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Leaving NY

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


Leaving NY

I can't wait to leave this sh$t state, especially Long Island. I find nothing appealing about the tristate area as a whole.

I always wanted to live in Maine. We vacation there often and i do not mind cold weather. However politically its very much like NY so that may not happen. Our friends are slowly leaving NY and moving to NC and love it there. We will probably end up there but for now my husband cant leave due to his job.

Message edited 12/9/2021 6:23:45 AM.

Posted 12/9/21 6:23 AM
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Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by MrsWoods

I can't wait to leave this sh$t state, especially Long Island. I find nothing appealing about the tristate area as a whole.

I always wanted to live in Maine. We vacation there often and i do not mind cold weather. However politically its very much like NY so that may not happen. Our friends are slowly leaving NY and moving to NC and love it there. We will probably end up there but for now my husband cant leave due to his job.

Maine is beautiful. I love it up there.

My parents moved to NC, they like it because it's still somewhat seasonal if you're not a hardcore heat lover.

Posted 12/9/21 6:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by MrsWoods

I can't wait to leave this sh$t state, especially Long Island. I find nothing appealing about the tristate area as a whole.

I always wanted to live in Maine. We vacation there often and i do not mind cold weather. However politically its very much like NY so that may not happen. Our friends are slowly leaving NY and moving to NC and love it there. We will probably end up there but for now my husband cant leave due to his job.

Maine is beautiful. I love it up there.

My parents moved to NC, they like it because it's still somewhat seasonal if you're not a hardcore heat lover.

Yes i feel at peace when i'm in Maine. Would love a Summer home there in Kennebunkport.

Our friends are moving to the mountain areas in NC so they do get some snow and seasonal weather so it is also a nice option.

Posted 12/9/21 6:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9508 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

I think my thing is I love the beach and I also like to ski and I like having proximity to major international airports to make travel easier and I like living near a major metropolitan area. So I always thought that this was a great place to live but now I realize that to get all these things nearby I have to settle for mediocre beaches, pretty crappy skiing, a dirty city that was ruined in the past few years. So basically all I've got is the airport to get me out of here! Once my kids are out I will split my time between all of my favorite places because I haven't found one place that really has it all. Congrats to those of you who are able to find one place that can satisfy all of your wants and needs. I do wish that existed for me!

Posted 12/9/21 6:47 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by MrsWoods

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by MrsWoods

I can't wait to leave this sh$t state, especially Long Island. I find nothing appealing about the tristate area as a whole.

I always wanted to live in Maine. We vacation there often and i do not mind cold weather. However politically its very much like NY so that may not happen. Our friends are slowly leaving NY and moving to NC and love it there. We will probably end up there but for now my husband cant leave due to his job.

Maine is beautiful. I love it up there.

My parents moved to NC, they like it because it's still somewhat seasonal if you're not a hardcore heat lover.

Yes i feel at peace when i'm in Maine. Would love a Summer home there in Kennebunkport.

Our friends are moving to the mountain areas in NC so they do get some snow and seasonal weather so it is also a nice option.

That would be lovely to have a vacation home there. I'd love to move up anywhere in the New England area, it's so nice.

Posted 12/9/21 6:50 AM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Re: Leaving NY

Posted by hotelcalie

We are moving next year to Delaware!

Do you have kids? The schools there are not very good. Our friends just moved from DE to PA because your only option there is private school and the yearly cost is similar to a state college for each child.

Posted 12/9/21 6:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/12

1014 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by LSP2005

We moved to NJ and love it. Every time we go back to my parent’s home and visit LI I feel sad. It just is not what it once was and you can absolutely see the decline of LI. I feel terrible saying this but NJ has better bagels and pizza. I know, sacrilege, but over the past ten years there has been a substantial decline in LI restaurants. I think people were priced out and moved. I love our school in NJ and NJ is rated number one or two in the US for education. Our roads are a million times better than yours. It is not even funny or a comparison anymore. I don’t know what to say because I know how much you pay in taxes, but you are not getting your money’s worth. NYC under Diblasio is disgusting. We drove by last Sunday and the city is floundering. So many boarded up buildings. The homeless are out and drug dealers are in the streets with zero consequences because you could see deals happening in broad daylight. No police. No one stopping it. I was flabbergasted.

