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elecare mommies/babies help

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/08

296 total posts


elecare mommies/babies help

Dd was diagnosed w a milk protien allergy on monday (blood in stool) . Previous to that she was on alimentiun and bf (with me omitting most dairy...because she seemed to be gassy from it....also while pregnant i oddly got terribly ill on dairy and kinda mentally stayed away from which has just carried over.
She has been switched to elecare as of this past monday. She is still VERY fussy. Not as gassy. But continues to have diareaha throughout day and nite. She wakes from it and basically is never getting sleep....btwn needing a bottle/change of diaper.
I called reg pediatrician today to ask about adding rice to bottle just to bind her up alil so she could sleep some. Dr said no.....however a few weeks prior suggested adding rice to her alimentium bottle???
i also have a GI appt scheduled for this week. My 2 older ds had reflux as babies n wondering if that a possible issue. Just looking for anyone who had/has ds/dd on elecare n thier expeience. I just an at a loss on how to help my is truly heart breaking :(
thanks for any advice....sorry for many typos...been a long time sice i have slept :(
dd is 4truly months old. And i have tried sppon feeding. However she barely gets anthing in. Ive even attempted to do a morning and eving spoon feeding but am barely getting half a tbsp in.and she typically cries through most of feeding :(

Message edited 3/9/2013 10:08:34 PM.

Posted 3/9/13 10:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

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love my family!

elecare mommies/babies help

i feel for you.....dd is on nutramigen but was briefly on alimentum and also neocate and elecare. she has reflux as well. she is 5 months old. took her to the GI specialist and ultimately with a combination of reflux meds, mylanta, and using nutramigen RTF we finally have seem to have gotten the right combo. don't really have any advice but to hang in there, hopefully it will get better soon.

Posted 3/9/13 10:17 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 5/11

11 total posts


Re: elecare mommies/babies help

My DD had A.R. from 4 weeks of age. I tried 3 formulas and neutramagin with 2 table spoons of beechnut rice cereal helped a lot along with prevacid 2 times a day (after trying axid which was a nightmare). She slept through the night at 5 weeks of age.

Posted 3/27/13 6:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

2741 total posts


Re: elecare mommies/babies help

It takes about 2 weeks to notice a difference in their bellies. My son was switched to Elecare around 5 weeks old and it took a few days to notice a difference in him but it took a good 10 days for his bowel movements to get normal... I would wait and see what the GI says. It may be reflux. They go hand in hand with milk protein allergies...I did rice cereal in DS's bottles but it didn't do anything for his poopies..

Posted 3/28/13 12:02 AM

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