What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
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Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
We are new to the special needs school. We are coming up on the end of my sons' class next week and there are lots of teachers, assts and therapists he's got. Looking for some guidance. I guess Bus driver and matron too? I have different ones for going to school and coming home.
Posted 8/2/13 9:29 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08 754 total posts
Name: Robyn
Re: What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
We have always done gc's. I know it is a lot of people and $$, but they take care of my DS every day. They have made an amazing difference in his life, and it is only a small token of what they deserve.
Posted 8/3/13 8:28 AM |
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Member since 9/08 3762 total posts
Name: Mommy
What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
GC & a handmade card
Posted 8/3/13 9:52 AM |
Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05 8088 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
Posted by 2ofakind05
We have always done gc's. I know it is a lot of people and $$, but they take care of my DS every day. They have made an amazing difference in his life, and it is only a small token of what they deserve.
Since there are so many ppl, what amounts do you do? if you don't mind sharing?
Posted 8/8/13 7:22 AM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
For summer session we are just giving GCs. For the school year we gave keychains with GCs to some. There are a ton of people to get for and I swear I think I need to get a part time job to pay for it all....christmas time, end of year and end of summer session. It's crazy but well worth it because they work so hard for our kids.
Posted 8/8/13 9:05 AM |
Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
I usually do gift cards too. I generally do at least $10 on a card, but there were times I did as little as $5 with a small token thing because there were so many to buy for (including the bus driver and matron). A few times I did gifts for the matron and bus driver, like travel cups or chocolates. I think they really like the notes and cards the most, though. Tell them how much you appreciate them and how much they have helped your DC.
Posted 8/8/13 1:51 PM |
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Member since 9/08 3762 total posts
Name: Mommy
What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
you are all probably going to find this nuts, because looking back it was.
when DS first started he was 15 months old, had 3 therapists by the time christmas came and they each got $50 GC, by the time the school year ended he had 5 ABA therapists, 1 speech and 1 OT, again $50 GC to all of them. at the end of summer, we gave them all $25 GC (the summer was shorter.
then he started school at 2. we had the same therapists 5ABA, 1sp & 1OT, 2 teachers and 4 aides. we gave all the therapists $50 GC, the 2 teachers $50 and the 4 aides $20, end of summer he was transitioning to CPSE, which meant we had an end of the EI party.
this time we did gifts. 2 teachers and 4 ABA female therapists got Coach cross over bags, the 3 female aides got coach wristlets, 1 male aide got Coach wallet and the last male therapist got a $100 GC
now we enter CPSE with 2 teacher 6 aides, 4 home ABA therapists and 1 speech. christmas they got $50 GCs aides got $25 end of school year same thing. end of summer i got them each $100 restaurant.com coupons. (got them each for about $1 a piece
this went on until he left CPSE.
now in CSE, we did a class gift for christmas and end of school year. we each chipped in $40 each and that was distributed amoung 1 teacher 1 FT aide and 8 PT aides. speech/ot/behaviour therapist we each got our own stuff for them. i think $20 GC for each of them.
summer is now coming to and end and he's in Camp Anchor, so he as 1 councilor, 4 staff members and 12 volunteers. we are thinking $50 head councilor, $30 for the staff members and $15 each for the volunteers
i dont even want to do the math right now.. lol
ETA: how could i forget about the bus drivers. his first year bus driver we gave $25 at christmas and the aide $15, at the end of the year we gave $50 & $25
the following year, he never had a solid driver so the one who made it to the end of the day got $20, and the matron who was there the entire time got $50
Message edited 8/8/2013 8:01:18 PM.
Posted 8/8/13 7:59 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08 754 total posts
Name: Robyn
Re: What do you give as end of the year and/or season gifts?
Posted by A3CM
you are all probably going to find this nuts, because looking back it was.
when DS first started he was 15 months old, had 3 therapists by the time christmas came and they each got $50 GC, by the time the school year ended he had 5 ABA therapists, 1 speech and 1 OT, again $50 GC to all of them. at the end of summer, we gave them all $25 GC (the summer was shorter.
then he started school at 2. we had the same therapists 5ABA, 1sp & 1OT, 2 teachers and 4 aides. we gave all the therapists $50 GC, the 2 teachers $50 and the 4 aides $20, end of summer he was transitioning to CPSE, which meant we had an end of the EI party.
this time we did gifts. 2 teachers and 4 ABA female therapists got Coach cross over bags, the 3 female aides got coach wristlets, 1 male aide got Coach wallet and the last male therapist got a $100 GC
now we enter CPSE with 2 teacher 6 aides, 4 home ABA therapists and 1 speech. christmas they got $50 GCs aides got $25 end of school year same thing. end of summer i got them each $100 restaurant.com coupons. (got them each for about $1 a piece
this went on until he left CPSE.
now in CSE, we did a class gift for christmas and end of school year. we each chipped in $40 each and that was distributed amoung 1 teacher 1 FT aide and 8 PT aides. speech/ot/behaviour therapist we each got our own stuff for them. i think $20 GC for each of them.
summer is now coming to and end and he's in Camp Anchor, so he as 1 councilor, 4 staff members and 12 volunteers. we are thinking $50 head councilor, $30 for the staff members and $15 each for the volunteers
i dont even want to do the math right now.. lol
ETA: how could i forget about the bus drivers. his first year bus driver we gave $25 at christmas and the aide $15, at the end of the year we gave $50 & $25
the following year, he never had a solid driver so the one who made it to the end of the day got $20, and the matron who was there the entire time got $50
I don't find this crazy, I find it incredibly generous. We have done similarly with our therapists/teachers. They do so much for our child, I know they are incredibly grateful for all you have done.
Posted 8/16/13 4:42 AM |
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