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Q for highly compensated women !

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/15

306 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

Hi! I hope this question isn't offensive, but I need to hear from others in my position. I work extremely hard and under a lot of pressure. It is draining. Do you have to work yourself into the ground in order to make a good living? Curious to hear from others let just say in the the 200k vicinity. Do you work 9-5 or is it just not possible or frowned upon if you make this level of income? I am simply curious about the quality of life for those in this income range! Feel free to PM as well! Thanks!

Posted 3/14/18 7:15 PM
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Re: Q for highly compensated women !

My experience has been that nobody is going to pay you a lot of money without having to work hard and deal with pressure, whether you are a man or a woman.

I used to make close to 200K working at a law firm - and that was my life. 24/7, weekends, on call always, dinner at the firm every night, cancelled plans, calling in daily from "vacations", never seeing my family and constantly crying from the pressure and stress. Yeah, I had a lot of money in the bank but for what? To pay for my apartment I was never in? My car that I never drove? My boyfriend that I didn't have because I couldn't date like a normal human being?

I quit, changed jobs, made literally half my salary, and my whole life changed. Now, I have a husband and house and kids and still work 9-5 and yes there are stressful times at work and even at home because we are living paycheck to paycheck. BUT I get to see my kids, go to their school events, go places on weekends with them, go out to dinner with friends, watch a damn TV show for goodness sake! It's totally worth it.

Again, this is just my experience but I have a few friends - men and women - that work ALL the time, travel, weekends and hardly EVER see their kids. They are making major bank and live in big houses and drive fancy cars but honestly they are always frazzled and tired and don't seem happy to me.

Posted 3/14/18 7:51 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by ChilisWife

My experience has been that nobody is going to pay you a lot of money without having to work hard and deal with pressure, whether you are a man or a woman.

I used to make close to 200K working at a law firm - and that was my life. 24/7, weekends, on call always, dinner at the firm every night, cancelled plans, calling in daily from "vacations", never seeing my family and constantly crying from the pressure and stress. Yeah, I had a lot of money in the bank but for what? To pay for my apartment I was never in? My car that I never drove? My boyfriend that I didn't have because I couldn't date like a normal human being?

I quit, changed jobs, made literally half my salary, and my whole life changed. Now, I have a husband and house and kids and still work 9-5 and yes there are stressful times at work and even at home because we are living paycheck to paycheck. BUT I get to see my kids, go to their school events, go places on weekends with them, go out to dinner with friends, watch a damn TV show for goodness sake! It's totally worth it.

Again, this is just my experience but I have a few friends - men and women - that work ALL the time, travel, weekends and hardly EVER see their kids. They are making major bank and live in big houses and drive fancy cars but honestly they are always frazzled and tired and don't seem happy to me.

All of this. Anyone in my company who makes the kind of money you mentioned is pretty much working their ass off 24/7, travelling all over constantly, and under immense pressure to perform and keep doing more and making more revenue for the company. You hit your goals...great they want double next year.
My boss's boss who is an SVP is pretty much travelling abs away from home 3 weeks out of ever month.
They don't pay people that kind of money without expecting a ton. That is serious money.
I could never do it.

Posted 3/14/18 8:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

3196 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

I think it depends on the industry. There are some exceptions. But as a general rule, I think the more you make the more you work. Not always the case though. Most professional services company work like this because you literally sell your time and specialized knowledge. The company makes money based on the amount of hours you work.

Posted 3/14/18 8:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7272 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

Posted 3/14/18 9:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

I don’t make anywhere near 200k, I work in an extremely demanding job, however since having my kids my work takes a back seat. If I’m home, I’m home. I don’t stay late, come in early and don’t work extra. My kids are more important, and they know it. My job it’s frowned upon regardless of your position or how much you make that you aren’t dedicated and there 24/7. Well guess what, the world still revolves, I do my job, do it well, have consistently good outcomes and that’s enough for me. I’m constantly asked to supervise and questioned why I wouldn’t go for a director position and I tell everyone no one can pay me any amount of money to be with my kids even 5 minutes less. Not worth it, never will be. Lavish vacations, fancy cars and a huge house will not be in my future and that’s ok. I don’t stress at work though everyone around me does, but as long as I do my regular work, so be it! At my job if you make this , good luck going home directors and senior directors make this and they pretty much are 24/7 and that’s the expectation and nothing less. Never worth it to me!

Message edited 3/14/2018 9:41:49 PM.

Posted 3/14/18 9:28 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/15

306 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by bunnyluck

I think it depends on the industry. There are some exceptions. But as a general rule, I think the more you make the more you work. Not always the case though. Most professional services company work like this because you literally sell your time and specialized knowledge. The company makes money based on the amount of hours you work.

100% truth!

