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Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

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Member since 6/07

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Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

My kids were tested by the allergist.
My older ds (3yo) is very allergic to all tree nuts (but not peanuts) which I knew because he had a severe reaction to cashews a while back but eats pb all the time.
The little one (1 yo) is very allergic to peanuts (blood test showed his numbers very high so doctor said he's definitely allergic... which I suspected because he gets a rash even if his brother or I eat it near him & then play with him.. which happened a few times & was why I had him tested) but he showed no reaction to tree nuts.

So my question is, what are the next steps??
Just avoid all food that might have these nuts forever & carry around an epi pen & Benadryl in case?
Did your doctor suggest doing anything else? Is there any type of treatment that exists to help someone overcome an allergy or become desensitized to it? Could it go away with time?
I was trying to get some answers from the allergist but he looked at me like I had 5 heads for even asking what could be done. It's like he told me they had the allergies & that was it... no follow up or suggestions or anything beyond that.

I'm hoping to get an idea of what to expect/what to do from those who've btdt.

Posted 8/19/16 9:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

Oh no, I'm sorry u're dealing with this. DS has a dairy intolerance and it was pretty tough at the beginning, I can't even imagine how much harder it would be to deal with an actual allergy! I do know though that allergies can appear out of nowhere but they can also suddenly dissapear, and usually little kids outgrow them as they grow up. Hang in there mommy Chat Icon

Posted 8/19/16 10:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

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Re: Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

The first thing I'd do is get a new allergist that will answer your questions. I've gone to some highly recommended specialists for my little one, and even though they were clearly knowledgable, they treated me like an idiot, didn't have time to speak with me, so I found new doctors.

We don't have a nut allergy, but I know it is possible for them to grow out of it, and be desensitized - not something to try without doctors guidance!

I'd personally do what you said, carry around benedryl and an epi pen, and just be aware when you see them around food, and also be aware of any reactions when they are playing with other kids who may have just eaten their trigger foods and have it all over their hands and face!

You need guidance though, from a doctor, so I'd either call the one you saw and ask your questions - maybe you can email? or find a new allergist.

Good luck, mama, you can do this!

Posted 8/20/16 6:42 AM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

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Re: Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

My DS is allergic to peanut, all tree nuts and shellfish. He was diagnosed at 2.

I wouldn't be happy with the allergist you saw. Mine answered all these questions and provided me a written plan for school. Of course you have questions!

Did your doctor prescribe an Epipen? Ours said that yes, we need to carry Benadryl and an Epipen at all times, and gave us an RX. He didn't say there is any treatment to desensitize them, but that DS might naturally grow out of his allergies over time, so we retest every year. (My DS has not unfortunately, so I wouldn't bet on it).

I think it is best to just avoid all nuts all together. Be sure to avoid not just peanut/tree nut products, but anything "made in the facility" with them if your DS is so highly allergic. It can be overwhelming, but it's doable.

We see Dr Strauss in Commack btw, and are very happy with him.

Posted 8/20/16 7:09 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

You absolutely need an epi pen(probably at least 2 double packs.) You should carry them wherever you go and make sure his caregivers have a set. Upon ingestion or suspected ingestion he should get epi-NO benadryl-that is an outdated treatment plan. Check out Fare's website for some great info and visuals you can print out. There are clinical trial going on right now for OIT which is desenstizing kids to their allergies so they do not have to fear ingesting them. Eventually they will create a patch that can deliver slight amounts of nut proteins

ETA-my son is allergic to Peanuts and Tree nuts

Message edited 8/20/2016 12:07:09 PM.

Posted 8/20/16 11:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/12

1460 total posts


Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

We are going through this my house as well. My 9 month old is allergic to peanuts and my 2 yo is allergic to sesame. We have opted to clean the house out of all peanut products. We have switched the 2 yo to Wow butter and I don't allow anything "unsafe" in my home. it makes it so much easier to have a safe home that I know if my toddler drops crumbs or a piece of something and my now crawling baby grabs it we are ok. When we go out I always keep epi-pens with us and I have actually had a family demonstration with a dummy injector to show everyone how to use it. The have epi-pens in thier diaper bag and day care bags as well. We have an emergency plan and I keep it in an envelope with thier epis. Anyone who babysits knows the rules for outside food and his sitters house is virtually peanut free and all the children must wash before going back to the playroom from lunch. As far as restaurants go, I bring a highchair cover and a silicone place mat. I also bring his own utensils. I always wipe down grocery carts and bring my seat cover as well. Its an adjustment and it can be handled. I have joined lots of parent groups on FB and have also compiled a page on Pinterest for allergy safe foods and snacks. I share that with family members. My DD just had her pre-school orientation today and I got up in front of the class and talked for a minute or two about my DD allergy and what food are not safe and what a reaction looks like. Most parents were very nice and receptive.

Posted 8/20/16 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

3797 total posts


Re: Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

My 2 y/o daughter is severely allergic to all dairy proteins, egg whites and yolks, peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds--she is also mildly allergic to mango and some other foods.

We have Benadryl and EpiPens with us at all times--I had to administer the EpiPen once and it was so scary seeing my DD like that. I have read about oral immunotherapy (OIT) to desensitize but from my research, it isn't done until at least 4 y/o so I have a while before I even think about it. For now, her allergist has us obviously avoid all triggers. It's hard because if we are with family that eat something and they hug and kiss her, she immediately breaks out in hives--she's so sensitive.

Posted 8/26/16 11:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/13

556 total posts


Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

My daughter was diagnosed an egg allergy when she was about 18 months old. We went back for the six month check up, they tested her again and her egg allergy went from only allergic to yolks tw now allergic to yolks and whites. We avoided. But my allergist is terrible and refused to answer any my questions. At one point she said we could eat things where eggs were either the fifth ingredient or lower. But that made me nervous, so I just avoided eggs. One day I gave her chickpeas, and she had the same reaction as the eggs. So we skin tested her for peanuts, which like chickpeas are legumes. She tested positive for peanuts tree nuts and eggs. For now, we're avoiding, but she's never had peanuts at all. I'm interested in OIT but I have to wait until she is 4. There is a dr in center each or selden who does oit.

Does anyone have an allergist they love in the three Village area? Or mid Suffolk anywhere?

Message edited 8/26/2016 11:51:33 PM.

Posted 8/26/16 11:50 PM

mommy to 3 boys

Member since 2/07

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proud mommy

Talk to me please If your kid is Allergic to Peanuts and/or Tree Nuts

My oldest is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts. As others have recommended, you may want to find a new allergist. Write up a list of questions, it can get overwhelming and I know sometimes I forget when I'm there.

It will be okay! I'm not going to lie, it's tough in the beginning. Trying to navigate and figure out how to handle all of these new situations. I've found some great resources online (local FB mom groups for kids with allergies). And once you start talking to people in real life, so many parents are in your shoes (unfortunately).

The only thing you can do right now is AVOID. There are treatments being developed, but they are still in the works and for older children or adults. I have high hopes that treatments will be the norm one day.

We have a nut free home, we avoid all foods made in a facility, etc. But I've found that every parent has a different comfort level. Communication is key! Everyone my son is in contact with knows he's allergic and does not give him any food that we haven't approved. And now that my son is 4, he understands his allergies and is starting to become his own advocate.

It gets easier (not so overwhelming)! Feel free to FM with any questions.

Posted 8/29/16 11:19 AM

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