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daycare for more than 1

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my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

We looked at (wed want someone legal) and it seems the going rate is 10-15 per hour and at full time that would be more than daycare Chat Icon so back to square one. I am also having a really hard time with the idea of taking DS out of his social environment.

Posted 3/28/13 9:29 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by maymama

We looked at (wed want someone legal) and it seems the going rate is 10-15 per hour and at full time that would be more than daycare Chat Icon so back to square one. I am also having a really hard time with the idea of taking DS out of his social environment.

If you are open into other options look into a full time school setting for the big boy it should cut down cost and he'll not only be getting care but also learning as well. He will make new friends and transition well! If you were here in CT I'd have a great recommendation! LOL wanna move???

Posted 3/28/13 9:37 AM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

4985 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

also was the hourly rate for partime? Usually if someone is looking for partime help you pay an hourly wage but for full time you should be able to negotiate a weekly salary cutting down cost.

Posted 3/28/13 9:39 AM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by Blissful

Posted by maymama

We looked at (wed want someone legal) and it seems the going rate is 10-15 per hour and at full time that would be more than daycare Chat Icon so back to square one. I am also having a really hard time with the idea of taking DS out of his social environment.

If you are open into other options look into a full time school setting for the big boy it should cut down cost and he'll not only be getting care but also learning as well. He will make new friends and transition well! If you were here in CT I'd have a great recommendation! LOL wanna move???

Love to lol! It is a thought and we are considering but I cringe at the thought of two drop of and pick ups. I have to look more seriously into it. Not sure if there are 8-6 full time preschool options available in Nassau? Does anyone know?

Posted 3/28/13 9:41 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by maymama

Posted by charon54

We have a friend watch our kids at our house 3 days a week and my inlaws 2 days a week. It was so much cheaper than putting both in the daycare after DS #2 was born.

i am hoping this is an option in the fall. all grandparents will be retired so I am HOPING they can each takes the kids one day per week leaving us with only 3 days in daycare which will save 40%.

You would be MUCH better off with a Nanny. It also works well for when your children are sick. You should look into that. What you are paying is ridiculous!

Posted 3/28/13 9:44 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by maymama

We looked at (wed want someone legal) and it seems the going rate is 10-15 per hour and at full time that would be more than daycare Chat Icon so back to square one. I am also having a really hard time with the idea of taking DS out of his social environment.

I paid 10 an hour for M-F 9-5 and paid about 1600 a month

Posted 3/28/13 9:45 AM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by longford73

If you don't mind me asking where are you doing daycare. We do in home, licensed, daycare and pay about $1,900.00 a month. Maybe that's an option for you. I found mine on the Nassau child care website.


For DS only, we pay $800/month for in-home licenced daycare... she provides all food and milk. When we add DS#2 in the fall, we expect to go up to at least $1500 (assuming she gives us a discount). Is it possible to look into more affordable in-home daycare?

Posted 3/28/13 9:46 AM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

18453 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by DRMom

Posted by maymama

We looked at (wed want someone legal) and it seems the going rate is 10-15 per hour and at full time that would be more than daycare Chat Icon so back to square one. I am also having a really hard time with the idea of taking DS out of his social environment.

I paid 10 an hour for M-F 9-5 and paid about 1600 a month

We would need roughy 8-5 which is 45hr per week at 15 per hour (2 kids) comes to 675 per week only 25 less than we are paying now. Do nannys take the kids out for socialization? The added groceries for the weeks food that my son would eat is surely more than the 25 dollar difference. It just doesn't pay /:

Posted 3/28/13 10:04 AM

Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

1816 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

If the child care costs are going to be high for a while, here are some ideas for trimming the household budget. When we moved and went to one income- I had to really look at where our money was going and this stuff helped:

- Try to get hand me down clothing from people!!! It made a huge difference in our clothing budget for the boys. I got shoes, pajamas and other items at the outlets.

Food was a big expense. Takeout and restaurants really added up! Try to cook at home as often as possible, especially for dinner.

Shop around for lower car insurance and life insurance rates.

Try and stay out of stores as much as possible. I find that if I avoid the mall, Target, etc my monthly credit card bill is much less!!!

Do a flexible spending account at work for out of pocket costs.

I will try and think of more!

Good luck - it will work out. It is so hard to live in the area unless you have two incomes!Chat Icon

Posted 3/28/13 1:40 PM


Member since 5/05

20997 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

My mom does in home daycare- licensed and its 1800/1900 a month for two.
Nassau county.

I have a friend who works in a center and they charge so much more and i hear that is so not one on one which makes no sense to me why they can charge what they do.

Posted 3/28/13 1:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


daycare for more than 1

UM I'll be your nanny if you wanna pay me that much LOL

As far as cutting things back to help subsidize the cost, I'd suggest switching to lower cell phone plans, reduce your Optimum bill and eat out less. It might not be huge savings but it could help.

Posted 3/28/13 2:26 PM

Twin mommies are twice as nice

Member since 4/08

1861 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

We pay $1800 a month now at a day care center in Bethpage. Kids love it, right now only 7 kids in 3 year old class so they have lot of attention and are really striving and have learned so much in the past few months it is amazing!

