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My February baby will be a December baby

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Got my miracle

Member since 9/11

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Re: My February baby will be a December baby

Posted by MrsT809

I had DD2 at 35 weeks and she did really well. She was just 4 pounds but they told me she should have been 5 or 6 at that point so she was just tiny. She required very little help breathing and once she was allowed to eat she did great with both the bottle or breast. She spent 8 days in the nicu at stonybrook and the were amazing. Everyone in the nicu, post partem, the OBs took such amazing care of us. I had a cs and I would just say get up and move as much as you can as soon as you can. I was able to stay in the hospital 5 full days which was great, much easier than traveling back and for the last few days. If you hope to breastfeed, I would definitely bring a hands free pumping bra. That was probably the most helpful item I had so I was able to pump while making phone calls or eating or the other million things I was trying to fit into the day. Also a big refillable water bottle to bring with you everywhere. Good luck!

Thank you! That's great that she did so well, hoping for the same!

Posted 12/20/15 9:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Team Pink!

Member since 12/06

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Re: My February baby will be a December baby

I delivered unexpectedly at 35 weeks and dd spent only 5 days in the nicu. The nurses are amazing people. Many hugs to will all be ok.

Posted 12/21/15 1:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: My February baby will be a December baby

Posted by KaKa2323

Posted by jessnbrian

I spiked to 170/100 at my 35 week visit, I was sent to the hospital and was induced that night. 3 days later I had an emergency c. My DS was born 4 weeks 1 day early, 5lbs 8oz. He was in the NICU for a total of FIVE, yes 5, days. He gained weight fast and furious. He's now 13 months old and in the 75% for height and weight for his AGE, not adjusted age, but age. He has had NO delays what so ever, he took his first steps (without holding anything) 3 nights ago, he's working on his words, is completely off the bottle and we're working hard on the paci, but that's gonna stay for now. It's scary, but will be FINE! Good Luck!!!!

Thank you! I was just told yesterday we are going to induce at 35 weeks so this makes me feel better. The worst part of this all is once I deliver her, she will be sent to NICU and I will be transferred to the cardiology department for monitoring for at least a week. They did say they would try their hardest to bring me back to postpartum after 24-48 hours, but the thought of not being with her is making me sick.

That sinks but it will work out. In the long run we all know a healthy mom and baby are the most important things and those first few days will be a distant memory very soon. Hopefully the doctors are being very conservative regarding how long you'll need to be monitored. Most 35 week babies do great. Like I said, dd was there 8 days which is amazing considering I had the cs early bc she was having major distress, it was all her issues not mine. She just turned one and is over 18 pounds, up from 4, and is a walking, climbing, troublemaker! She's beyond a mama's girl despite me not getting to even hold her for almost two days and ebf to the point of refusing a bottle since 3 months of age despite not getting to bf for the first few days. It was a super stressful surreal experience but you take one day, sometimes one hour at a time and you'll get through it.

Posted 12/21/15 6:37 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10

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My February baby will be a December baby

I'm so sorry!! Not the same but I ended up with postpartum preeclampsia & my dr admitted me back in the hospital for 4 days while my DD was only a few days old home without me. . I was beside myself that I was away from her & she had just been born! Now in hindsight it feels like a blur & almost forgotten & I really should've focused a little more energy on getting myself better bc I'm sure stressing & crying the whole time didn't help my situation. Just trust that your DD will be in great hands & the sooner you get yourself better the sooner you'll get to her. I know easier said then done. Best of luck to you!

Posted 12/21/15 11:36 PM


Member since 12/12

4088 total posts


Re: My February baby will be a December baby

KaKa.... How are you doing??

Posted 1/6/16 8:37 AM
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