When we first moved to NJ I missed LI and constantly wanted to go back. Now, I cannot imagine moving back to the island.

I love that when living in NJ you can literally move around easily in all directions, it's so nice to not be locked (trapped) by the city. I never deal with traffic anymore either which is amazing. If something is 20 miles away it takes 20 minutes to get there unlike LI where 20 miles means an hour on the road.

I also fell in love with all of the nature and wildlife here, especially the vast amount of hiking trails. I had no idea I even loved to hike until moving to NJ. I don't think I could give up all of the open space and vast amount of nature that I've gotten use to now, I have found that I really love this quieter, more rural way of life. I had NO idea that NJ could be like this.

And I agree with you, so far the schools we are in have been excellent! My kids are very happy and learning so much.

What part of NJ do you live in?
I went to Monmouth University so most of my friends are from New Jersey.
We vacation in LBI and it is my dream town.
People are nicer, the beaches are much less crowded and the water is cleaner.
People laugh at me when I say I like New Jersey better, but Long Island is not what it used to be.
If I could take my teaching salary with me, I would go in a heartbeat. But I only have 13 more years so we’re sort of stuck here.

Posted 12/10/21 4:31 AM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Leaving NY

I have no idea. Id like to be somewhere that leans more liberal, but not to the extremes like NY and California. I cant get down with Florida or the Deep South because of some of the right wing extremes. Id say maybe the mid-west or New England. I'd really have to do my homework though...

Posted 12/10/21 8:47 AM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by Mrs213

I have no idea. Id like to be somewhere that leans more liberal, but not to the extremes like NY and California. I cant get down with Florida or the Deep South because of some of the right wing extremes. Id say maybe the mid-west or New England. I'd really have to do my homework though...

Same here. I love New England and we have been doing our research in CT, RI, MASS, and NH. All beautiful states with excellent public schools, moderetely democratic, safe, clean places to live.

Posted 12/10/21 10:36 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Leaving NY

Probably relocating very soon. Difficult with kids who have friends but sometimes you have to make the decision. Was also thinking the move should be early enough that your kids don’t settle here. If you relocate after they go to college chances are your kids will stay here. I don’t know about any of you but I do not want my children staying here because we are done.

Posted 12/10/21 8:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9508 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by Anotherplease

Probably relocating very soon. Difficult with kids who have friends but sometimes you have to make the decision. Was also thinking the move should be early enough that your kids don’t settle here. If you relocate after they go to college chances are your kids will stay here. I don’t know about any of you but I do not want my children staying here because we are done.

I know, we had friends that moved to SC last year and we plan to retire down there and they were trying to convince us we should move now so our kids want to come back there and settle down after college. Definitely makes sense but now I waited too long and my son would probably resent us for moving him now and want to come back here anyway. He has major issues with letting go of things and change though. I am sure he will be featured on Hoarders one day.

Posted 12/11/21 5:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/16

2921 total posts


Leaving NY

I wouldn't want to leave. Furthest I would go is Westchester or maybe Greenwich because I like the amenities Greenwich has to offer. I would personally love to stay around here, and buy a place out east to go to on weekends and in the summers. Maybe one day!

Posted 12/11/21 7:39 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22134 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by mommy2be716

I wouldn't want to leave. Furthest I would go is Westchester or maybe Greenwich because I like the amenities Greenwich has to offer. I would personally love to stay around here, and buy a place out east to go to on weekends and in the summers. Maybe one day!

Ditto. I actually love Long Island. It’s beautiful! It’s the people and traffic that suck.

