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If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

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Member since 12/06

1905 total posts


If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

In your experience: How different is the difficulty level of a multiple pregnancy vs carrying a singleton?

This twin pregnancy is my first...and overall, things are going very well for the babies, which I am so grateful for.

I, however, am totally miserable. At 29 weeks, I have no idea how I'm going to make it. I feel like a prisoner in my own body. Aside from many other issues, I can't lay down without gasping for air so I haven't really been sleeping. The drs can't really seem to do anything about it. I guess my lungs are just getting smushed. I have labored breathing during the day also.

Anyhow, we have one embryo frozen and currently transferring to long term I've been thinking a lot about whether I could go through another pregnancy (esp w/little twins running around).

I just turned 39 and who knows if a thaw and transfer would even work....
but I am curious if you could share your experience of the difference in how difficult the multiple pregnancy was compared to a singleton.

At the last dr visit, he said that at 29 wks, my belly is the size of a typical 36-weeker carrying a singleton.

The way I feel right now, the thought of entering into another pregnancy similar to this one causes me extreme anxiety. But I also can't bear the thought of not at least giving our last little survivor a chance at life.

And maybe a singleton pregnancy would feel like a breeze after carrying twins??

Message edited 8/7/2012 7:38:58 PM.

Posted 8/7/12 7:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

914 total posts


Re: If you've had a singleton pregnancy AND a multiples pregnancy, please come in....

I think every pregnancy is different, and Im sure many people will tell you that - which doesnt help. Truth - you will never know about your next pregnancy.

With my DS (3 years ago) I was fine. Heartburn was the worst, but carrying him, physical activity all that - fine. Im also an elementary teacher, so I was on my feet all day. I started to swell the last month, which was awful for me.

With my DD I had a perfect pregnancy, felt great, went through the summer at 5-6 months preggo chasing my little boy around, and felt fine.

Now with twins - I had complications at 22-23 weeks until about a weeks ago. Im 30 weeks, like you, and Im started to feel fine (thank heaven) Im also 5'10 - these girls have a lot of room to grow (quote from the doc) but I did have that breathing problem maybe back at 25 weeks.

Good luck - I know this isnt a full advice, since I have 6-7 weeks to go, but compared to my other pregnancies, it varies a bit. But I think I was more of a complainer on my first pregnancy. Now I know what to feel and know my body.

IMO - It must be hard that your first pregnancy is twins, bc its a shock to your body.

Posted 8/7/12 7:45 PM


Member since 12/06

1905 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

Mary, thanks so much for your response.
So the breathing problem resolved for you? About how long did that take? I would be sooo happy at this point to just be able to lie down!

I'm 5'4" with a very small build so that definitely is not helping with the strain!

Posted 8/7/12 8:00 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/09

1592 total posts


If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I've had both. My DD was born in 2010 and I just had twin boys 2 months ago.

I would have to say the twins pregnancy was much harder. My belly grew bigger, faster. I was already huge at 20 weeks. I started to become miserable sometime after that. The weight was alot, just being able to do regular things was much harder. Sleep was a problem for me in both pregnancies. With the twin belly it was extremely hard to turn from one side to the other in bed. I honestly couldn't wait to have them out.
I def think a singleton pregnancy is easier, but then again it depends on the person individually. I never had complications in either pregnancy and had natural births.

Posted 8/7/12 8:55 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

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Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had my DD 3 years ago and my b/g twins 3 months ago. My twin pregnancy was much more intense than my singleton. I am a teacher and worked until the day I delivered my DD. My water actually broke in my classroom. I was tired and uncomfortable, but nothing compared to what I experienced with the twins. I am 4'11" and I didn't have much room for my twins to go. I had trouble breathing, walking, and just sitting at the very end because of how large my belly was. I went all the way to 38 weeks.

