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Success Stories

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LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Success Stories

I am in desperate need of losing 10-15 pounds, through dieting, exercising or both, but I just can't get motivated to start. Honestly, my clothes are a "little" too tight (it doesn't help that they are a little old too, so I'm just buying the next size up, so I'm not getting the motivation I need there).

So, I guess I'm just looking for some success stories on how you got yourself motivated and kept on track.

Posted 5/22/13 11:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

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Success Stories

What do you do for diet and exercise.

Posted 5/22/13 11:56 AM

-Crossfit & pitbull addict

Member since 7/06

2830 total posts


Success Stories

Opps. Hit submit too soon. I'm a trainer. I can give you advice if you give me a basic run down of your diet and exercise. After two weeks of sticking with a plan, your weight loss will be all the motivation you need!

Posted 5/22/13 11:57 AM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Success Stories

every program i've ever come across starts with what you eat... but i'm backwards.

if i start moving, even if it's only walking around the block, i'm more motivated to eat better... to not un-do the "workout"

as asked above, what are you doing now?

Posted 5/22/13 12:50 PM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

14887 total posts


Re: Success Stories

Back in Feb. I started following a vegetarian diet and I was tracking my calories using my fitness pal. A few weeks later, a friend of mine put me in touch with a beach body coach who introduced me to a program called ChaLean Extreme. I started the program in the begining of March and I'm down 15lbs, have gained muscle and see such a huge change! It's hard but I always remember how I feel after the workout and that's all the motivation I needed to get off of the couch. I thought it would be hard to workout at home rather than getting out of the house to the gym but I LOVE working out at home. Like someone else said..once you do it, the changes you'll see and feel will be your motivation!
Now that I'm in my third month of the program, I have progress every single week and that pumps me to go harder!

Posted 5/22/13 1:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Re: Success Stories

I have no set schedule (because I work 4 long days a week/have 3 kids). I don't think I eat terribly and I exercise on my elliptical machine occasionally. I try to walk during lunch, and walk to the school to pick up the kids on my day off.

Again, I have no routine. Without consistency, my weight goes no-where (which happens to be baby weight that just didn't come off).

Posted 5/22/13 1:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/10

2418 total posts


Re: Success Stories

Write it down. Write everything down.

I'm a trainer and my most successful clients are the ones who've worked with my not only long term, but journaled their journey.

Write down what you eat, and when, see if there's a pattern to when you eat more, or when you eat not so great things.

Write down your exercise, how long, what kind, how did you feel during/after. IF you did 2 miles and it felt draining, and a week later you did 2 miles and it felt easy, time to step it up!

Journaling makes you accountable. It's the same basis as weight watchers, etc. Be present, be aware, be accountable.

Posted 5/22/13 1:46 PM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

14887 total posts


Re: Success Stories

Posted by LiveForMoments

Write it down. Write everything down.

I'm a trainer and my most successful clients are the ones who've worked with my not only long term, but journaled their journey.

Write down what you eat, and when, see if there's a pattern to when you eat more, or when you eat not so great things.

Write down your exercise, how long, what kind, how did you feel during/after. IF you did 2 miles and it felt draining, and a week later you did 2 miles and it felt easy, time to step it up!

Journaling makes you accountable. It's the same basis as weight watchers, etc. Be present, be aware, be accountable.

Great advice!
I'm a member of beach body and through the site I'm able to log my workouts, progress and schedule my workouts! As soon as I finish one, I schedule the next one this way I know I've already fit it into my day. Logging meals is another must for me! It helps me so much to see what I'm eating because not only do I know how many calories I'm consuming, but it helps me make better decisions!

Posted 5/22/13 2:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Re: Success Stories

OK, I'm thinking of training and doing a 5k. Is that a good, workable start?

Posted 5/22/13 2:24 PM


Member since 2/07

17374 total posts


Re: Success Stories

Posted by Pumpkin1

OK, I'm thinking of training and doing a 5k. Is that a good, workable start?


it got me started!

Posted 5/22/13 4:17 PM


Member since 10/06

4563 total posts


Re: Success Stories

Right after new years i knew i HAD to lose at least 10 lbs. my clothing was tight and i just felt flabby and totally out of shape. i have always run and thought that was enough to keep me trim but i kept buying clothes in bigger sizes or kept wearing sweat pants.
it had to stop!
so i got real and made some changes on 1/3 and have actually kept at it. amazing since i usually get bored easy!
what i did:

joined WW to have accountability and simply weigh in. also showed me how much overeating i did on a daily basis!Chat Icon

bought Jillian Michaels DVD's to do at home. never did this before but this was HUGE in getting me into shap! i started with her 30 day shred and have graduated to Body Revolution plan. best thing i ever did. i simply wake up a half hour earlier now and do this workout which is only a 1/2 hour. no excuses.
simple weight training has made all the difference in my 38 yr old body.

i run/walk on my lunch hour 1-2x a week and after dinner with my kids. i always run on the weekends.

i have lost and kept off about 12 lbs and fit into all my clothes! this is very exciting and motivating for me Chat Icon

Every day i'm happy to be in my body and it's a relief.
good luck!! it is a hard journey but one that is totally worth it!

