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Little Village vs. Variety

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

147 total posts


Little Village vs. Variety

Hi, we are are going through CPSE process now and are looking at these two schools for the fall.

Have read some positive comments on LV on this board, but have not seen much info on Variety.

Will appreciate any feedback.

TIA :)

Posted 5/12/12 9:18 PM

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Re: Little Village vs. Variety

sending you an FM

Posted 5/16/12 6:33 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

I know I will be chewed alive but I will say it. Variety has a TERRIBLE reputation. Losing kids, restraining kids, kids left in poop diapers.

So based on those "rumors/reports", I just never wanted to take a chance.

Little Village has a great reputation.

Posted 5/18/12 12:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/09

147 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

Thank you

Posted 5/18/12 11:53 PM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

8041 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

Posted by smdl

I know I will be chewed alive but I will say it. Variety has a TERRIBLE reputation. Losing kids, restraining kids, kids left in poop diapers.

So based on those "rumors/reports", I just never wanted to take a chance.

Little Village has a great reputation.

I have heard the same

Posted 5/23/12 12:54 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Little Village vs. Variety

Posted by smdl

I know I will be chewed alive but I will say it. Variety has a TERRIBLE reputation. Losing kids, restraining kids, kids left in poop diapers.

So based on those "rumors/reports", I just never wanted to take a chance.

Little Village has a great reputation.

I have witnessed this first hand. No chewing here!!!!!

Posted 5/23/12 10:07 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Little Village vs. Variety

I have heard the stories about Variety too, but I know several parents who have sent their children there who love the school. My DS has been going there for a weekend program and loves it. He asks me in the time between sessions to go back. So based on what I have seen and heard from people I know IRL, I would be OK with sending him there for school.

I also think you may hear negative things about all of these schools if you dig enough. I have heard negative things about some of the places that people rave about. I have seen at least one program that I absolutely would not have sent my DS to, that people on here have said great things about. I think the best thing you can do it go tour the schools, ask lots of questions and go with your gut on what is the best placement for your DC.

Message edited 5/24/2012 11:06:35 AM.

Posted 5/24/12 11:05 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/07

212 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

My 3 year old is at Variety now since September and we are extremely happy. She is still in diapers and has never come home with a diaper rash. Ever. All the staff are very involved even the principle knows her and us by name. They may have had a bad rep in the past but I can tell you first hand that this is not the case today. They have an open door policy and I can come any time any day and look in on her or I can sit there in the lounge all day if I want and in the beginning I did. My husband and I are friendly with many parents and not one has ever expressed any concern about any of the issues in the above posts. When we were looking at schools I wanted Little Village so badly but there were no spots. I heard a few rumblings about Variety but we decided to check it out and decide for ourselves and we are very happy. My husband looked at Barbara C. Wilson and was so disgusted by what he experienced that when he stepped out with our daughter to change her diaper, he left and didn't go back. I am sure people are very happy there but my husband said he felt like that was where kids were dumped. He said over his dead body would Zoey go there.
Last September our daughter was practically nonverbal. She had less than 10 words and didn't say mama, etc. her vocabulary now is so big I couldn't even count it. She can spell and write her name, knows all her letters and can count to 20. She says everyone's name and tells us she loves us. She is stringing words together and has come leaps and bounds from where she was in September and that is just in a half day program. Her teachers are amazing and they are completely attentive and caring. Her social worker does our Parent Training and comes to our house every other week to address issues at home as well as in school. There are a multitude of workshops and groups for parents and I don't that any school that was mistreating their kids would allow me to just pop in unannounced. I know not all the schools allow you to do that. You have to call them and let them know you are coming. Her Home ABA teacher knows all her teachers and our social worker and they have a lovely home-school collaborative model that is terrific. My father-in-law...a complete no nonsense physician visited, unannounced, met all her teachers and the principle and was very pleased with what he saw there.
Sorry to ramble but this place has helped our Zoey SO much and I feel protective and urge you to go and see for yourself. PM me if you would like more info but don't rule it out without speaking to people who have kids there today.

Message edited 5/25/2012 6:01:26 PM.

Posted 5/25/12 5:57 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

I work at Little Village, and my daughter is in an inclusion class there.

The staff is amazing, every single parent I have spoken to (as a parent, not as a staff member) raves about the school. I think you need to see both and decide for yourself, but I can say without any hesitation that Little Village is a wonderful school.

Posted 5/28/12 1:56 AM

Love my Boys!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Little Village vs. Variety

Posted by karacg

I work at Little Village, and my daughter is in an inclusion class there.

The staff is amazing, every single parent I have spoken to (as a parent, not as a staff member) raves about the school. I think you need to see both and decide for yourself, but I can say without any hesitation that Little Village is a wonderful school.

Ds2 is going to little village 1/2 day in sept. i loved the school and since i'm in the field i'm very picky.

i didn't love what i saw at barbara wilson, seemed too closed off from the parents.

variety seemed ok bc i liked the building but the reputation is too mixed to give it a chance.

Posted 5/28/12 1:54 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

618 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

I also had Variety as a strong first choice for my 3 year old son. My other choices were Marcus Avenue in NHP and after touring Barbara C. Wilson, I just KNEW he belonged there!

I have had lengthy conversations with anyone who would talk to me about choosing the right school for my son. I've had positive and negative feedback on every school! It was not an easy decision by any means.

My son is apraxic. He needs the best speech therapists out there and I know BCW is only one of two schools who actually have certified Prompt trained therapists and with Malka and Olympia being pioneers in this field, they make sure all the therapists at BCW become prompt certified as well. I also really feel that because BCW isn't as large as the other schools are, and they don't have all the fancy bells and whistles like of the other schools have (computer labs and enormous gyms), it's just less of a distraction for my son so that the school can focus on what's most important, his speech! All of our kids have diffrent needs but this is just a few reasons why I chose this school.

Am truly excited for my son to start in September.

And to KEEPINMYMAN.....before you write about a school that's disgusting, and also refer to it as the school WHERE CHILDREN GET DUMPED, please make sure you actually have had the pleasure to have stepped inside and see the entire facility for yourself.

Message edited 5/29/2012 4:27:44 PM.

Posted 5/29/12 4:13 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/07

212 total posts


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

My husband DID tour BCW and while those were his exact words and not mine, I trust my husband's judgment especially where my daughter is concerned. I didn't have to visit after that. Plenty of people have negative things to say about Variety and I shared our experiences and advised the OP to see for herself and not go by what strangers on a message board say. Just as you did. We obviously have had different experiences. I am sorry you felt offended. I too felt offended and attacked by your reply. This is obviously not the place for me to go for support.

Posted 5/29/12 4:53 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 12/14

1 total post


Re: Little Village vs. Variety

Hi, Can you please PM me as well. Our son has been going to Variety since Dec 1st, but we can also send him to Barbara C. Wilson because they have a spot available.
Our son is almost 4 and has speech delay. So far he seems very happy at Variety.

Thanks so much.

Posted 12/9/14 5:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

329 total posts


Little Village vs. Variety

If your child is on the lower end of spectrum, non verbal etc I will not advice going to variety speaking from personal experience .. The teachers don't apply ABA

Posted 12/13/14 10:26 PM

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