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Conflicting feedback from peds office

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

1117 total posts


Conflicting feedback from peds office

I take DD to Bellmore Merrick Pediatrics and love the doctors there, HOWEVER anytime I ask a doctor a question there and then ask a different doc in the same practice I am always being told something different!!! I don't know who to listen to!! Does anyone else have this problem or take their DC to this office?

Posted 1/2/14 8:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

4043 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

I go to pediatric healthcare of LI and am actually amazed at the consistency of what we are told and how they handle things (albeit, with very different personalities!). I know that they have monthly meetings where they review their practice for consistency. Does your practice do this? It may not hurt to inquire.

Posted 1/2/14 8:39 PM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


Conflicting feedback from peds office

I have the same problem with our peds office in Smithtown. Too many doctors in the practice and some of them have different views i guess. I usually just listen to their main pediatrician. Or, if it's something that doesn't have to do with an illness or something, I'll go with my own instincts. I hate getting different opinions!

Posted 1/2/14 8:39 PM

Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

We used Bellmore Merrick until last month. We switched bc of what you stated and more. There was a lack of consistency and we also had a few mistakes that we were not pleased with.

Posted 1/2/14 8:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

1117 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by MrsG72907

We used Bellmore Merrick until last month. We switched bc of what you stated and more. There was a lack of consistency and we also had a few mistakes that we were not pleased with.

If you don't mind can you please share the mistakes, this scares me as I am already feeling uneasy with all the differences in opinions they have. One doctor tells me to have DD sleep on her belly and the other doesn't, one doctor tells me to give the baby orajel for teething and the other says don't do that. These are just 2 examples of many that I have experienced. On top of all of this , I really don't like the receptionists there and how I always feel like it's grand central station!

Posted 1/2/14 9:41 PM

It's summatime

Member since 3/09

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Not this office but same thing at mine The head ped told me something different than their monthly info sheet says. One ped said ok to give eggs at 9 mo, then at 9 mo a different ped said they recommend 12 mo. So basically I just ask you ladies and do what I want. Lol

Posted 1/2/14 9:48 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

We use that practice, and I found that I had the same problem when DD was an infant and she was constipated. Three different doctors or NPs told me three different things and definitely contradicted each other. I just chalked it up to there being no one "right" answer and they were just giving their professional opinions, which can differ from one another. DH and I followed our gut as far as what things to try. I can see why this can be frustrating though. I make it a point to try to speak directly to DD's main doctor, whose opinion I really trust.

Message edited 1/2/2014 9:56:33 PM.

Posted 1/2/14 9:56 PM

california dreamin'

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by Jax430

We use that practice, and I found that I had the same problem when DD was an infant and she was constipated. Three different doctors or NPs told me three different things and definitely contradicted each other. I just chalked it up to there being no one "right" answer and they were just giving their professional opinions, which can differ from one another. DH and I followed our gut as far as what things to try. I can see why this can be frustrating though. I make it a point to try to speak directly to DD's main doctor, whose opinion I really trust.

Same here. I see one doc for all of dds well visits so it's consistent. When she is sick I see whoever and trust their opinion.

Posted 1/3/14 12:23 AM


Member since 6/10

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Conflicting feedback from peds office

We go to this practice as well. I have seen a couple of the doctors there. I think they are all great, but unless we go in for an "emergency", I stick with one doctor. I think even if you are a doctor, you are not going to think the same way as every other doctor, even if they work in the same practice.

Just stick with the one doctor you feel most comfortable with.

Posted 1/3/14 7:04 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/12

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Conflicting feedback from peds office

I don't go to that practice - but a near by one and have had the same situation. I try to always see the 2 dr's I prefer but recently I asked for a specific dr and one I didn't want to see came in. ARGH.

It's so completely frustrating as I like the benefits of a group practice vs a single practive but hate the differences in opinion!

Posted 1/3/14 10:40 AM


Member since 3/09

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

A lot of a pediatrician's care is decision making.
Sometimes there is no right or wrong answer.
If you ask people, of course you will get different opinions, for example, when to start solids.

Posted 1/3/14 10:52 AM

Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

4970 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

There are two offices that call themselves "Bellmore-Merrick Pediatrics". One is Dr. Jassney's office, the other is Dr. Oppenheimer's. Just curious which one people in this thread are referring to?

We go to Jassey's office. There are many different doctors but we go to the same one for every well visit, after trying about 6 of them out. I like her but I don't necessarily agree with everything she says. She wanted me to start potty training DD after her 2nd birthday... no way! DD was not ready. I bet another doctor in the practice wouldn't have pushed it. I just took it as a suggestion.

The only issue I've had with having so many docs is that one of them told me that DD couldn't get a flu shot because of her egg allergy. That information is outdated and not true. 3 other doctors in the practice, and my best friend who is a doctor, all told me that she absolutely must get the shot. But in this case I'm glad there were differing opinions - if the outdated doc were the only one in the practice, I probably wouldn't have questioned her and DD wouldn't be protected this winter.