Posted 12/11/21 8:43 PM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


Leaving NY

My DH would love to retire out west in Colorado. I just want to be near my DD so wherever she ends up, I’ll go. I like the part of LI that we live in, so I don’t necessarily hate NY. My dream is to live on a farm Chat Icon

Posted 12/11/21 9:24 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

I actually love LI /NY but the Democratic polices are destroying the state. People who flee NY will bring their politics with them and destroy a new area in an effort to establish “equity”.

Posted 12/12/21 1:30 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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Re: Leaving NY

Posted by RomeyT

I actually love LI /NY but the Democratic polices are destroying the state. People who flee NY will bring their politics with them and destroy a new area in an effort to establish “equity”.

One of my friends was vacationing out west..i want to say Wyoming? Not sure but one of the states in that area. There was some billboard outside the airport that said something to the effect of...If you are moving here Because your state was destroyed due to democratic policies, please remember that and don't vote that way here!

Posted 12/12/21 1:42 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/21

342 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

We are planning to move out of state as soon as we can, which is 2.5 years.... DH wanted Florida but because my oldest child has special needs I was told to stay away from there. So now we are looking at SC.

Posted 12/12/21 9:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by mama2charlotte

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by LSP2005

We moved to NJ and love it. Every time we go back to my parent’s home and visit LI I feel sad. It just is not what it once was and you can absolutely see the decline of LI. I feel terrible saying this but NJ has better bagels and pizza. I know, sacrilege, but over the past ten years there has been a substantial decline in LI restaurants. I think people were priced out and moved. I love our school in NJ and NJ is rated number one or two in the US for education. Our roads are a million times better than yours. It is not even funny or a comparison anymore. I don’t know what to say because I know how much you pay in taxes, but you are not getting your money’s worth. NYC under Diblasio is disgusting. We drove by last Sunday and the city is floundering. So many boarded up buildings. The homeless are out and drug dealers are in the streets with zero consequences because you could see deals happening in broad daylight. No police. No one stopping it. I was flabbergasted.

When we first moved to NJ I missed LI and constantly wanted to go back. Now, I cannot imagine moving back to the island.

I love that when living in NJ you can literally move around easily in all directions, it's so nice to not be locked (trapped) by the city. I never deal with traffic anymore either which is amazing. If something is 20 miles away it takes 20 minutes to get there unlike LI where 20 miles means an hour on the road.

I also fell in love with all of the nature and wildlife here, especially the vast amount of hiking trails. I had no idea I even loved to hike until moving to NJ. I don't think I could give up all of the open space and vast amount of nature that I've gotten use to now, I have found that I really love this quieter, more rural way of life. I had NO idea that NJ could be like this.

And I agree with you, so far the schools we are in have been excellent! My kids are very happy and learning so much.

What part of NJ do you live in?
I went to Monmouth University so most of my friends are from New Jersey.
We vacation in LBI and it is my dream town.
People are nicer, the beaches are much less crowded and the water is cleaner.
People laugh at me when I say I like New Jersey better, but Long Island is not what it used to be.
If I could take my teaching salary with me, I would go in a heartbeat. But I only have 13 more years so we’re sort of stuck here.

Yay! Another Jersey girl here too. I'm actually a Jersey girl, but DH is from LI so we were there a few years. Moved to Monmouth County about 11 years ago and love it. Love we're close to the beaches, still not bad to go to Philly or NYC, love red bank area, Asbury Park, Long Branch, etc. We have so many families now moving here from Staten Island lol

Posted 12/12/21 10:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

I would probably move to Maine if I could! But, that won't be happening anytime soon since I feel like we are stuck here due to my adult son's Autism diagnosis and the services he gets here. Services are pretty hard to get for adults in most other states, unfortunately.

Posted 12/12/21 10:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

1465 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

These threads are funny to me because people want to make it like they hate NY more than anyone else and they can't wait to go and blah blah blah and like, it makes you look sad that you're so miserable where you live and can't find anything positive. But on the flip side maybe all the people who want to leave will and some of the nastiness can go with them down to the Carolinas or Florida.

