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Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

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Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

I definitely cannot spend the next 8 months like this! My friend bluekat suggested I come to you ladies for advice and to see if anyone else had experiences they could share.

I am generally a very anxious person. I have been on Effexor for about 5 years for it. Last week, when my primary care doc called me to say I was pregnant, she told me she was calling in the lower dosage of the Effexor so I could be weaned off. So, I've been on the lower dose since last Thursday. My anxiety attacks started on Saturday.

I went for my first OB appt last night. I am only 5w5d, and I have been bleeding a LOT, so they did an internal ultrasound, as well as a regular exam. The doc was seeming to imply that I might not even be pregnant (I don't know if he meant I never was, or if I miscarried). I went for another blood test this morning, so I should hear something tomorrow, but that is NOT helping the anxiety, either!

I spoke w/ my therapist, who wants me to have the OB call her, and who told me that a lot of pregnant women went on Prozac while they were pregnant. She said that would definitely help my anxiety, esp since I obviously can't take Xanax.

I am just a wreck! I can barely eat, and my heart is just racing all the time :( I am crying all the time that I am so anxious. I hate that I can't just be jumping for joy excited.

My SIL is a labor & delivery nurse at Stonybrook, and she has been a big help, but I can't be on the phone w/ her all the time! And DH doesn't understand. He thinks its easy to "turn it off," but don't I only WISH it were that easy!

Did anyone have any anxiety issues like this? Any experiences or advice or ANYTHING you can share would be so incredibly appreciated at this point! TIA!

Message edited 1/20/2010 7:10:13 PM.

Posted 1/19/10 8:12 PM
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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Well, first and foremostChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and on Zoloft. I have had lifelong anxiety issues, nothing overt the top, but to the point that it makes me unable to sleep and focus some days. My psychiatrist said that many, many studies have shown that most medications for anxiety are safe during pregnancy. She has me on Zoloft because it's been studied for the longest amount of time. She feels 100% safe putting me on it, and I have to say, it's the absolute best decision I have made. Both her and my OB think that it's best for me. My first pregnancy, I was on no meds and I was a nervous wreck. It was a nightmare. My psychiatrist said that recent studies actually show that the chemicals produced from anxiety and stress are much more harmful to a growing fetus than the medications to treat them are. So, I feel very comfortable with that information. In all my research on Zoloft, I have seen nothing that makes me want to go off of it.
I would see a psychiatrist if you're not already (you said therapist, not sure if it's a psychiatrist or not). They really know the most about these medications. Most, if not all, primaries will tell you no anxiety meds during pregnancy, but they don't know nearly as much about it as psychiatrists. Hang in there, you'll ultimately have to make a decision that you feel comfortable with, but please know many, many women take anti-anxiety medication during pregnancy and give birth to healthy babiesChat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 8:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

I've had minor anxiety issues in the past, but with this pregnancy the past month or so I've been having more intense anxiety and depression "episodes" I need to talk to my doc next week when I see her bc quite honestly I don't know what to do. it can't be healthy for me or baby, it's awful Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 8:18 PM

So in love!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

I haven't been on anything for the last 4 years or so, but I still see my therapist which helps alot. But I know there are meds that are fine to take when PG if needed. Def. talk with both drs and as PP said, maybe see a psychiatrist who knows more about the medications. And I totally udnerstand about DH thinking you can "shut it off" - my DH thinks that too and I have to explain that you can't. I hope you start to feel better, you can always pop on here with your fears/anxieties, so you don't feel so alone. Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 8:23 PM

Let's Go Rangers!

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

i dont really have advice since my OB was not supportive about wanting to go on medication while pregnant BUT I just want to say that I am here for you if you need anything - You can FM me, I am constantly online and I can talk to you until you feel calmer.

I know that it is the most horrible feeling in the world, and I wish that you didnt have to go through this right now.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 8:24 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

124 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Thanks so much, ladies.

My therapist is not a psychiatrist, she's just a psychologist, but I trust her w/ all the med questions. I don't even think my OB took me completely seriously when I explained how bad my anxiety is. If/when I talk to him tomorrow, I am going to suggest he call my therapist so she can discuss w/ him.