Posted 3/14/18 9:36 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/15

306 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Thanks everyone! Thankfully I am not on complete overload all year. I couldn't work 12-13 hour days all year. I have a lot of flexibility, so I know it could be worse. The pressure is so very hard at times though. I feel like I have been coasting by for the past few years but am being asked to take on more and more and more and more.... Somethings gotta give!

Posted 3/14/18 9:39 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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Q for highly compensated women !

When I was working and was making a very good salary, it was 24/7. At the drop of hat I would have to go to work. There were many nights I never even came home. They had executive apartments that we could stay in if needed. I missed many family celebrations and really could not plan anything during the week. I was called all hours of the night and even on vacations. I LOVED what I did so I really didn't mind much but when I had my daughter I had to quit because there was no way I could do the demanding hours of my job and be what I wanted for my daughter.

Posted 3/14/18 9:39 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Q for highly compensated women !

For $200k+ jobs yes, the hours you are experiencing is expected and so is the travel. My good friend is an SVP and travels 2 to 3 weeks a month to her home office, she makes bank (way, way over 200k.). Most of the VP level work until 9 or 10 every night. I've noticed most of the other women who do it are either single or married with no children. To get a good work life ballance you either are paid less or work in house. Alternatively, could you get a place closer to your job to make your commute shorter?

Posted 3/14/18 9:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/15

306 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by LSP2005

For $200k+ jobs yes, the hours you are experiencing is expected and so is the travel. My good friend is an SVP and travels 2 to 3 weeks a month to her home office, she makes bank (way, way over 200k.). Most of the VP level work until 9 or 10 every night. I've noticed most of the other women who do it are either single or married with no children. To get a good work life ballance you either are paid less or work in house. Alternatively, could you get a place closer to your job to make your commute shorter?

I am lucky as I do not travel. I was just thinking today that so many top level women are divorced or single. I work in NYC and don't want to move closer! We do not want to pay more in housing costs!

Posted 3/14/18 9:44 PM

5,000 Posts!

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Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by LuckyStar

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

This sounds like the best job ever!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/18 2:14 AM

Mommy to 2 sweet girls!

Member since 3/09

8585 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by ChilisWife

My experience has been that nobody is going to pay you a lot of money without having to work hard and deal with pressure, whether you are a man or a woman.

I used to make close to 200K working at a law firm - and that was my life. 24/7, weekends, on call always, dinner at the firm every night, cancelled plans, calling in daily from "vacations", never seeing my family and constantly crying from the pressure and stress. Yeah, I had a lot of money in the bank but for what? To pay for my apartment I was never in? My car that I never drove? My boyfriend that I didn't have because I couldn't date like a normal human being?

I quit, changed jobs, made literally half my salary, and my whole life changed. Now, I have a husband and house and kids and still work 9-5 and yes there are stressful times at work and even at home because we are living paycheck to paycheck. BUT I get to see my kids, go to their school events, go places on weekends with them, go out to dinner with friends, watch a damn TV show for goodness sake! It's totally worth it.

Again, this is just my experience but I have a few friends - men and women - that work ALL the time, travel, weekends and hardly EVER see their kids. They are making major bank and live in big houses and drive fancy cars but honestly they are always frazzled and tired and don't seem happy to me.

I’m a sahm but in my dh company and in his industry as a whole this is very accurate for both men and women. My dh works 10+ a day, sometimes 12-14hours, has to take his lap top home on weekends, we have not had an uninterrupted vacation in years. I know the women he works with who are making similar salaries all do the same. The pressure is constant and there is a lot of burn out. In the past few years some of my dh colleagues have just quit and they have chosen to take a less stressful job with less pay.

Posted 3/15/18 3:50 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/17

142 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

I work in banking operations. I would say the $200K range is for director level and above. There are 11 offices on my floor and 4 of those are occupied by women. All 4 women are not married and none of them have kids. There are a few married women at the next layer down and they all work long hours. The 7 men who have offices all are married and most of them have kids. As a mom of 3 I have turned down opportunities and taken long maternity leaves - both of which are frowned upon. Most days I am very happy with my decisions.

Posted 3/15/18 5:30 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

I’m close to that number but not quite there yet. I work 9-5. Yes I might have to work late here and there but it’s not a regular thing. I just left a job in the city where I worked 8-5 and never after hrs or weekends.

It’s possible. But depends on the industry too.

Posted 3/15/18 6:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

329 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

I used to be one. I got burnt out after one year. I worked part time and now I work even less. Have 2 young kids, one with a lot of needs and had to cut down.
On the other hand now I am also quite bored and at times resentful.
I don’t know if there is a balance I have yet to find it

Posted 3/15/18 8:51 AM


Member since 10/09

6905 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by LuckyStar

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

I want a job at your company! lol

Posted 3/15/18 8:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by Katareen

Posted by LuckyStar

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

This sounds like the best job ever!! Chat Icon

Seriously what industry?

