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South Nassau vs. Winthrop

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/16

537 total posts


South Nassau vs. Winthrop

My OB delivers at South Nassau or Winthrop, and I'm having a scheduled csection. Does anyone have feedback on why I should choose one over the other. Per OB, the pros and cons are:

South Nassau: Get your own room, but they aren't too punctual, e.g., you can have the csection scheduled for 10am, but you might not get in until much later

Winthrop: Not guaranteed your own room, but very punctual.

Any one have any feedback on delivering/having a csection at either? Any reasons why I should pick one over the other?

Edited due to pregnancy brain: I wrote Southside instead of South Nassau.

Message edited 1/11/2017 1:50:13 PM.

Posted 1/11/17 10:25 AM
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Re: Southside vs. Winthrop

Message edited 1/13/2017 1:09:39 PM.

Posted 1/11/17 10:56 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/16

537 total posts


South Nassau vs. Winthrop

Thanks! I've seen a few posts on other forums that suggest Winthrop is better in case of complications.

Anyone want to share their experiences at Winthrop? It seems like people either had a great experience or a horrible experience with no in between. Sometimes I can't believe that the same hospital is being reviewed, because their experiences are so different (showers in the rooms v. showers in the hall, shared room v. private room, etc.).

Last time I delivered at North Shore and it was great having my own room. Our families could feel at home visiting at any time, and my husband and I had our own space to figure out how to care for a baby. However, I changed my OB after my last pregnancy, and even though he's listed online as delivering at North Shore, he doesn't. I know the hospital's hospitality doesn't matter that much, as long as everyone is medically well cared for, but I'm just nervous about the unknown.

Posted 1/11/17 1:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

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South Nassau vs. Winthrop

I delivered 3 times at winthrop in the last 4 years. First time, I got one of the small, private rooms by the nursery. They don't have many of those rooms, but it was nice because there's no possibility of a roommate.
The 2nd time, it was very crowded. I was put in a different section, away from the nusery. The room had a small bathroom with no shower. I did not have a roommate, but was going to get one (I was discharged early ).
The 3rd time, this past November, I was put in a room with someone else around 10am. They left around 3 pm. It was also a room with no shower in the section that's not near the nursery.

Posted 1/11/17 2:35 PM

He is my world!

Member since 6/12

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Re: South Nassau vs. Winthrop

I see that you meant South Nassau.

I had my DS at South Nassau via c-section. I had a great experience all around. The labor/delivery nurses and after care nurses were all great (with the exception of 1). The rooms were private and large with your own bathroom. My only complaint is the food. It sucks but you can have your DH or visitors bring you outside food.

My DS was in the NICU there because of low blood sugar levels (I had GD) and all of the NICU staff were great. The parents can be in there as much as they want except for shift changes.

My anesthesiologist was great, I would just say I'm feeling a little pain/uncomfortable and he would push a button and give me more meds. He even took our camera after DS was born and took pictures of the baby with DH.

Message edited 1/11/2017 2:54:19 PM.

Posted 1/11/17 2:39 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/15

311 total posts


Re: South Nassau vs. Winthrop

I have experience at both...both being vaginal deliveries (so I can't give you insight on the C-Section experience).

South Nassau...had my first son there. Loved the Labor/Delivery rooms and the Recovery rooms. Nurses were nice. Plenty of room for visitors. We found parking to be easier (and free) there as well.

Changed practices after losing a baby at 27 weeks (didn't blame my OB, just needed a change). Started going to a practice in Garden City, and they only deliver at Winthrop.

Winthrop....second son was born here. Labor/delivery room was great (but only spent a few hours here....went in at 11 pm and son was born at 1:41 am.) Recovery room was AWFUL. Had a roommate, which I would not have cared about, but she could not speak English and the nurses could not communicate with her. She would leave the baby alone on her bed while going to the bathroom and didn't know how to nurse so the poor little thing was just screaming her head off. My little guy had to go to the NICU about 12 hours after he was born due to low blood sugar. At that point, my husband demanded that I go to a different room and they did. My new room had a shower and everything...the other one did not....barely enough room for me and my IV pole.

Was not overly thrilled with the nurses in Maternity....but the NICU nurses were great. I checked myself out early because the nurses were constantly on me about my BP (which was all the anxiety due to the fact that my son was in the NICU and thinking to myself that this was the SECOND time I was going to be leaving the hospital without a child) and all they wanted to do was send me for more tests. I told them to leave me alone and to get the IV out of me (my doctor totally supported my decision and knew that it was anxiety).

Oh, and the parking is not free in the can park on the street but it is crazy there. You may be able to get a free pass for a few days if you speak to security.

Sorry for the long winded post...both hospitals have their pros and cons, but if I did not love my OB as much as I do and given my history of loss, I would totally go with South Nassau. But, it seems that #3 (when that happens) will be at Winthrop again.

Message edited 1/11/2017 10:15:30 PM.

Posted 1/11/17 10:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/14

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South Nassau vs. Winthrop

Unless I knew I needed the more advamced NICU i'd choose South Nassau. After a c-section I could not imagine sharing a room with a stranger and not having a private shower and bathroom. South Nassau has a NICU it's just not as equipped as Winthrop, but I don't think that would frighten me unless like I said I knew baby would require it. Obviously anything can happen during birth, but that holds true with everything.

Posted 1/12/17 5:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/10

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Thinking positive thoughts!

