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Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
Ava's birthday is quickly approaching and we thought she was going to have it at Monster Mini Golf, but when hubby took her, she freaked out So that's out. Last year we did mini-bowling, I refuse to have it at a bounce place because every, single time she's gone to a party at one of those places, she's gotten sick, she's been to two gymnastics parties in the last month, so that's out, two sports parties, and bowling parties. These have all been very recent, so we don't want to repeat it there. My husband refuses to have it at the Ice Cream Shoppe because so many other kids have had their party there in the last year So what the hell are we left with? We're on the south shore in suffolk, but I'm willing to travel at this point. Please throw out some fun suggestions! Thank you!
Posted 5/30/11 11:14 AM |
You give the best smiles!

Member since 1/09 2398 total posts
Name: M~
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
could you do an arts and crafts type of party? like at a pottery place where the kids can all paint their own item. could be fun if your DD is artistically inclined.
Posted 5/30/11 11:44 AM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
Swimming party at a local hotel
California Pizza Kitchen
Sweetbriar Nature Center ( went to one here, they did a really cute job)
Lipstcks & Lollipops (never been but looks cute)
Ice-skating party (The Rinx does them)
Also, just got a flyer in the mail that McGuires Comedy Club does kids parties! I might be doing this myself
Posted 5/30/11 12:18 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
Why don't you have it at home? For both my girls' 4th birthdays and my older one's 5th, I invited their school friends--with them included it totaled about 12-15 kids--they came in played for 20 minutes, we had pizza or McDonald's, I hired a cute girl clown to do dancing and face painting, we had cake and they all left. 2.5 hours...simple. After the kids' party, I invited the family for the evening. Everyone always enjoys themselves!
Posted 5/30/11 12:59 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
DD just went to one where the girls had pizza and cupcakes at the house and then they went to have manis and pedis at a nail salon right up the block.
Message edited 5/30/2011 3:35:13 PM.
Posted 5/30/11 3:34 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 13060 total posts
Name: Ginger
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
We have done Mcdonalds twice and the kids love it. is REALLY cheap.
Posted 5/30/11 4:28 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I'm going to look into everything. I just was at a loss for what to do, but now I have some options. I knew you girls would have great ideas
Posted 5/30/11 8:47 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
What about Build a Bear? I think they have packages as low as $10 per kid. We did one there and it was super fun. What about a tea party? Do you have tea houses on LI? We went to a "high" tea party and it was so cute and a lot of fun. Is Ava very girly? What about one of those place where they get their hair done and nails done? Pottery painting party?
Posted 5/30/11 11:51 PM |
It's a beautiful day! :)

Member since 7/08 2296 total posts
Name: Dee
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
I think I have gone to every party place there is and we loved all of them, but once you've gone 3-4 times it's gets boring. I did recently go to a Boomers party and my son had the best time ever! We stayed 2 hours after the party ended. There was so much to do and the park is small enough that you aren't running all over. Also my boys loved a pizza making party that they went to. Karate parties are great as well. I have been checking the parents guides for new places, but Suffolk definitely could use some new party places. hth
Posted 5/31/11 12:45 AM |

Member since 11/05 5666 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
How about a Mad Science party? My kids have been to a couple of these and had a good time.
Mad Science
Posted 5/31/11 5:22 AM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: At a loss for birthday party ideas, please help me!
Is she five? If so, LaserTag is always a fun.
Posted 5/31/11 9:44 AM |