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LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1014 total posts



Posted by mrsrainbow

Posted by Hopefulmama

Posted by jlm2008

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by Hopefulmama

Where are all the “science!” pearl clutchers now? Poor kids, poor families, poor working moms.

As an avid science follower I will say this decision has absolutely nothing to do with science so I am unsure what your comment means.

This comment just proves how uneducated she is. She has no idea what is going on in.

I have a graduate degree so I am not what most people would consider uneducated. What I meant by my comment was that anyone who believes in “following the science” should be outraged because this decision does not, at all, and is purely political and speaks volumes as to the outrageous power of the UFT. We don’t actually disagree.

hey guess what? having an advanced degree means absolutely nothing when you're still spouting stupidity.

Can you enlighten me as to what was “stupid” about what I wrote? Do you believe this is a scientifically backed decision to close NYC schools? And quite frankly if the previous poster said I was stupid, I wouldn’t have corrected her as that is subjective. I corrected her because she said I was uneducated, which is untrue. Ah, nuance. Don’t feel bad - words are tricky sometimes.

Message edited 11/20/2020 3:08:35 AM.

Posted 11/20/20 3:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Posted by mrsrainbow

News12 said the suffolk county rate is 9% to cause a shutdown for schools

My confusion comes with Cuomo's micro clusters which can be as big or small as deemed. An orange zone (and be subject to school closures) when the 7 day rolling positivity rate is over 3% AND over 10 new daily positive cases per 100,000 people.
So I am left to wonder is it 9% or is it 3% and who makes that decision????

Posted 11/20/20 3:09 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts



Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by mrsrainbow

News12 said the suffolk county rate is 9% to cause a shutdown for schools

My confusion comes with Cuomo's micro clusters which can be as big or small as deemed. An orange zone (and be subject to school closures) when the 7 day rolling positivity rate is over 3% AND over 10 new daily positive cases per 100,000 people.
So I am left to wonder is it 9% or is it 3% and who makes that decision????

The 3% is a number chosen by the NYC Teachers Union - they pushed for an agreement that schools would be closed at that point - it has nothing to do with LI schools

Posted 11/20/20 3:25 AM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts



Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by mrsrainbow

News12 said the suffolk county rate is 9% to cause a shutdown for schools

My confusion comes with Cuomo's micro clusters which can be as big or small as deemed. An orange zone (and be subject to school closures) when the 7 day rolling positivity rate is over 3% AND over 10 new daily positive cases per 100,000 people.
So I am left to wonder is it 9% or is it 3% and who makes that decision????

The 9% was the number Cuomo gave over the summer prior to the clustering initiative.

Now with the clusters, it is making it seem like it won't make it to 9% before certain areas close. We had a red zone in our county, and our region was below 9% and the schools still had to close.

I also find in our middle and high school - all it takes to send our schools remote for 2 weeks is 1-2 kids. For elementary they are more segregated and the cases have been spread out more so they have not closed yet (but I've heard one has a number of cases this week).

Posted 11/20/20 3:26 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/12

583 total posts



Posted by CookiePuss

Posted by mrsrainbow

News12 said the suffolk county rate is 9% to cause a shutdown for schools

My confusion comes with Cuomo's micro clusters which can be as big or small as deemed. An orange zone (and be subject to school closures) when the 7 day rolling positivity rate is over 3% AND over 10 new daily positive cases per 100,000 people.
So I am left to wonder is it 9% or is it 3% and who makes that decision????

Cuomo said orange is 3, and that overrides any local decision by school districts. The biggest piece I’m confused on is what defines the borders of a micro cluster.

Posted 11/20/20 3:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

1465 total posts



Posted by Hopefulmama

Posted by mrsrainbow

Posted by Hopefulmama

Posted by jlm2008

Posted by PitterPatter11

Posted by Hopefulmama

Where are all the “science!” pearl clutchers now? Poor kids, poor families, poor working moms.

As an avid science follower I will say this decision has absolutely nothing to do with science so I am unsure what your comment means.

This comment just proves how uneducated she is. She has no idea what is going on in.