Posted 3/15/18 9:07 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7272 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by nraboni

Posted by LuckyStar

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

I want a job at your company! lol

Haha, no you definitely don’t. I was treated like crap. My boss was a nightmare and hated me because I was better educated, had higher quality experience. I was hired to ‘build their program’ and when I got there I was shoved into a corner and had no authority to do anything. I know it sounds like I should have just sucked it up but I couldn’t. I was so unhappy.

I left. I took a pay cut to have MORE work. Now I’m doing real work and learning a ton. I’m 1000x happier and proof that money can’t buy happiness, nor can it buy success.

Posted 3/15/18 9:12 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/14

7272 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by stinger

Posted by Katareen

Posted by LuckyStar

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

This sounds like the best job ever!! Chat Icon

Seriously what industry?

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Research. And my position is still open! No one wants it!

Posted 3/15/18 9:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by LuckyStar

Posted by stinger

Posted by Katareen

Posted by LuckyStar

I think it depends. I didn't make that amount but I did basically nothing at my last job and made well over $100k. I left at 4 on the dot every day. I had a phone but almost never used it, definitely never checked it on weekends. My boss made about $50k more than me and she had a moderate amount of work (but no idea how to do it). Certainly not enough to justify her salary.

This sounds like the best job ever!! Chat Icon

Seriously what industry?

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Research. And my position is still open! No one wants it!

What!? PhD?

Posted 3/15/18 9:29 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

My DH has a very high paying, demanding job and there is a noticeable difference in what his company expects of him as he's moved from being a Senior Electrical Engineer to Manager of Engineering to Director of Engineering. I expect once he gets a VP position, the workload will increase yet again. Thankfully, he doesn't do much travel so that is good.

By nature, his profession is very demanding but now that he's an executive the expectation is that you're pretty always available. There have been times when we're away on vacation where he's had to take a call, a phone conference, etc and because his work emails are tied into his phone, they expect he'll respond to any email quickly wherever he is.

I think generally speaking, the more you earn the greater the demand is of your time. Companies aren't going to pay you north of $200K and not expect a certain level of time commitment. It's a hard balance, I get frustrated sometimes when he has to stay late or work from home on the weekends but in turn, the money is great and we have a nice life.

Posted 3/15/18 9:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by Hofstra26

My DH has a very high paying, demanding job and there is a noticeable difference in what his company expects of him as he's moved from being a Senior Electrical Engineer to Manager of Engineering to Director of Engineering. I expect once he gets a VP position, the workload will increase yet again. Thankfully, he doesn't do much travel so that is good.

By nature, his profession is very demanding but now that he's an executive the expectation is that you're pretty always available. There have been times when we're away on vacation where he's had to take a call, a phone conference, etc and because his work emails are tied into his phone, they expect he'll respond to any email quickly wherever he is.

I think generally speaking, the more you earn the greater the demand is of your time. Companies aren't going to pay you north of $200K and not expect a certain level of time commitment. It's a hard balance, I get frustrated sometimes when he has to stay late or work from home on the weekends but in turn, the money is great and we have a nice life.

This is totally different and you cant compare to OP because you’re describing a man with a stay at home wife. The original post seems like the difficulty stems from having a demanding job and being a mother.

Message edited 3/15/2018 10:01:02 AM.

Posted 3/15/18 9:36 AM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Q for highly compensated women !

I work in the financial industry and my company is unique because for the most part, we have a good work life balance that applies to everyone across the board including the highly compensated staff.

With that said I think in general and from what I've observed through my friends who make $$$, the more you make the more they expect. One of my friends is a VP at an accounting firm and 12+ hour days are the norm. She is constantly on call...they don't care if it's weekends early mornings etc. It does take toll on her but the money is good so it's hard to walk away.

Posted 3/15/18 9:56 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/12

791 total posts


Re: Q for highly compensated women !

Posted by stinger

Posted by Hofstra26

My DH has a very high paying, demanding job and there is a noticeable difference in what his company expects of him as he's moved from being a Senior Electrical Engineer to Manager of Engineering to Director of Engineering. I expect once he gets a VP position, the workload will increase yet again. Thankfully, he doesn't do much travel so that is good.

By nature, his profession is very demanding but now that he's an executive the expectation is that you're pretty always available. There have been times when we're away on vacation where he's had to take a call, a phone conference, etc and because his work emails are tied into his phone, they expect he'll respond to any email quickly wherever he is.

I think generally speaking, the more you earn the greater the demand is of your time. Companies aren't going to pay you north of $200K and not expect a certain level of time commitment. It's a hard balance, I get frustrated sometimes when he has to stay late or work from home on the weekends but in turn, the money is great and we have a nice life.

This is totally different and you cant compare to OP because you’re describing a man with a stay at home wife. The original post seems like the difficulty stems from having a demanding job and being a mother.

Yes I agree- Cant compare. Totally different situation

Posted 3/15/18 10:07 AM
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