Posted 3/28/13 2:34 PM

A new beginning

Member since 2/07

3600 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Do you have an extra bedroom. Maybe an au pair? Would definitely be cheaper. I believe there is a $5000 upfront cost but after that the costs are minimal.

Posted 3/28/13 3:05 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


daycare for more than 1

That seems like a lot but, if you are happy with the place, it's worth every penny.

Is that price based on your own calculation though or what the daycare gave you? When I enrolled DS 2, they gave me a 10% discount on DS 1 and when DS 1 turned 3, there was a price drop as well (nothing substantial, it's still a lot but, makes it more justifiable...)

We don't go out to eat as much as we did, or out as much overall. Luckily, DH has had the opportunity to work a lot of overtime which has helped.

We were prepared for the daycare expense but, what's been hitting me harder is the cost of 2 in diapers and formula/babyfood for DS 2 (thankfully that's done, yay!)

Posted 3/28/13 3:16 PM

Hidey Ho!

Member since 2/10

1669 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

I just started using DeCAP- a pre-tax deduction from your paycheck you can then get reimbursed back for childcare expenses. So far so good!

Posted 3/28/13 3:41 PM

My loves!

Member since 10/07

3002 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by skinny

Would you ever consider a nanny?
Holy cow....that's a lot of money!

Yeah for that money I'd get a nanny. We pay ours about $2400 for 2 kids, 4 days a week and I think that's a LOT.

Posted 3/28/13 4:49 PM

My boys :-)

Member since 3/09

6659 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by KGools

Posted by longford73

If you don't mind me asking where are you doing daycare. We do in home, licensed, daycare and pay about $1,900.00 a month. Maybe that's an option for you. I found mine on the Nassau child care website.


For DS only, we pay $800/month for in-home licenced daycare... she provides all food and milk. When we add DS#2 in the fall, we expect to go up to at least $1500 (assuming she gives us a discount). Is it possible to look into more affordable in-home daycare?

We do in home as well for both boys and its $2k a month. Days they o not go she doesn't charge us and she also provides food and milk.

Posted 3/28/13 6:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/08

3860 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

It is so terrible that this is how much it is. I recently got some quotes, and I was floored. The cost for a toddler and a pre-schooler was $2734 per month at the school we liked, and $2267 at the school we only kind of liked. It stinks!

As far as cutting back, I think cell phones, cable, and food are the biggest least for us. Unfortunately, this isn't a ton of savings, but it is something.

Good luck..I certainly feel your pain!

Posted 3/28/13 9:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/10

1901 total posts


daycare for more than 1

I know sweet tots has a preschool type setting and is cheaper than our house and its right across the street so drop off wouldn't be that crazy!

Posted 3/28/13 9:13 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: daycare for more than 1

We're in the same boat when I go back to work in Sept. I'm going to be paying a little less per month for my two (for a licensed daycare/preschool) but it's going to eat the bulk of my take home pay. There's not a lot we can do that we're not already doing to cut corners (I've been a SAHM since Nov 2010).

I'm just going to save the receipts. When my daughters are teens and scream, "You never did anything for me!!" I'm going to throw them at them lol.

Posted 3/28/13 10:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1199 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

We would need a nanny for 45 hours a week. At $15 an hour, that's $675/week or $2925/month. I pay that now but at least ODD is in Montessori school and is learning a ton. YDD is in a small licensed family daycare with a 2:1 ratio. She gets a lot of individual attention.

I would love to get a nanny to take care of two kids, play with them, and teach them cool stuff for less but $15 is the going rate where I live. Plus I am uncomfortable with paying someone under the table. And having a stranger in my home all day.

This is what we would cut if we needed to:
- cable (use only Netflix)
- smart phones
- cook all meals
- take lunch everyday
- limit birthday & christmas gifts - $50 to $150 a person for immediate family members adds up quickly
- rely on public transportation /limit car use to save gas

It's a struggle but it is only temporary. And by staying in the workforce you don't lose your earning potential, you pay into social security (hopefully it will be around when we need it), and you have your financial independence to fall back on in a worst case scenario.

Posted 3/29/13 11:33 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by maymama

Posted by DRMom

Posted by maymama

We looked at (wed want someone legal) and it seems the going rate is 10-15 per hour and at full time that would be more than daycare Chat Icon so back to square one. I am also having a really hard time with the idea of taking DS out of his social environment.

I paid 10 an hour for M-F 9-5 and paid about 1600 a month

We would need roughy 8-5 which is 45hr per week at 15 per hour (2 kids) comes to 675 per week only 25 less than we are paying now. Do nannys take the kids out for socialization? The added groceries for the weeks food that my son would eat is surely more than the 25 dollar difference. It just doesn't pay /:

I have twins and paid 10. My nanny would and did take them to activities, parks, etc. They were also in school 3 days a week and now go 5 days a week.

Posted 3/29/13 2:20 PM

my two loves

Member since 10/06

5133 total posts


Re: daycare for more than 1

Posted by LeShellem

Do you have an extra bedroom. Maybe an au pair? Would definitely be cheaper. I believe there is a $5000 upfront cost but after that the costs are minimal.

This is what we're doing right now and it's awesome. SO much more affordable and she takes the kids to all sorts of activities, helps out around the house, cooks, etc. It's around $800/month plus the agency fee you pay at the beginning of the year.

Posted 3/30/13 8:58 PM
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