Posted 8/7/12 10:26 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

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Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had a singleton in 2007 and that pregnancy was a breeze. Minimal morning sickness the first trimester, and of course I was tired, but after that, I barely felt pregnant, I LOVED being pregnant! I worked until the day I gave birth. THAT delivery was crazy scarey, but otherwise uneventful great pregnancy.

This time with twins, I am only 11 weeks, and have been miserable since day one. So sick, so tired, uncomfortable, short of breathe, peeing all the time. I am also 5 years older, and I do think that makes a big difference. SO I figure if the pregnancy is no fun, maybe my birth will be a breeze, with no complications..I'd take that anyday!!Chat Icon

I hope the next few weeks go by quickly for youChat Icon The reward will be well worth it!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/12 10:21 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/11

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If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had DD 3 1/2 years ago. My pregnancy with her in the beginning was completely fine. Worked (I'm a teacher) until about 30 or so weeks and began to have preterm labor. Was on modified bedrest for about a month and wound up having DD at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia. Up until that point, I had NO M/S, and really felt fine. This time, I am MISERABLE! A twin pregnancy is no joke! I think it's a combination of things. I developed a HUGE belly very early on and as a result, am having horrible back pain and am having trouble breathing. I'm also taking care of a 3 1/2 y/o this time around, and I'm pregnant in the summer (was not with DD). I can't believe I'm only in my sixth month and have so much longer to go. I don't know how I'm going to make it until the end. I completely feel your pain!

I really do think my singeton pregnancy was easier (overall) but factors were also different too! Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/12 9:13 PM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

3597 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had my daughter in 2007 at age 33 and my twin daughters in 2010 at age 36. My first pregnancy was a breeze and I worked right up to the end. DD came 2 weeks early and I took the subway to the hospital. Had no morning sickness and never needed bed rest.

My twin pregnancy was also fairly low key - but a twin pregnancy is just so much more than a singleton pregnancy. My stomach was enormous and my skin really hurt - it felt like it was being stretched beyond what was natural. I was able to finish the semester (college prof), but giving my finals at 35 weeks pregnant was AWFUL. The day after I submitted my final grades I developed sciatica (sp?) and was in bed for the last 2 weeks. I remember getting contractions on June 3rd (c section was set for June 10th) and praying that I could go to the hospital early because I was so enormous. The contractions subsided but I made DH, and dd join me in a walk because I wanted to bring on labor. Thankfully the twins were born the next day.

Twin pregnancy is TOUGH.

Posted 8/8/12 11:25 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

20369 total posts

Jesss, duh.

Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

Got pregnant with my single in 2007, born 2008. Got pregnant with twins 2010, born 2011.

Initially my pregnancy with my son was smooth sailing. But then I started to have complications (high blood pressure, small amount of protein in my urine, PUPPPS, etc). So by 30 weeks I was on full bedrest. I went into labor at 38w6d. Gained nearly 60lbs. I was so swollen it actually hurt my joints to walk. I had 2 hospital stays during my pregnancy for monitoring prior to delivery.

Although my twin pregnancy was high risk (due to being multiples and they were identical so sharing 1 placenta) I felt great all the way until delivery at 37w2d. Only gained about 25 pounds the whole pregnancy. Not a single night was spent in the hospital prior to delivery. Not a day was spent on bedrest.

I am probably a minority but I feel my twin pregnancy was a walk in the park compared to my singleton. Only negative about my twin pregnancy is I actually did experience morning sickness the first trimester which I did have with my singleton.

Posted 8/9/12 3:10 AM

My happy babies

Member since 3/06

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If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

i had both. i had a single first. i was so much more comfortable with my first. i was even able to run to catch a plane the morning before i had my son.

i actually had a pretty good twin pregnancy but it was hard to find a comfortable place to sleep and i was huge. I miss all the cute bumps.

i had morning sickness with both just a little worse witht he twins.

Posted 8/9/12 10:37 AM


Member since 5/05

6372 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

As far as the breathing .... i had to sleep sitting up propped by pillows or on the recliner the last few months of my twin pregnancy.