Posted 5/22/13 10:27 PM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

Member since 2/11

3992 total posts


Re: Success Stories

I made a career change in 2010 and in the course of 2.5 years, I gained about 25 lbs! It came on slowly, so it was easy to tell myself that it wasn't that bad, I hadn't gained that much.

In early January, I decided to go back to WWs. For me, vanity was my biggest motivation. I wanted to look better and fit back into my old clothes/sizes. I followed the program to the tee, tracking my food, trying to adhere to the good health guidelines, attending weekly meetings. I have lost over 29 lbs since January, and am really happy. I am pretty much at my goal weight.

For me, the keys have been:

1. Nutrition/eating - I haven't really worked out much, and I am signing up for a zumba class today. But I think the food is the much bigger part of it, to start, and exercise can enhance your weight loss efforts (but can't cause weight loss by itself if not complimented by a good eating plan).

2. Eating what I like - If I don't like what I am eating, I won't stay with a program. So while I had to cut back a bit and become more mindful of what I was eating, I was still able to enjoy my food. I researched healthy recipes on magazines and blogs, and tried new things.

3. Cutting myself some slack and keeping expectations reasonable - I think the best weight loss that is likely to stick is the slow and steady kind. So I started out with realistic expectations about how much I would lose, and didn't beat myself up or abandon my plan if I had an off day (or week). No one can ever be perfect with anything, and weight loss is no different. It's just a matter of consistency, sticking with it over time, and not getting too hung up on what the scale says at any given moment, as long as your weight is trending downward overall.

Hope this helps!

Posted 5/23/13 9:34 AM


Member since 5/05

12810 total posts


Re: Success Stories

To just start, see if there are little things you can cut out of your diet.

For me, I cut out fast food (which I ate 2x per week) and my daily latte or Coolata or one of those high calorie coffee drinks. I also ate the recommended serving size instead of eating until I was FULL.

I lost about 8 pounds just doing those 3 things alone within 2 months.

Posted 5/23/13 10:13 AM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

Member since 2/11

3992 total posts


Re: Success Stories

I think it also helps to have a weight loss or fitness "buddy" to help keep you motivated. I am a somewhat competitive person, so a little friendly competition never hurt! I dragged my mom back to WW with me, and even just knowing I was meeting her at the weekly meeting kept me from blowing it off, staying in bed.... And we would share what we were eating, how we were doing with points, etc.

It's good to have a support system, whether you have a very little or a lot of weight to lose.

Posted 5/23/13 3:06 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

812 total posts


Re: Success Stories

18 months ago I was 190lbs, miserable, depressed, and feeling awful. I decided I would get healthy and live a life worthy of living! I took babysteps, started working out, and watching what I eat. My weight loss was super slow but I didn't care :) Now I am obsessed with Herbalife. It has helped me expedite the process. I've lost 45lbs and feel better than ever! Read about the success stories and if you ever want to order, email me... I would love to help. [email protected]

Honestly, I never anticipated turning into a guru but I have my friends and family hooked due to the results we see! It is the easiest thing I have done... it's not a crash diet its a gateway to a healthy lifestyle by fueling your body with the nutrients and protein you need.

Good luck to you! You can do this ... with or without shakes/herbalife. Start slow, stick with it, don't let setbacks hold you back!Keep moving forward!

Eating a few bad meals a week didnt make me fat, eatin a few healthy meals a week made me fat! Honestly, I have never felt better and this weight is staying off for good! Slow and steady wins the race sweetie.

Also, you need a support system. I asked my friends to pick healthy places for restaraunts. At work I said, "do not let me order bad food with you." Help me stick to my plan ... I need to... I need your help. Now I am the one motivating everyone around me.

My coworker is 350+lbs and I am going to be her personal coach. She was crying speaking to me... I know I can help her! Get help from friends and family and then one day pay it forward :)

Posted 5/24/13 10:30 PM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

9164 total posts


Re: Success Stories

Probably between last Thanksgiving and now, I had gained about 10 pounds. I'm not overweight by any stretch of the imagination, but like you, my clothes started to get a bit too tight for my comfort. I decided I needed to do something.

I have always had a fast metabolism and could eat whatever I wanted. Not sure if I've been eating like crazy or my metabolism is slowing down, but I was not happy with myself at all. I could "feel" the weight. It was in my stomach, I was losing my waist. My pants in the thighs were too tight. Not good.

So I decided that I needed to start with diet. I was eating horribly. Eating anything I wanted, whenever I wanted. And most of my food choices were all empty calories. I also recognized that I am a boredom eater and also have no willpower. Not a good combination.

10 days ago I started tracking my calories on My Fitness Pal app. In the first day I realized how horribly I was eating. Based on what I plugged into the app I am supposed to have 1200 calories a day to lose weight. I have been sticking to it, eating lots of salads, fruits, vegetables.

In the last 10 days, through diet alone, I have lost 5 pounds. I'm amazed!...and better yet, motivated! Now I just have to add exercise to everything...but for now getting on track with my diet is really helping!

Posted 5/31/13 1:26 PM

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