I was glad to read that Zoloft worked on your anxiety, too. I thought that was only for depression, which I don't have. You have NO idea how hard it is for me to NOT pop a Xanax. I am forcing myself not to, though, of course.

Posted 1/19/10 8:27 PM

My boys :-)

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I'm glad you posted your question here.

Posted 1/20/10 5:51 AM

Angelina . . . My Lil Angel

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

i don't have an advice, but i just wanted to give you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon . Anixiety disorders are very real (a close family memeber of mine has been dealing with them for 10+ years) and can't be turned off with a switch. I hope your Ob and your therapist can work together and figure something out for you. good luck!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/10 6:01 AM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

I was on prozac for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy.

I could have stayed on it- but I chose to stop so I could try to breast feed.

My OB had no issues with it at all.

Do you see a therapist? That may help..Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/10 9:12 AM


Member since 10/08

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

First, Congrats Marisa!! We were weekend twins on LIW.

Secondly, I would definitely speak with your drs about meds. I remember your issues from LIW and I know it must be difficult for you. Pregnancy takes over your whole life and it's hard enough to deal with if you don't have anxiety. I would say that if your OBGYN isn't supportive, maybe you should look into a different one.

Third, since you are so early, you may not have seen much more than sac on the sono, so until there is a heartbeat (usually 6-7 weeks) they may be hesitatn to confirm the pregnancy.

Good Luck and we are all here for you!! Don't ever feel like you can't talk to us, we've heard it all and the girls here are sooo supportive and knowledgeable, I honestly don't know what I would have done without them!

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Posted 1/20/10 9:42 AM


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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Message edited 1/20/2010 9:54:14 AM.

Posted 1/20/10 9:53 AM


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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

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Posted 1/20/10 9:54 AM


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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

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Posted 1/20/10 9:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

I am generally a very anxious person. I have been on Effexor for about 5 years for it. Last week, when my primary care doc called me to say I was pregnant, she told me she was calling in the lower dosage of the Effexor so I could be weaned off. So, I've been on the lower dose since last Thursday. My anxiety attacks started on Saturday.

I don't have much advice on the pregnancy part but I can tell you a lot about withdrawing from SSRI's etc and anxiety. I was put on Lexapro for anxiety(panic disorder and GAD) but always had way to many side effects from it. In fact I think that it may have intensified some of my anxiety. Weaning off of Lexapro has been a bear and I am doing it v.v.v.v.v. slowly like 1.5mg/month. I will tell you that what you are describing does not sound like a return of your anxiety but withdrawal from the medication. this often occurs 2-7 dys after lowering your dose. I have also been told that effexor is one of the most difficult SSRI's to come off of and some people switch to an easier one (like prozac) to help them wean from the effexor (esp. if you can't use something like xanax/klonopin to calm the anxiety while your body adjusts). I don't know if this is an option for you but prozac is considered "safe" for pregnancy. Believe me I totally know how you feel and when I 1st started coming off of the lexapro I went to fast (which is amazing b/c it was still a v. small decrease) and had terrrible w/draw symptoms starting around dy 3-4 including crying spells, loss of appetite, inc. anxiety, racing heart etc. but it did even out and seems to be less severe now that I am decreasing v.v. slowly. Ok.. this may be too much to write in a post but hope it helps. Don't let anyone tell you how YOU feel b/c if they havent' experienced true anxiety and panic attacks they really have no idea! Good luck and lots of hugs. :) You will figure it out and stick to people who support you!