Posted 1/3/14 12:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/12

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Conflicting feedback from peds office

thats one of the many reasons why i left my last pediatricians office! there were only 2 doctors...but 2 totally different opinions on everything!

Posted 1/3/14 2:00 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

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Conflicting feedback from peds office

i was referring to jassey's office

Posted 1/3/14 2:22 PM


Member since 10/13

1397 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

I had the same issue with Commack Pediatric Partners, I was so happy to leave there. I would absolutely address it with them. Sometimes it's not a big issues (like when to start solids) but sometimes it is (when dealing with medications).

Posted 1/3/14 2:45 PM

Mommy of 2 girls!

Member since 5/10

2046 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by FDNYWife31

Posted by MrsG72907

We used Bellmore Merrick until last month. We switched bc of what you stated and more. There was a lack of consistency and we also had a few mistakes that we were not pleased with.

If you don't mind can you please share the mistakes, this scares me as I am already feeling uneasy with all the differences in opinions they have. One doctor tells me to have DD sleep on her belly and the other doesn't, one doctor tells me to give the baby orajel for teething and the other says don't do that. These are just 2 examples of many that I have experienced. On top of all of this , I really don't like the receptionists there and how I always feel like it's grand central station!

Sent PM

I was referring to Jassey's office.

Posted 1/3/14 3:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

1117 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by MrsG72907

Posted by FDNYWife31

Posted by MrsG72907

We used Bellmore Merrick until last month. We switched bc of what you stated and more. There was a lack of consistency and we also had a few mistakes that we were not pleased with.

If you don't mind can you please share the mistakes, this scares me as I am already feeling uneasy with all the differences in opinions they have. One doctor tells me to have DD sleep on her belly and the other doesn't, one doctor tells me to give the baby orajel for teething and the other says don't do that. These are just 2 examples of many that I have experienced. On top of all of this , I really don't like the receptionists there and how I always feel like it's grand central station!

Sent PM

Oh wow! I'm referring to Oppenheimers office.

I was referring to Jassey's office.

Posted 1/3/14 6:09 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

No matter how small or big the practice is all doctor's have different school of thoughts. It has happened at my dc pediatrician office.

Posted 1/3/14 7:39 PM


Member since 5/05

18919 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by luvmotherhood

i was referring to jassey's office

So was I.

Jassey's office is Bellmore Merrick pediatrics, and that's what the sign says outside their office. However, Oppenheimer's website is

Posted 1/3/14 8:07 PM

3 under 3?!

Member since 5/11

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by Jax430

We use that practice, and I found that I had the same problem when DD was an infant and she was constipated. Three different doctors or NPs told me three different things and definitely contradicted each other. I just chalked it up to there being no one "right" answer and they were just giving their professional opinions, which can differ from one another. DH and I followed our gut as far as what things to try. I can see why this can be frustrating though. I make it a point to try to speak directly to DD's main doctor, whose opinion I really trust.

This, exactly. Had the same issue when DS was constipated.

I really trust Dr. Jassey though. I think different doctors have different opinions and sometimes there isn't always a "right" answer. I think you would encounter this in most large practices

Posted 1/3/14 8:42 PM

car seat tech & geek :-)

Member since 2/06

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Posted by ChristinaM128

I go to pediatric healthcare of LI and am actually amazed at the consistency of what we are told and how they handle things (albeit, with very different personalities!). I know that they have monthly meetings where they review their practice for consistency. Does your practice do this? It may not hurt to inquire.

We go here too and only a couple of times did I get conflicting info. That Dr is not there anymore though. I absolutely love the office overall although I tend to stick to a specific order of Dr's when making well visits.

Posted 1/3/14 8:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

1674 total posts


Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

I go to Oppenheimer's office and have faced inconsistency as well. At DD's 3 mo well visit, I was told absolutely no solids until 6 mos and at her 4 mo well visit I was asked if I had started solids!! Um, what?!

I like most of the drs but definitely have my frustrations. Less so about the inconsistency because as others have stated, there can be different approaches to the same issue. I just find the office unbelievably busy and am not really finding the one on one personal care I'd like. No plans to switch right now. I'm taking a wait and see approach.

Posted 1/4/14 10:53 PM


Member since 12/12

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Re: Conflicting feedback from peds office

Hearing conflicting things has to be one of the most frustrating things ever!!! Especially when you are trying your best to provide consistency to your child.
Sometimes it is just a matter of opinion with no one answer being the correct answer.

I would recommend maybe finding a pediatrician who is in a practice by himself, but Sometimes you can still never win. I was demand feeding at my 2 month pediatrician appt when I was told to feed absolutely no more than every 2-3 hours so DD would learn to take adequate feedings. When I went back for my 4 appt the same pediatrician recommended demand feeding!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/6/14 8:23 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

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Conflicting feedback from peds office

I got to Oppenheimer as well and have also noticed it.
It bothered me at first but worked much better when I decided to stick with the doctor I was most comfortable with.
I feel like Dr. Bob is very by the book, Dr. O is totally old school and Dr. Andy is in the middle.

Posted 1/6/14 8:46 AM

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