 10/18/22 11:34 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by lima19

Completely ridiculous! A missing label is not worth 50 percent of the grade, he is in 7th grade. There are college professors that are more reasonable and lenient. The only thing g he may be learning is that teacher is a tough grader with his own rules that are not so reasonable.

I agree. that is some bullshitt if you ask me

Posted 10/18/22 11:35 AM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by lululu

Posted by Katareen

Posted by ali120206

Posted by pugmama

My kids are in 9th and 11th and some teachers are so strict with their grading. Im hoping by they being so tough that my kids will learn to be more careful and learn what each teacher expects

I hope so! This is the first year for both of my kids that grading is fairly there with Covid and all. I understand it wasn't complete but it was mostly complete and submitted on time so I thought he should get more than a 50%.

I agree. I think the missing label should’ve been marked as if he labeled it incorrectly.

Agreed - that's insane. That one label can not be worth half the grade. There are so many teachers that should really not be teaching. They are sometimes completely ridiculous with their expectations. This is a 7th grader - presumably 12 years old. Give me a break. That's not teaching them anything except that they are set up for failure. And we wonder why our kids are riddled with anxiety these days.

Yes—I have a child nearly the same age and this would devastate her. Especially if she worked hard on the rest of the project and was basically handed a 50 because of a small oversight.
If this was a 4-part project and an entire part was missing, then fine. But one label, give me a damn break!!!!!

Posted 10/18/22 11:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

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Homework grade - question

That’s absurd. I could see losing points for missing the label, yes, but not 50 of them!

I wouldn’t let it go. I’d email the AP and point out how completely ridiculous it is. That teacher needs to be called out.

Posted 10/18/22 11:53 AM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Homework grade - question

I teach the Army, and even I wouldn’t do something like that for a regular class.

It’s the beginning of the school year. He should be allowed to redo it or take a barely passing grade. Is this the first assignment? If it were the middle, then I might think differently.

Posted 10/18/22 1:02 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by klingklang77

I teach the Army, and even I wouldn’t do something like that for a regular class.

It’s the beginning of the school year. He should be allowed to redo it or take a barely passing grade. Is this the first assignment? If it were the middle, then I might think differently.

It isn't the first assignment, but the first of this type. He fixed it and submitted it complete, the same day that he found out he was missing the label (he fixed it in class and handed it right back to her).

Posted 10/18/22 1:07 PM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by ali120206

Posted by klingklang77

I teach the Army, and even I wouldn’t do something like that for a regular class.

It’s the beginning of the school year. He should be allowed to redo it or take a barely passing grade. Is this the first assignment? If it were the middle, then I might think differently.

It isn't the first assignment, but the first of this type. He fixed it and submitted it complete, the same day that he found out he was missing the label (he fixed it in class and handed it right back to her).

So wait? He fixed it and still got a 50? Has he made a minor mistake like this before?

Posted 10/18/22 1:12 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by ali120206

Posted by klingklang77

I teach the Army, and even I wouldn’t do something like that for a regular class.

It’s the beginning of the school year. He should be allowed to redo it or take a barely passing grade. Is this the first assignment? If it were the middle, then I might think differently.

It isn't the first assignment, but the first of this type. He fixed it and submitted it complete, the same day that he found out he was missing the label (he fixed it in class and handed it right back to her).

So wait? He fixed it and still got a 50? Has he made a minor mistake like this before?

I guess not as his grades were better before this lol.

Yes- he had to fix it to get the 50%, otherwise it would have been a zero.

Posted 10/18/22 1:16 PM


Member since 7/06

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Völlig losgelöst

Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by ali120206

Posted by klingklang77

Posted by ali120206

Posted by klingklang77

I teach the Army, and even I wouldn’t do something like that for a regular class.

It’s the beginning of the school year. He should be allowed to redo it or take a barely passing grade. Is this the first assignment? If it were the middle, then I might think differently.

It isn't the first assignment, but the first of this type. He fixed it and submitted it complete, the same day that he found out he was missing the label (he fixed it in class and handed it right back to her).

So wait? He fixed it and still got a 50? Has he made a minor mistake like this before?

I guess not as his grades were better before this lol.

Yes- he had to fix it to get the 50%, otherwise it would have been a zero.

Yeah, if it is the first of its kind, then it’s a bit ridiculous. I would take it up with the teacher. I would ask specifically for the assignment instructions and for the teacher’s grading rubric. The teacher should have this.

As a teacher dealing with parents (in my case the students because they are adults) can suck sometimes, the teacher should have a rubric that they base their grade on.

From what you are saying, it doesn’t sound like this label was a necessary part of task completion. I could be wrong, so that’s why I would ask the teacher why.

Posted 10/18/22 1:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

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Re: Homework grade - question

That's unreasonable IMO.

Are you telling me he would have gotten an even lower grade for turning it in as is with that one thing missing? How was it even worth it to take it back and complete it perfectly for only a 50%??

I'm not one to question a teacher's methods, but I'd have some follow up questions for this one.

Posted 10/18/22 3:48 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

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Homework grade - question

That’s a frustrating practice. I teach HS. I have very liberal views on HW. I don’t believe points should be taken off for late work. I grade for mastery of the given standards. I let students have multiple chances to show me they have mastered the standard.