I have a graduate degree so I am not what most people would consider uneducated. What I meant by my comment was that anyone who believes in “following the science” should be outraged because this decision does not, at all, and is purely political and speaks volumes as to the outrageous power of the UFT. We don’t actually disagree.

hey guess what? having an advanced degree means absolutely nothing when you're still spouting stupidity.

Can you enlighten me as to what was “stupid” about what I wrote? Do you believe this is a scientifically backed decision to close NYC schools? And quite frankly if the previous poster said I was stupid, I wouldn’t have corrected her as that is subjective. I corrected her because she said I was uneducated, which is untrue. Ah, nuance. Don’t feel bad - words are tricky sometimes.

its stupidity because your intent was just to fan the flames between people who believe in science versus those who believe in propaganda so basically it was just inflammatory. is that enough nuance or less tricky?

Posted 11/20/20 3:37 AM

My everything <3

Member since 4/15

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Posted by Sash

Posted by lululu

Posted by seaside

How sad is it that we literally have to have "pro-science" people?

I think the term anti-science is something coined by the left side to describe anyone on the right that is skeptical of information put forth by the media in the current environment. I think most people believe in science, in general, but some are reluctant to listen to what is reported on the news nowadays because there has been so much misinformation reported in the past however many years. I think the term is way overused and frankly it's getting somewhat annoying. But that's just my two cents.

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Couldn’t agree more!

Posted 11/20/20 6:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

1216 total posts



This is 100% the fault of the powerful UFT. I wish we could dismantle every union in this country. There is simply no need for them anymore.

Unions were needed in the early 20th century when workers were being exploited for their labor. Now they are political powerhouses yielding unending control over (mostly) Democrats.

The children and their education suffer the most. There are certain towns on LI with very powerful unions, so we are not immune to their selfish, vile ways. They basically want to get as much $$ for as little work as is humanly possible.

Posted 11/20/20 10:25 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!


I'm watching the local news right now...
A doctor who is the head of the Cleveland clinic is on duscusssing the numbers, masks, testing etc.
At the end of the interview they asked him about schools. He said it is absolutely not spreading via schools being open. He mentioned that Dr. Fauci says the same. They are wondering why, with this scientific fact, NYC closed the schools.
Such bulllshit.

Message edited 11/20/2020 7:26:31 PM.

Posted 11/20/20 7:26 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts



Posted by NervousNell

I'm watching the local news right now...
A doctor who is the head of the Cleveland clinic is on duscusssing the numbers, masks, testing etc.
At the end of the interview they asked him about schools. He said it is absolutely not spreading via schools being open. He mentioned that Dr. Fauci says the same. They are wondering why, with this scientific fact, NYC closed the schools.
Such bulllshit.

Even Cuomo said this the other day when NYC schools were on the brink of closing. And they are not. Schools are the safest germ free place to be (I hope they learn from this and make some changes going forward lol).

Posted 11/20/20 7:47 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54919 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!


Posted by ali120206

Posted by NervousNell

I'm watching the local news right now...
A doctor who is the head of the Cleveland clinic is on duscusssing the numbers, masks, testing etc.
At the end of the interview they asked him about schools. He said it is absolutely not spreading via schools being open. He mentioned that Dr. Fauci says the same. They are wondering why, with this scientific fact, NYC closed the schools.
Such bulllshit.

Even Cuomo said this the other day when NYC schools were on the brink of closing. And they are not. Schools are the safest germ free place to be (I hope they learn from this and make some changes going forward lol).

I guarantee you there will be spikes now with kids home. They will be hanging out in groups, no masks, no distancing, in some cases not a lot of parental supervision as parents have to work.
And then they were talking about available spots in daycares for parents who need it
So they can sit in a daycare, but not in school.

Posted 11/20/20 8:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts



Well, it looks like we all agree that NYC schools shouldn't have closed.

That's a rarity.

Perhaps we should quit while we are ahead.Chat Icon

Posted 11/21/20 2:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts



Posted by Christine2

This is 100% the fault of the powerful UFT. I wish we could dismantle every union in this country. There is simply no need for them anymore.

Unions were needed in the early 20th century when workers were being exploited for their labor. Now they are political powerhouses yielding unending control over (mostly) Democrats.