Posted 12/13/21 1:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by mrsrainbow

These threads are funny to me because people want to make it like they hate NY more than anyone else and they can't wait to go and blah blah blah and like, it makes you look sad that you're so miserable where you live and can't find anything positive. But on the flip side maybe all the people who want to leave will and some of the nastiness can go with them down to the Carolinas or Florida.

This exactly. Although DH wants to go south and I wouldn't mind warmer weather anyway. Might have to compromise lol. But if I end up in some red state it would need to be in a city to be near like minded people.

Honesty, I sympathize with the fatigue from what is happening now. I get that we are tired of wearing masks - I need to wear one almost all day for my job, so I feel that! I can see how the mandates can be frustrating even though I support the ones for adults.

But honestly almost all the same people on here complaining now are the same people who went ON and ON about the masks 20 months ago. Many by their own admission never even wore the masks unless they had to. The "I'm sick of this" argument only applies if you've been doing it. So while I know many did do the right thing, many did not and those people are trash and can take their nasty ass selves and go.

Posted 12/13/21 4:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

We declared FL residency several years ago. However, we return to NY for several months each year. Best of both worlds.

Posted 12/13/21 4:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by mrsrainbow

These threads are funny to me because people want to make it like they hate NY more than anyone else and they can't wait to go and blah blah blah and like, it makes you look sad that you're so miserable where you live and can't find anything positive. But on the flip side maybe all the people who want to leave will and some of the nastiness can go with them down to the Carolinas or Florida.

We are stuck here. Either way we’d kiss NY goodbye. Some people like LI and that’s great and some do not. I don’t. Never have, never will and I’m from Brooklyn/Queens and never found LI desirable. Houses are small, property small, outdated, congested (unless your out in the farms) and expensive and if you want to update, it will cost you.

Posted 12/13/21 6:03 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/12

742 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

We move to FL last year (but left NY 2 yes ago). It’s THE best thing we’ve done for our family. When I see the bickering on this site, it makes me even more secure in our decision. When I’m reading of mandatory vax for 5 yo’s , I am thankful we left. It may not be forever that we are here, but this is where we belong for right now. When we visit I’m shocked at how fkn miserable and nasty everyone is. The last time we visited NY was in January, almost a year ago. We have no plans to visit anytime soon. Most in my town are from NY/NJ so I right at home here. They are happy people! I think the environment is very stressful and people get grouchy. I would like a summer place , maybe in Jersey or CT to cool off for a bit haha, but not NY

Message edited 12/13/2021 6:48:56 AM.

Posted 12/13/21 6:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9508 total posts


Re: Leaving NY

Posted by JennP

Posted by mrsrainbow

These threads are funny to me because people want to make it like they hate NY more than anyone else and they can't wait to go and blah blah blah and like, it makes you look sad that you're so miserable where you live and can't find anything positive. But on the flip side maybe all the people who want to leave will and some of the nastiness can go with them down to the Carolinas or Florida.

This exactly. Although DH wants to go south and I wouldn't mind warmer weather anyway. Might have to compromise lol. But if I end up in some red state it would need to be in a city to be near like minded people.

Honesty, I sympathize with the fatigue from what is happening now. I get that we are tired of wearing masks - I need to wear one almost all day for my job, so I feel that! I can see how the mandates can be frustrating even though I support the ones for adults.

But honestly almost all the same people on here complaining now are the same people who went ON and ON about the masks 20 months ago. Many by their own admission never even wore the masks unless they had to. The "I'm sick of this" argument only applies if you've been doing it. So while I know many did do the right thing, many did not and those people are trash and can take their nasty ass selves and go.

I used to be one of the people that loved Long Island. And I used to get upset when people complained because I wondered why they just didn’t leave. But now, I would prefer to be somewhere else. I don’t mind it so much but there are places I’d rather be. I am choosing to wait until my kids are out of the house because they are a little too old to move now without completely disrupting their lives. That doesn’t make me “sad.” But thanks for judging!

Also not sure at all what masks have to do with it. Never minded the masks, never will! But keep limping everyone into one category.

Posted 12/13/21 10:22 AM
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