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Member since 6/10

4094 total posts



How long will your doctor let you go before inducing?

I was 10 days late with DD. I had an induction scheduled for 12 days past, and wound up going into labor on the 9th day, having her on the 10th.

I am currently 4 days late with DS. My husband just called me and told me he was talking to this woman at work who almost broke down crying because she was 4 days late and wound up having a stillborn due to meconium. My daughter had meconium during delivery, but all was fine.

No I am freaking out about letting myself go naturally at this point. I told him that is an uncommon thing at 4 days past, but if I wanted to go to 12 days past again, am I putting my baby at a horrible risk?

I have a stress test today so I will ask the doctor, but just wondering if anyone else has discussed this with theirs?


Posted 4/4/16 10:16 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts



2 weeks. My first was scheduled to be induced 14 days late and I had her naturally the night before. I had bpps every 2-3 days after my due date and she always did great. My second was a month early due to very serious complications so unfortunately I know things can change at any moment and that's scary but I wouldn't change having waited that first time. I would talk to your doctor about the risks and any warning signs you should be looking for that baby could be in distress.

Posted 4/4/16 10:24 AM


Member since 12/12

6656 total posts


Re: Overdue

My doctor said we'd discuss it if I went to 41 weeks, but they might not schedule induction right away, depending on how the baby is doing. The latest- 42, which seems to be the norm.

Posted 4/4/16 10:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/15

909 total posts



2 weeks. I was scheduled for an induction at 42 weeks. At my 41 week appointment I asked them to sweep my membranes to avoid induction and I went into labor the next day. I didn't end up avoiding induction though - I was in labor for 24hrs without dilating much so they started pitocin and I went for another 18 hours on that.

Posted 4/5/16 1:08 AM

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