My DS was first. I had hyper-emesis with him and vomited EVERY SINGLE day from bfore my BFP til the day I delivered. So that was not an easy pregnancy. He was born at 36w b/c of pre eclampsia.

My twins I had m/s but not as bad. But it was def more of a strain on the body carrying two babies. But it was not terrible. I went trick or treating with my son on Halloween and they were born a week later. They were born a little over 34w also b/c of pre eclapmsia. When i was admitted to the hospital for the pre-e i could not imagine making it 4 more weeks to get to 38 weeks though.

Just remember every say they spend in your belly is better for them!!

Posted 8/9/12 4:49 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had a 9 lbs singleton born at 42 weeks with an awful labor and delivery... twins 5 lbs 5 oz and 6 lbs 2 oz born at 36.6 weeks preeclamspia repeat c-section. Everything was so different, some things about the twin preg was worse and some things were better. I felt GREAT in both up to 34 weeks (twins) and 40 weeks (single). I had much worse backaches with the twins. Gained 75 lbs for twins vs 56 singleton. Had morning sickness with the twins for 12 weeks followed by 8 weeks of migranes. Nothing but slight nausea with the singleton. But the delivery was much easier with the twins being a repeat c-section.
Overall, I loved being pregnant both times! Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/12 8:50 PM

3 boys and a princess!

Member since 11/08

8178 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had twins and then a single pregnancy.
Both were pretty easy. I wouldn't say that the single pregnancy was much easier, but I didn't have a lot of issues w/ my twins either.

Posted 8/10/12 7:54 AM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had twins and then a single pregnancy,. I just delivered my son and i have to say, my pregnancy with him was WAY easier than my pregnancy with my twins. I had a horrible pregnancy with them with a lot of issues. When i delivered at 32 weeks i was carrying at 42 weeks. I'm 5'3 with a pretty small build and my body just could not handle the twin pregnancy that well. Aside from the normal stuff that makes any pregnant person miserable, this pregnancy was a piece of cake.

Posted 8/12/12 6:56 PM


Member since 12/06

1905 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

Thanks so much to everyone for sharing your experience w/me!

Posted 8/13/12 8:26 PM

"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

my first DS was born in 2007. up until 32 weeks it was a very good pregnancy. at the time i was teaching preschool and running after 3 and 4 year olds all day and never had an issue...and i felt great!
at 32 weeks my dr discovered i was about 2 cm dilated and around 80% effaced however and i was put on bedrest until week 36. i had my son at 38 weeks.

with the twins my pregnancy was VERY different. i had an emergency cerclage at 15 weeks and was put on strict bedrest until my water broke at 35 weeks.

as some PP mentioned, every pregnancy is different and its impossible to know what will happen with each one. from my experience though, the twin pregnancy was much harder on me and my body.

HTH and good luck!!!

Posted 8/18/12 2:05 PM


Member since 6/09

3403 total posts


Re: If you've had a multiples pregnancy AND a singleton pregnancy, please come in....

I had a singleton pregnancy three years ago and now I am expecting twins. I am 23 weeks today so I can only speak for the first half of this pregnancy but with that said I have to say this pregnancy is harder on my body. With my son I felt great after the first tri, had lots of energy, little aches and pains and was literally dancing at a wedding a few days before I gave birth at 39 weeks! I loved being pregnant, every single second of it. With this pregnancy I honestly love being pregnant again but I'm having a harder time. I have lots of aches and pains, back aches, pressure and feel very limited in what I am able to do. I really can't even stand up or walk more then 5 minutes. I never had pressure with my first pregnancy. As much as I love having these little babies inside of me I can not wait until they are here and safe. So honestly in my experience a singleton pregnancy is easier on the body. My doctor also said that for me it's my second pregnancy and everything is already stretched out so even if it was a singleton I would have more pressure this time around.

Posted 8/18/12 2:18 PM

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