I suggest you encourage the admin at your school to read grading for equity. It has a lot of great practices in it that my school is starting to implement.

Was this max 50% for late work clearly outlined ahead of time? If not I’d contact admin if the teacher wasn’t willing to deal with me.

Message edited 10/18/2022 8:27:07 PM.

Posted 10/18/22 8:22 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by PitterPatter11

That’s a frustrating practice. I teach HS. I have very liberal views on HW. I don’t believe points should be taken off for late work. I grade for mastery of the given standards. I let students have multiple chances to show me they have mastered the standard.

I suggest you encourage the admin at your school to read grading for equity. It has a lot of great practices in it that my school is starting to implement.

Was this max 50% for late work clearly outlined ahead of time? If not I’d contact admin if the teacher wasn’t willing to deal with me.

It was outlined ahead of time that late work would only get 50% credit but this was handed in on time missing one label on 4 pages of work. Once he added the label and handed it back in, it was late. It was 90% complete/correct and 3/4 was completed perfectly.

Message edited 10/18/2022 9:42:21 PM.

Posted 10/18/22 9:40 PM


Member since 5/05

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Homework grade - question

He handed it in on time and there was an error. It wasn’t late. Ridiculous response from the teacher. I would call the teacher for an explanation.

Posted 10/18/22 10:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Is this the explanation the teacher gave you or the explanation your son gave you? I would reach out to the teacher to figure out what is going on.

Posted 10/19/22 6:53 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by itsbabytime

Is this the explanation the teacher gave you or the explanation your son gave you? I would reach out to the teacher to figure out what is going on.

Totally agree on this one. Email the teacher and find out first.
I did co-teach with a teacher in 8th grade who was very strict about grading. If something wasnt fully complete they only received half credit. But in this case seems to be a little extreme if you are getting all the correct information.

Posted 10/19/22 7:40 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by Diane

Posted by itsbabytime

Is this the explanation the teacher gave you or the explanation your son gave you? I would reach out to the teacher to figure out what is going on.

Totally agree on this one. Email the teacher and find out first.
I did co-teach with a teacher in 8th grade who was very strict about grading. If something wasnt fully complete they only received half credit. But in this case seems to be a little extreme if you are getting all the correct information.

I did respond to her email that she had sent to tell me it was not complete I said my son told me he added the label. She responded saying that he worked hard throughout the period to make sure the missing parts were complete. I spoke to my son again and he confirmed it was one label on one diagram…

Posted 10/19/22 1:08 PM

My lil cowboy

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Re: Homework grade - question

I am huge on personal responsibility and accountability and I do not like it when parents are overly involved. It's their life. HOWEVER, in this case, I would not let that go. That's BS if that's truly the reason he got a 50. A label? what does that have to do with the substance of the work? Give me a break. Take a point or 2 off.

Posted 10/19/22 1:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by ali120206

Posted by Diane

Posted by itsbabytime

Is this the explanation the teacher gave you or the explanation your son gave you? I would reach out to the teacher to figure out what is going on.

Totally agree on this one. Email the teacher and find out first.
I did co-teach with a teacher in 8th grade who was very strict about grading. If something wasnt fully complete they only received half credit. But in this case seems to be a little extreme if you are getting all the correct information.

I did respond to her email that she had sent to tell me it was not complete I said my son told me he added the label. She responded saying that he worked hard throughout the period to make sure the missing parts were complete. I spoke to my son again and he confirmed it was one label on one diagram…

I would definitely respond back asking the teacher if she has a few minutes to speak and can give you a call. Even what you wrote above is contradictory, she says he worked hard the entire period to complete the missing parts, he says it’s one label (which would obviously not take more than a few seconds to fix). Before getting too worked up about the situation I would have a conversation with the teacher. Maybe she is a jerk or maybe this is a misunderstanding/miscommunication.

Posted 10/20/22 6:13 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: Homework grade - question

Posted by itsbabytime

Posted by ali120206

Posted by Diane

Posted by itsbabytime

Is this the explanation the teacher gave you or the explanation your son gave you? I would reach out to the teacher to figure out what is going on.

Totally agree on this one. Email the teacher and find out first.
I did co-teach with a teacher in 8th grade who was very strict about grading. If something wasnt fully complete they only received half credit. But in this case seems to be a little extreme if you are getting all the correct information.

I did respond to her email that she had sent to tell me it was not complete I said my son told me he added the label. She responded saying that he worked hard throughout the period to make sure the missing parts were complete. I spoke to my son again and he confirmed it was one label on one diagram…

I would definitely respond back asking the teacher if she has a few minutes to speak and can give you a call. Even what you wrote above is contradictory, she says he worked hard the entire period to complete the missing parts, he says it’s one label (which would obviously not take more than a few seconds to fix). Before getting too worked up about the situation I would have a conversation with the teacher. Maybe she is a jerk or maybe this is a misunderstanding/miscommunication.

I questioned him when she wrote that as it didn't make sense - he said he took it, labeled it appropriately and handed it right back, I think her emails are a bit overly dramatic as the first one made it seem like he totally didn't hand anything in...

Posted 10/20/22 8:30 AM
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