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At what age would the following things be appropriate?

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

914 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

1) a cell phone

2) a Facebook
Instagram or Twitter account?

From what I hear, kids get cell phones for middle school. My DD has 8/9 year old friends with Facebook/Instagram/Twitter Accounts

DH and I limit electronics to weekends. I do not feel that any social media accounts are acceptable till 16-18.

Are we backwards or too strict?

Message edited 9/9/2013 12:57:58 PM.

Posted 9/9/13 12:56 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by avabrodymamma

1) a cell phone

Middle School (11 years old)

2) a Facebook
Instagram or Twitter account?

13 years old as that is the minimum age on Facebook. Probably say the same for Twitter.

Posted 9/9/13 1:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Oh and I have a 15 year old and 10 year old.

Posted 9/9/13 1:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

My nephew just got a cell phone for his "graduation" into middle school this year (and he will turn 11 tomorrow). My brother & SIL were debating about the phone but, and they are not one to ever buy into "but everyone else is" but they said that every kid in my nephew's class was getting a phone at this age.

As far as Facebook, etc. I think most (or at least many) kids have accounts by 14-15. My stepson had FB by 13, which I think was a little too young (but he rarely ever used it). He is now 15 and he uses it fairly frequently, but we monitor it regularly

Posted 9/9/13 1:27 PM

Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13

2047 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

I got my daughter a cell phone for her 5th grade graduation, mostly because in Middle School there is no aftercare so she began letting herself in the house after school. I wanted her to have an emergency way of reaching us should she be locked out or we lose power.

She got a facebook at 10 because Farmville was the big thing and she loved to play it. Now at 13, she has Facebook (which most kids in her school don't even use anymore), and Instagram (more popular). She also has Kik, Snapchat, and Tumblr.

That being said, she also has a 98.6 overall average, was admitted to the National Honor Society, and has proven herself trustworthy.

My son, who is 10, is not nearly as responsible and won't have any of these any time soon. But he has also shown no interest at all.

Posted 9/9/13 2:00 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

My DD is 10, she does not have a cell phone or any social media accounts. Most of her friends do have cell phones, I think she'll be the last one to get one.

Posted 9/9/13 5:34 PM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

cell phone - our school district doesnt have middle school - we go 7-12. so for a 6th grade graduation gift, i would agree to a cell phone.

i am anti-social media for kids. They are too young right now for me to even think of an age i would even consider it. but i say 16ish is my thought right now.

Posted 9/10/13 9:58 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by avabrodymamma

1) a cell phone

Middle School (11 years old)

2) a Facebook
Instagram or Twitter account?

13 years old as that is the minimum age on Facebook. Probably say the same for Twitter.

I agree
For a cell, elementary school graduation. It's a regular cell not a smartphone. He can have that when he has a job to pay for it.

Facebook, Instagram & Twitter - when they've reached the terms & conditions age AND when they've shown they are responsible on the internet.

Message edited 9/10/2013 1:28:24 PM.

Posted 9/10/13 12:52 PM

car seat tech & geek :-)

Member since 2/06

4346 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

My daughter had a regular cell phone in 6th grade and half of 7th. Then she upgraded to a smartphone

She will be 15 in January. Over the past summer she started an Instagram account.

Posted 9/10/13 2:06 PM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

We got my son a cell phone at the end of 7th grade.

No Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I see absolutely no reason for it until much older, like 10th or 11th grade.

Posted 9/10/13 6:52 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

Posted 9/10/13 8:35 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/13

14 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

My older kids are on Instagram. They are 10, 11 and 15. I would say most if not all of their friends are on Instagram as well. My 15 year old has a fb but never uses it.
All three are responsible kids and the oldest is an AP/Honors student and varsity athlete.

Posted 9/10/13 9:37 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/13

14 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Cell phones around 6th grade for us.
They currently all have an iPad and my 15 year old (a boy) has a cell phone (got it the summer after 5th grade). My 6th grader (a boy) is asking for one but we will probably wait until the spring. My 5th grader (a girl) will get one by 6th grade.