The children and their education suffer the most. There are certain towns on LI with very powerful unions, so we are not immune to their selfish, vile ways. They basically want to get as much $$ for as little work as is humanly possible.

I completely disagree that unions aren’t needed. First of all I work in a state hospital that was a COVID hot spot. As state employees our raises due in April/ July were withheld with the expectation they would be given in September and withheld again. My hospital never gave any employee hazard pay or extra time off like all the others, yet we saw the worse numbers at my hospital in the county and had people from queens/ Nassau at times in the mix of us. If we didn’t have the union, I can assure you they would have mandated us shift after shift and we would have been completely overworked. We were down many staff and many people were traumatized. Without that union, my 40 hour work week I’m sure would have hit 60+ but we can’t be mandated under my union so I’m very thankful for them and they continue to fight to get our much deserved 2% raise given to us. After working during covid no hazard pay and then a “oh you won’t get your contractual raise either” for the time being is a slap in the face.

In terms of NYC schools closing, 3% is a very low threshold and I don’t think they need to close at this point, but from an employee perspective if they don’t have the needed PPE/ staffing/ cleaning procedures I don’t blame them for closing. Also many of these kids are taking busses and subways to school and I think we can all agree we wouldn’t be jumping in line to get on a subway right now. So if they are protecting their teachers, good for them but the state should be proving PPE and perhaps better transportation for these kids, rather than subway and public transit systems.

Message edited 11/21/2020 2:36:13 AM.

Posted 11/21/20 2:34 AM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara


Posted by JennP

Well, it looks like we all agree that NYC schools shouldn't have closed.

That's a rarity.

Perhaps we should quit while we are ahead.Chat Icon

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I don't think quitting is in our DNA. We should have all been politicians since we love to argue and debate so much.

Posted 11/21/20 2:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

3101 total posts



Posted by TwinMommyToBoys

Posted by Christine2

This is 100% the fault of the powerful UFT. I wish we could dismantle every union in this country. There is simply no need for them anymore.

Unions were needed in the early 20th century when workers were being exploited for their labor. Now they are political powerhouses yielding unending control over (mostly) Democrats.

The children and their education suffer the most. There are certain towns on LI with very powerful unions, so we are not immune to their selfish, vile ways. They basically want to get as much $$ for as little work as is humanly possible.

I completely disagree that unions aren’t needed. First of all I work in a state hospital that was a COVID hot spot. As state employees our raises due in April/ July were withheld with the expectation they would be given in September and withheld again. My hospital never gave any employee hazard pay or extra time off like all the others, yet we saw the worse numbers at my hospital in the county and had people from queens/ Nassau at times in the mix of us. If we didn’t have the union, I can assure you they would have mandated us shift after shift and we would have been completely overworked. We were down many staff and many people were traumatized. Without that union, my 40 hour work week I’m sure would have hit 60+ but we can’t be mandated under my union so I’m very thankful for them and they continue to fight to get our much deserved 2% raise given to us. After working during covid no hazard pay and then a “oh you won’t get your contractual raise either” for the time being is a slap in the face.

In terms of NYC schools closing, 3% is a very low threshold and I don’t think they need to close at this point, but from an employee perspective if they don’t have the needed PPE/ staffing/ cleaning procedures I don’t blame them for closing. Also many of these kids are taking busses and subways to school and I think we can all agree we wouldn’t be jumping in line to get on a subway right now. So if they are protecting their teachers, good for them but the state should be proving PPE and perhaps better transportation for these kids, rather than subway and public transit systems.

Unions are totally needed. The news is full if how healthcare workers have been harassed, endangered, overworked, and generally abused. Teachers get more than their fair share if mistreatment. It's clear that unions are beneficial.

Posted 11/21/20 2:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

5092 total posts



Posted by JennP

Well, it looks like we all agree that NYC schools shouldn't have closed.

That's a rarity.

Perhaps we should quit while we are ahead.Chat Icon

True, but again, NYC schools closed because of teacher unions....nassau and suffolk didn't negotiate the 3%.

Posted 11/21/20 8:59 AM
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