Hello All,
My DD is going to be in her first ballet recital. I just got the instructions and they want her to wear eyeshadow, rouge, red lipstick and MASCARA! I have no idea how I will apply mascara to her eyes, and then get it cleaned off. But, does anyone know of a brand of make-up that is safe for kids, hypoallergenic, generally free of lead and chemicals and easy to get (Target, CVS???) ? I know it is only for two nights, but I was curious if anyone has come across this issue before. I was so surprised that the dance school requires mascara and lipstick for the girls as young as 2!!!! They also require hair in buns with bangs held back, and suggested hairspray. I am having flashbacks to being sprayed with Aquanet for the 7th grade dance. Any less toxic fumed hairspray???