Posted 9/10/13 9:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

Posted 9/10/13 10:28 PM

I am all the Me I will ever Be

Member since 5/06

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She who shall remain nameless

Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

As of now, my 10 year old (will be 11 in Nov) 6th grader, doesn't have any of that. However he probably will be getting a cell phone this summer or once I start back at work. Not a smart phone or anything.

Social media...I am not sure when for him. He's not interested in that stuff so I haven't had to think about it. Once he shows an interest and he can be trusted to use the internet responsibility then we will talk about it.

Posted 9/11/13 8:23 AM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

Posted 9/11/13 11:47 AM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Cell Phone, probably sometime in Middle school

Social media accounts - at least the minimum age as per each company.

Posted 9/11/13 12:35 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

I was babysitting when I was in 6-7th grade so it's not too young.

Posted 9/11/13 1:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

No as that is when middle school starts and there is no after-care.

Posted 9/11/13 3:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by afternoondelight828

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

No as that is when middle school starts and there is no after-care.

Our district has aftercare for middle school. It's called a youth club or something. Also the Boys and Girls club nearby has aftercare.

Some districts do, some don't. I would NEVER allow my 6th grader to come home to an empty house.

Posted 9/11/13 3:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by BargainMama

Posted by afternoondelight828

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

No as that is when middle school starts and there is no after-care.

Our district has aftercare for middle school. It's called a youth club or something. Also the Boys and Girls club nearby has aftercare.

Some districts do, some don't. I would NEVER allow my 6th grader to come home to an empty house.

I thought that too until my daughter was in 6th grade and basically had no choice. They actually do quite well and she is very independent now as a teenager.

Posted 9/11/13 4:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/09

1245 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

SD is very untrustworthy and does not take care of anyone's belongings (hers or otherwise). She will not be getting a cell phone until she turns that around. The Boys & Girls club has good aftercare that we send her to, and I'm not sure but I believe it goes through to High School. Maybe then she can get a cell phone...but one that does calls and texts ONLY. Not a smart phone.

As far as FB, Twitter, Instagram...never, if possible. But in reality, when she's 18. DH works in IT security, so it's entirely possible for us to make it so that she'd have to really try to have an active FB account (like, through friends or something).

We are very strict, but the world is not what it once was. I remember all the stupid decisions I made between 10 and 18, and I was much more responsible than she is. I'm only glad the internet wasn't around then so that my every adolescent mistake was around to haunt me for the rest of my life.

Probably she will hate us by the time she's 18...but I can live with that if it means she's STD free, has good grades, and is responsible.

Posted 9/11/13 5:00 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by ali120206

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

I was babysitting when I was in 6-7th grade so it's not too young.

yes. Right now I'm concerned with robberies in my area.Chat Icon

Posted 9/11/13 5:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: At what age would the following things be appropriate?

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by ali120206

Posted by aliwnec10

Posted by stinger

Posted by aliwnec10

count me in the strict category. Chat Icon

Granted my son is only 5, but I do not plan on him having a cell phone until he's 14 and can pay for it himself.

Facebook, twitter.... nope. not happening. Not even at 14. Nothing good comes of FB (and yes I have it), especially at 14 or 15. IMO.

I used to say this but then learned that a lot of 6th graders are either home alone or walking home alone and parents feel safer with their child having a basic cell phone. It's true you never know until you are there.....

thats why i said "granted my son is only 5"... Chat Icon

side note: really 6th graders home alone? isn't that a big young?

I was babysitting when I was in 6-7th grade so it's not too young.

yes. Right now I'm concerned with robberies in my area.Chat Icon

This is 100% my concern.

Posted 9/11/13 7:29 PM

Avatar Title

Member since 9/08

3762 total posts


At what age would the following things be appropriate?

My kids are 6 & 4. But from listening to the older kids parents a call,phone in 4th/5th grade and they are smart phones. Social media sites around the same age.

Posted 9/11/13 9:00 PM
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