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If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/11

336 total posts


If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

I delivered my twin babies three weeks ago and since then have been dealing with some MAJOR depression. I am definitely dealing with PPD and I don't know how I'm going to get through this time. All I do is cry - I don't want to get out of bed and deal with the day and feel like my life will never been the same. I have a 3 1/2 y/o DD and dealing with THREE kids right now is more than I can handle. Thank GOD my husband is home on leave until mid January because he has been picking up all the slack because I am useless. I went to my OB and spoke to him and have started zoloft and am using xanax for anxiety that is pretty bad. I feel like I am NEVER going to get better and be able to deal with the overwhelming feelings of handling twins and a toddler. I went back to my therapist this week, too. I know I'm doing all the right things to get better, but what do I do in the meantime to get through each day? I laid on the couch all day today and's just not normal. Has anyone dealt with PPD like this before????

Posted 11/30/12 5:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My 2 Girls

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Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

No advice but lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/12 5:54 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

It will get betterChat Icon

Posted 11/30/12 5:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

913 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

Yes I had it really bad when I first had DS. It was horrible - I felt like I wanted to crawl out of my skin, that's the best way I can describe it. Everyone kept telling me it will get better but it's so hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel while you're going through it. My obgyn put me on an anti anxiety med, I began meeting with a therapist that specialized in PPD and I slowly started to feel better. Now DS is 8 weeks old, I took myself off the meds and I no longer meet with a therapist. I have my bad days but I'm able to cope. Once you get used to your new routine you will get through this. I know it's hard to see but you will. FM me if you want to talk, I'm still dealing with it as well but I know how important it was to speak to other women who had been through the same thing Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/12 6:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

913 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

PS - I don't know where you live but I'm currently looking into support groups if you're interested I can send you info on what I find. Also, a lot of people thought that it would be helpful if I showered and got dressed and went out and did something I enjoyed before the baby (ie - manicures, going to the gym). The thought horrified me at the time, I spoke to my therapist and she said with PPD the thought of doing things that once brought you comfort can be scary. She said if I want to stay in my pajamas all day and not shower to do it so that's my advice to you. Don't let anyone who hasn't been through PPD try to tell you what they think is best for you, it's hard for someone else to understand.

Posted 11/30/12 6:05 PM

Jovani Edward is HERE!!!

Member since 10/10

2500 total posts


If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

Lots of hugs and prayers for you. You're doing everything you possibly can to get better. Hang in there mommy!!!

Posted 11/30/12 7:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/11

336 total posts


If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

I would love info on support groups if you find any! I'll be in touch Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/12 7:34 PM

2 little ladies

Member since 1/11

2918 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

I am so sorry you are going through this! I suffered very badly from ppd when my twins came home from the Nicu. I had the baby blues for the first 2 weeks and then was ok within reason for a few weeks. Then when they came home I was terrible and basically was a wreck for months. They were 30w premies with 6 weeks in the hospital and I'm sure that did not help anything.
I spoke to my ob and I tried going to a therapist, but my she didn't take my ins. I went to the bf support group through my hospital every week. That was soooo helpful. They were not going through ppd but it made me feel good to get out. Also, the other moms thought I was a rock star bc they could barely handle having 1 baby. I made sure to take them for walks every day, even through the winter. I also found it comforting to talk to as many supportive moms as possible.
Again I am so sorry you are going through this. Please feel free to message me. To vent or anything. When I consider having another baby, this is what holds me back the most. Chat Icon it will get better

Posted 11/30/12 8:27 PM

Positive Vibrations...

Member since 1/08

8423 total posts


If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

i go to a support group for PPD still. the woman are great. its in mineola but she may run some in other areas. if anyone wants the contact info please FM me!
PPD is so common and you don't have to feel alone. you will get through it. it's not your fault, its a hormonal issue. the meds will help but you will also need to talk about it with people who understand. just please remember that you are not alone and you are not a failure, you are just going through a period of hormonal imbalance. you WILL get yourself back Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 11/30/2012 10:49:46 PM.

Posted 11/30/12 10:49 PM

Brotherly love

Member since 12/07

1816 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

I have been there, I am sorry you are going through thisChat Icon Chat Icon

I had pretty bad PPD when my first DS was born, almost 5 years ago. I was put on Zoloft by the OB but stopped taking it as it didn't agree with me. I did take Xanax for a few weeks for the times when I could barely get out of bed. Here is what helped for me, per the advice of others:

-talk therapy ( wish I did a support group that really sounds good).

-getting outside for a few minutes, even just standing in the backyard, on a sunny day. I didn't go outside much, as DS was born in January during a cold and harsh winter. But the OB said to let the sun hit my eyes (without sunglasses) to help life my mood. I was skeptical, but it did help!

-Took fish oil supplements. I also tried to eat every 2-3 hours during the day. When my blood sugar dropped, my sadness got worse.

-Sleep! As much as you can, given how much you have going on. But I found that the more sleep I got, the better I was. Even 5 uninterrupted hours at night made me feel better-

I also kept a journal and wrote down how I was feeling. DH suggested this, and it also helped a lot.

It got easier as time went on, I slowly came out of it. I think a lot of it was when the pregnancy hormones left my body. I felt uplifted and in better control of my emotions.

Wishing you all of the best! I know it is hard, but it won't last forever. Many of us have been there. I hope it gets easier for you soon!!!

Posted 12/1/12 8:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/09

2157 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

It takes 2-3 weeks for the meds to kick in... this is totally normal, and it will get better! You are doing all the right things, its not your fault.. I know its hard because you want immediate relief, and its a scary feeling to feel out of control even when you are doing everything right, but trust me, in a week or 2 if you keep taking your meds and seeing your therapist, you will get better. Feel free to FM me any time if you need to talk. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: I used Prozac, not zoloft, and it helped with depression and anxiety

Message edited 12/1/2012 11:30:15 AM.

Posted 12/1/12 11:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

Yes I wanted the earth to swallow me up. I went back on lexapro and it helped eventually. No one gets ppd unless they have had it. U are not alone!!!!

Posted 12/1/12 1:45 PM

Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08

2776 total posts


Re: If you've dealt with PPD, PLEASE come in and help

I've dealth with depression and anxiety prior to getting pregnant. I can't believe how awful I feel now. I just switched from zoloft back to prozac. I only switched because zoloft is considered safer for pregnancy but now I'm no longer BF and I know prozac works. It takes awhile for the medicine to start working. Maybe a week or so to start feeling relief. But a month for it to be fully therapeutic. You have a really supportive hubby to take the xanax if you need it. It's good DH is there in case you get sleepy from it.

I go to weekly therapy, a new moms group and I'm thinking of going to a PPD support group at good sams my therapist told me about. I see a nurse practitioner as I believe they are more holistic but can prescribe medication. I'm also getting my mom to come up for NC to help out a bit. I'm so not into the holidays this year and I usually love this time.

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We will get through this! FM me anytime to vent. And it's ok to cry! I've put DD safely in her basinet, went outside the bedroom and cried. Sometimes you just need to!

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Posted 12/1/12 1:55 PM

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