Re: South Nassau vs. Winthrop

I had a scheduled C-section at Winthrop and had a horrible experience.

The surgery itself went well and the nurses and staff who cared for me in the O.R. and immediately after were wonderful.

However, EVERYTHING changed when I got to my room. I was lucky enough to not have a roommate, but that's where the positives end.

My surgery started at around 4pm, so by the time I was out of recovery and in a room it was late.

After my DH finally left for the night, I felt abandoned completely. My baby wouldn't stop crying and nobody would help me because it was important for me to "bond" with my baby. I just had surgery and was not yet even allowed to get out of bed. I remember holding my daughter and trying to rock her all night in bed and crying myself while trying not to fall asleep.

The irony here is really hilarious. They make you watch a video on the dangers of falling asleep while holding your baby. And as I lay there holding my baby and trying not to fall asleep they wouldn't help me.

I remember I kept saying to myself, "I just had surgery, why won't anybody help me?"

The second night was even worse because I was now on like 36+ hours of no sleep. I was able to walk around the room to try to calm my baby but she wouldn't stay settled for long. Once again, I got no sleep.

Finally at like 4a.m. on night two I begged the nurse to take her to the nursery for a while and told her I hadn't slept in two days. She was nasty about it. She told me she was just going to bring the baby back the moment she starts to cry anyway. I nodded off immediately and not even joking she brought the baby back 45 minutes later.

I just cried hysterical after the nurse left the room.

I left after three nights instead of staying the fourth that c-section patients are entitled to. I just couldn't handle being there anymore.

And by the time I left I had such a horrific migraine was so dead tired I couldn't function.

I remember being discharged but waiting over an hour for a wheelchair escort because they wouldn't let me leave without it.

More irony here. Suddenly they were concerned about my well-being and wouldn't allow me to walk out meanwhile I was completely on my own for the past three nights.

I had a complete meltdown and then magically my wheelchair arrived.

After I healed from my C-section, I found a new OB/GYN who was affiliated with North Shore. If I ever have a second, I will never go back to Winthrop.

Also, I had to go down the hall to shower and it was all kind of gross, but that part wasn't really a big deal.

The lack of care from the staff is the only reason I still cringe when I think about my hospital stay.

Message edited 1/13/2017 1:28:16 PM.

Posted 1/13/17 12:14 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/15

311 total posts


Re: South Nassau vs. Winthrop

Posted by JellyBear

I had a scheduled C-section at Winthrop and had a horrible experience.

The surgery itself went well and the nurses and staff who cared for me in the O.R. and immediately after were wonderful.

However, EVERYTHING changed when I got to my room. I was lucky enough to not have a roommate, but that's where the positives end.

My surgery started at around 4pm, so by the time I was out of recovery and in a room it was late.

After my DH finally left for the night, I felt abandoned completely. My baby wouldn't stop crying and nobody would help me because it was important for me to "bond" with my baby. I just had surgery and was not yet even allowed to get out of bed. I remember holding my daughter and trying to rock her all night in bed and crying myself while trying not to fall asleep.

The irony here is really hilarious. They make you watch a video on the dangers of falling asleep while holding your baby. And as I lay there holding my baby and trying not to fall asleep they wouldn't help me.

I remember I kept saying to myself, "I just had surgery, why won't anybody help me?"

The second night was even worse because I was now on like 36+ hours of no sleep. I was able to walk around the room to try to calm my baby but she wouldn't stay settled for long. Once again, I got no sleep.

Finally at like 4a.m. on night two I begged the nurse to take her to the nursery for a while and told her I hadn't slept in two days. She was nasty about it. She told me she was just going to bring the baby back the moment she starts to cry anyway. I nodded off immediately and not even joking she brought the baby back 45 minutes later.

I just cried hysterical after the nurse left the room.

I left after three nights instead of staying the fourth that c-section patients are entitled to. I just couldn't handle being there anymore.

And by the time I left I had such a horrific migraine was so dead tired I couldn't function.

I remember being discharged but waiting over an hour for a wheelchair escort because they wouldn't let me leave without it.

More irony here. Suddenly they were concerned about my well-being and wouldn't allow me to walk out meanwhile I was completely on my own for the past three nights.

I had a complete meltdown and then magically my wheelchair arrived.

After I healed from my C-section, I found a new OB/GYN who was affiliated with North Shore. If I ever have a second, I will never go back to Winthrop.

Also, I had to go down the hall to shower and it was all kind of gross, but that part wasn't really a big deal.

The lack of care from the staff is the only reason I still cringe when I think about my hospital stay.

You showed a great deal of restraint with the way these nurses behaved. I would have had the head nurse/nursing manager in my room ASAP!!! Good for you for being patient!

Hope your next experience is more positive!

Posted 1/13/17 3:44 PM

My family is complete

Member since 4/07

1819 total posts


Re: South Nassau vs. Winthrop

I had 2 babies at South Nassau and I love them. Both C Sections and both on time. I would say that any hospital you can be pushed for a c sections, all depends on the day and how many emergencies I have a few friends that had c sections at Winthrop and neither of them where on time, One was set for 10am and did not deliver till 630 pm. So Its just how the ball rolls on that given day. My nephew was in the NICU at SNCH and he got amazing care. I loved the huge private rooms and personalized care.

Posted 1/17/17 11:26 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/15

265 total posts


Re: South Nassau vs. Winthrop

I had my daughter at South Nassau. Loved it there! No complaints.

Posted 1/17/17 11:06 PM

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