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Me and clomid--UPDATE 5/30

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LIF Toddler

Member since 10/10

417 total posts


Me and clomid--UPDATE 5/30

Hi ladies,

After a year of trying, I started seeing an RE last month. This month is my first clomid cycle. I'm on CD9 and took 100mg CD2-6. I went in today for an u/s and was so excited, but she said I'm off to a "slow start"--1 follie at 11. I have to go back Thurs. to see if it's growing, and if not, more clomid.

I have such mixed emotions. I feel good because I'm finally seeing someone and hopefully moving in the right direction, but I'm so tired of my body letting me down.

And then I have those moments where I don't know if I want to scream or cry or what because I'm just so frustrated/sad/defeated. My coworker and I started TTC together. She gave birth last week, I'm not even pregnant yet.

OK. Vent over.

5/26 UPDATE--Thanks for the encouraging words, everyone! I got good news today. 2 follies, one grew to 13 the other is smaller but she thinks it will ovulate, too. Looks like I should O Sun-Mon. We're doing timed intercourse for this cycle, and if that doesn't work, on to IUI for next cycle. Fingers crossed!!!

5/30 UPDATE: Well, I didn't get a Chat Icon
Now I have to go back to the dr. tomorrow, which is stressing me out b/c work is starting to give me a slight hard time about leaving for all these monitoring appts. And I'm annoyed b/c I'm assuming the eggs stopped growing. That's what happened last cycle and she had to give me a clomid booster. If that's the case, it's even more appts. to have to deal with work. I wish my dr. had better hours! Only 8-11:30. Fingers crossed for growing eggs and a trigger shot tomorrow.

Message edited 5/30/2011 10:49:02 PM.

Posted 5/24/11 9:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

11013 total posts


Re: Me and clomid

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I totally understand. I am in the 2ww of month 13. When I was on the clomid I had to go back a bunch of times till the follies were the right size. I didn't trigger till CD17 and did IUI on 18 &19. You are only on CD9, you definitely have time for that follie to grow!!

Message edited 5/24/2011 9:54:07 PM.

Posted 5/24/11 9:50 PM

mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06

11426 total posts


Re: Me and clomid

i understand how you feel. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It's certainly hard watching everyone else get pregnant or announce their pregnancies while you're still waiting...

I started clomid for the 1st time this month. 50 mg, days 3-7. On cd10 i had 3 follicles, but all were only 10mm. Had to go back 4 later. They were: 15, 15, 14.5 and 10mm. I didn't ovulate until cd17 which was early for me. I haven't ovulated prior to that until around cd22.

All you need is one and even if it's slow growing... you still have a shot as long as it matures! Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/11 9:57 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/10

417 total posts


Re: Me and clomid & timed intercourse v. IUI

Well, now that you say that....I'm curious. The dr. reads off the numbers to the tech and then chats with me after. I heard her say--She's got one on the right, 11. She's got one on the left side, 10.7. But then she only talked to me about it being 11 and didn't mention more than one. But maybe there is more than one? I sure hope so.

Another question--it's up to us--timed intercourse or IUI. Opinions?

Posted 5/24/11 10:00 PM

Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

11013 total posts


Re: Me and clomid

I would do IUI w/ the Clomid. Clomid dries up CM so an IUI would bypass that issue. AFAIK it's only a couple of hundred for the IUI itself, the real cost is the monitoring involved in the cycle.

Posted 5/24/11 10:12 PM

My angel has a baby brother!

Member since 7/10

1050 total posts


Re: Me and clomid

My doc wants me to get IUI but, even with the clomid my insurance doesnt cover monitoringChat Icon SO, If you can afford it I would do the IUI. But, I had a friend tell me that after you go for a IUI you won't want to conceive naturally.

Posted 5/25/11 12:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

1667 total posts


Re: Me and clomid

If it doesnt work ide move to injectibles...they will do it!!!!

Posted 5/25/11 8:54 PM

Thankful for my miracle!

Member since 5/05

1939 total posts


Re: Me and clomid

Clomid doesn't work for everyone. The highest dose didn't got me more than the one follicle I would have made on my own. There are other things that might work better for you if the Clomid doesn't do it. It is hard to hear, but try to be patient and know that you are being proactive and that you'll get there.

Like I said, Clomid didn't work for me, yet I have a sleeping baby upstairs. Some day you will too.

Posted 5/25/11 10:59 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/10

417 total posts


Re: Me and clomid--UPDATE 5/30

BUMP for update.

Posted 5/30/11 10:51 PM

Mommy of 2!

Member since 12/08

11013 total posts


Re: Me and clomid--UPDATE 5/30

Hoping you have some mature follies tomorrow!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/30/11 11:02 PM

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