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He's my hamball :)

Member since 10/10 1419 total posts
Name: Jessica
In need of some advice on 2 things.
I used to be a long islander - moved to Ohio a year ago. I tried to seek help on baby center, but really had no responses.
My son Jack is going to be 15 Months. He can hold his own sippy cup and drink, BUT, he will not put his own food in his mouth. He picks it up, throws it, plays with it, but when I try to show him it's ok to put it in his mouth, he refuses.
I've tried leaving the room and listening in, I've tried to get him to mimic me. i even tried to let him eat off his play room floor (cheerios only) just to see if he'd do it from there.
The reason this is so pressing is because I am currently pregnant with number 2, due in June, and when she comes around (yes it's a girl!), it would be helpful if Jack can at least put his own food in his mouth so my hands are free.
are there any other ideas? any games maybe I can try with him? doctor doesn't think it's a motor issue, because like I said he CAN take his own drink, and he does but some toys in his mouth, he thinks it's just laziness. does that make sense?
the second thing, is has anyone flown with their LO under 2? did you have a good experience? did security take any food away or anything else you may have needed for the baby? anyone get something said to them if the LO acted up? I am flying to Florida to visit my sick grandmother who hasn't met my son yet, and I normally wouldn't fly to begin with, but I feel like if I don't make this trip I'll regret it. little nervous over here.
thank you in advance.
Posted 1/30/13 9:19 PM |
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LIF Adult
Member since 9/12 1077 total posts
Re: In need of some advice on 2 things.
My kids are 19 months apart, older could not or would not feed himself. It's not a big deal to have to continue feeding him. I used to do it while holding baby. I totally understand frustration on that front! I thought it was laziness for my DC as well, but he is just a terrible eater along with some motor issues
I flew with my 15 month old. We brought a ton of milk and other stuff. Way too much! The TSA agent let us take it, but he also said it was way too much for a 3 hour flight
Ds did act up on the flight. I was surprised how bad he was. I don't think anyone would have dared say anything to us bc dh and I were already aggravated! Just avoid eye contact with your fellow passengers you will be fine
Posted 1/30/13 9:35 PM |
He's my hamball :)

Member since 10/10 1419 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: In need of some advice on 2 things.
Ah, advice, thank you so much lol.
Posted 1/30/13 9:39 PM |
Love my little man

Member since 12/10 1901 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: In need of some advice on 2 things.
No advice on not picking up food & eating but we did fly to Arizona when ds was 15 months old. Security gave us no problems with food or milk for ds. Just put everything in a separate bag & let them know what you have. They may just test any liquid you have for the baby. We brought a lot of snacks & books(he loves flip books). Also, some of his favorite toys & some new toys. I also suggest bringing a portable Dvd player. Nobody really complained when he got fussy. If they did I didn't notice. Also, the flight attendants were very helpful & really tend to love babies!
Posted 1/30/13 9:41 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 1347 total posts
Re: In need of some advice on 2 things.
I do not have advice on the feeding thing - I have a 3yo dd that still doesn't like to feed herself but CAN & a 17mo ds that will shove anything in his mouth 
As for flying with a small child - we flew to Disney last year with 3 kids in tow and it was an excellent experience! You can bring ANY food or liquids for dc in your carry-on that you will need for the flight/immediate travel - when you get to security they will ask you to put your liquids in a separate bin and they check them. We had an absurd amount of liquids on our way back and i thought for sure they would take stuff away - when the security person asked how many children I had and I said 3, he just said "okay then" The guy behind us in line was upset and wanted to know if I could get his starbucks coffee through security and i told him my kids don't drink coffee
Posted 1/31/13 9:50 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: In need of some advice on 2 things.
I would continue to just give him finger type foods and let him eat by himself. Force yourself to not help him. Eventually when he's hungry, he'll feed himself.
As for the flight, bring one or 2 new toys that he's never seen before, some snacks and drinks.
I've brought both of my children on flights at a young age and both were fine-usually slept for majority of the flight. If you can take a early morning flight, I've always had success with the kids being so tired from waking up early that they are pooped from all the excitement.
Good luck!
Posted 1/31/13 10:11 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
In need of some advice on 2 things.
No advice on the food issues but I have flown with my DS 2x now and both were to FL.
Generally FL flight have a bunch of kids even if its not an Orlando flight. The first was when he was 4 months so it was super easy since he slept the entire time down and back.
THe 2nd he was 11 months and mobile since he could walk. He did take a nap but I brought toys to keep him busy. We also flew Jet Blue so we would have the TV.
I never brought any food or water other than formula. But they never gave me an issue for that.
Posted 1/31/13 10:20 AM |
He's my hamball :)

Member since 10/10 1419 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: In need of some advice on 2 things.
ah thank you all so much. i feel better. :)
Posted 1/31/13 10:32 AM |