Posted 1/20/10 10:40 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

124 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Posted by petvet

I don't have much advice on the pregnancy part but I can tell you a lot about withdrawing from SSRI's etc and anxiety. I was put on Lexapro for anxiety(panic disorder and GAD) but always had way to many side effects from it. In fact I think that it may have intensified some of my anxiety. Weaning off of Lexapro has been a bear and I am doing it v.v.v.v.v. slowly like 1.5mg/month. I will tell you that what you are describing does not sound like a return of your anxiety but withdrawal from the medication. this often occurs 2-7 dys after lowering your dose. I have also been told that effexor is one of the most difficult SSRI's to come off of and some people switch to an easier one (like prozac) to help them wean from the effexor (esp. if you can't use something like xanax/klonopin to calm the anxiety while your body adjusts). I don't know if this is an option for you but prozac is considered "safe" for pregnancy. Believe me I totally know how you feel and when I 1st started coming off of the lexapro I went to fast (which is amazing b/c it was still a v. small decrease) and had terrrible w/draw symptoms starting around dy 3-4 including crying spells, loss of appetite, inc. anxiety, racing heart etc. but it did even out and seems to be less severe now that I am decreasing v.v. slowly. Ok.. this may be too much to write in a post but hope it helps. Don't let anyone tell you how YOU feel b/c if they havent' experienced true anxiety and panic attacks they really have no idea! Good luck and lots of hugs. :) You will figure it out and stick to people who support you!

WOW, thank you so much! I had no idea Effexor was that hard to come off of! My therapist did mention that the best way to wean me off the Effexor and onto the Prozac (or whatever drug they decide) is to take them both at once, small doses, and then gradually stop the Effexor & increase the other med if needed. I am waiting for my OB's office to call me back w/ the blood work results from yesterday, as well as to discuss this med issue. Thank you for your help!

Posted 1/20/10 1:46 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

124 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Posted by Deeluvsvinny

First, Congrats Marisa!! We were weekend twins on LIW.

Secondly, I would definitely speak with your drs about meds. I remember your issues from LIW and I know it must be difficult for you. Pregnancy takes over your whole life and it's hard enough to deal with if you don't have anxiety. I would say that if your OBGYN isn't supportive, maybe you should look into a different one.

Third, since you are so early, you may not have seen much more than sac on the sono, so until there is a heartbeat (usually 6-7 weeks) they may be hesitatn to confirm the pregnancy.

Good Luck and we are all here for you!! Don't ever feel like you can't talk to us, we've heard it all and the girls here are sooo supportive and knowledgeable, I honestly don't know what I would have done without them!

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Hi, Dee! Of course I remember we were weekend twins! Congrats to you & Vinny, as well!

Thank you for your comments. I am waiting for my OB's office to call me back now, w/ the blood test results, as well as to discuss this med issue.

Everyone here has been amazing so far, esp since I am a newbie and am FREAKING out LOL!

Posted 1/20/10 1:47 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

124 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Posted by kahlua716

I was on prozac for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy.

I could have stayed on it- but I chose to stop so I could try to breast feed.

My OB had no issues with it at all.

Do you see a therapist? That may help..Chat Icon

Hm, I wasnt even thinking about not being able to BF if I stay on the Prozac (if thats what they put me on)... When you came off it, did your anxiety come back big time? Just curious. Thanks!

Posted 1/20/10 1:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Good luck with everything. I don't know why docs don't tell people how difficult it can be (for some people) to discontinue SSRI's . I think it would save a lot of people additional anxiety! While changing doses can suck at least you know there might be a reason for your symptoms(that helped me a little). Hope you get some good info from your doctors.

Posted 1/20/10 3:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/08

124 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long)

Well, I found out today that I did, in fact, have a miscarriage :(

As upset as I am, a part of me is a little relieved. Now, I can take this time to change meds to something I can stay on while pregnant, so I don't have these anxiety issues again.

Thank you, ladies, for all of your advice and support. I am hoping to be back on this board before you know it!!!

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Posted 1/20/10 7:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1238 total posts


Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

Sorry to hear about your loss but I'm glad you have a new plan of attack! Good luck and keep us posted :)

Posted 1/20/10 8:41 PM

My boys :-)

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

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Posted 1/20/10 8:54 PM

Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

Sorry to hear Marissa. Best wishes
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Posted 1/21/10 1:36 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

I'm sorry for your loss! I'm glad you have a plan now Chat Icon Chat Icon Best of luck to you!

Posted 1/21/10 2:08 PM

Girl & boy

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

Sorry for your loss and what you are going through....lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/21/10 5:03 PM

Stalkers, get a life.

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Re: Need advice/help w/ my anxiety (long) UPDATE

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Posted 1/21/10 7:26 PM
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