Well we have had a lot of sleep issues with DD - who starting around 12-13 weeks would roll the second you put her down and keep rolling until she was smooshed in the side of the crib then would scoot so her head would be trapped in the corner of the crib. So after not sleeping for weeks she slept in my arms for a bit. We tried the crib again but with standing and cruising she wasn't sleeping much. We FINALLY got her sleeping in the crib again starting 2 nights ago. She does stand and cruise and gets totally hysterical BUT she went to sleep the 1st 2 nights within 20 mins - we do a modified CIO - where we stay with her when she cries when we 1st put in her - and when she finally lays down and settles down and is about to pass out we leave so she goes to sleep alone but isn't crying in her bed by herself.

The issue is that she is waking ALL NIGHT LONG. I would say 945, 1015, 1120, 1230, 130, 215 etc until about 3 when she goes down until 6 am then will not go back to sleep so I bring her into bed and BF her and she goes back out. I don't know what to do about the multiple wakings. We let her cry 1-3 mins to see if she will go back to sleep and the funny part is she does - BUT it is waking us up and DH and I aren't getting any sleep b.c we are just getting back to sleep when she wakes up again.

I never had this issue with DD#1 - does anyone else's child do this (DD#2 is 8 months) - does it get better?