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School Fundraisers

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School Fundraisers

Does anyone just not participate and not due to a lack of resources to participate, but because you do not agree with the way the money is being spent?

I should add, the fundraiser in question is being conducted by the Parent Assoc., not the school. I'm not even sure who is in charge of the Parent Assoc. and they don't seem to have open meetings, though I suppose the school could tell me.

I just don't like the idea they came up with, and I think they money would be better spent on an enrichment activity of some kind.

Posted 3/3/12 11:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: School Fundraisers

I complained to DH today about this. Ds goes to preschool and there are fundraisers seriously every month. From now on I'm not participating because the tuition is already out of control.

We have to cut back

Posted 3/3/12 3:08 PM

aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06

4268 total posts


Re: School Fundraisers

I felt that way originally about DD's daycare doing fundraisers- they had 2: 1 to sell a box of chocolates and 2 order personalized artwork the kids made. I was annoyed but it bought my dd's class new flooring and toys.

I almost wish they would have more so they can update their playground!

As for me- Im a teacher and without our grade level fundraisers, we would have no $ for a field trip. It's not mandatory and if we dont raise $$ we don't go. It's costs our grade of 60 2nd graders about 1,500 for buses and admission to most places. I wonder if parents knew how much it costs to do those things, if they would still complain.

Posted 3/3/12 4:50 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: School Fundraisers

Posted by Arieschick29

I felt that way originally about DD's daycare doing fundraisers- they had 2: 1 to sell a box of chocolates and 2 order personalized artwork the kids made. I was annoyed but it bought my dd's class new flooring and toys.

I almost wish they would have more so they can update their playground!

As for me- Im a teacher and without our grade level fundraisers, we would have no $ for a field trip. It's not mandatory and if we dont raise $$ we don't go. It's costs our grade of 60 2nd graders about 1,500 for buses and admission to most places. I wonder if parents knew how much it costs to do those things, if they would still complain.

I wouldn't mind if it was for things like this. New equipment, trips, special programs, all these things are valid IMO.

This is also the third fundraiser in a month, which is getting up there IMO. I supported the first two, this one we'll pass.

Posted 3/3/12 4:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15657 total posts


Re: School Fundraisers

Posted by Arieschick29

I felt that way originally about DD's daycare doing fundraisers- they had 2: 1 to sell a box of chocolates and 2 order personalized artwork the kids made. I was annoyed but it bought my dd's class new flooring and toys.

I almost wish they would have more so they can update their playground!

As for me- Im a teacher and without our grade level fundraisers, we would have no $ for a field trip. It's not mandatory and if we dont raise $$ we don't go. It's costs our grade of 60 2nd graders about 1,500 for buses and admission to most places. I wonder if parents knew how much it costs to do those things, if they would still complain.

The cost of the buses is built into the field trip fee for our schools that the parents pay. Do your students pay for the field trips, or does the school over the cost?

I don't do the fundraisers. They go into the trash. I have no desire to pay $10 for a roll of wrapping paper regardless of what it supports. Something like a pancake breakfast, etc. I would support.

Daycare fundraisers are the worst. Your expensive tuition should be paying for necessities like toys and new flooring for the school.

Message edited 3/3/2012 6:05:03 PM.

Posted 3/3/12 6:04 PM

aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06

4268 total posts


Re: School Fundraisers

I dont know if it's everywhere, but in my district, the schools/district do not pay a cent for our field trips.
We have to either raise funds with various ideas- movie nights, bingo nights, raffles, school store, selling candy etc or ask for a "donation" when we send home permission slips.
In a school with 80% or more economically disadvantaged, most parents won't "donate" or help with fundraisers Chat Icon

It's not mandatory but they sure complain to me when we have to cancel a trip because of lack of funds.

Posted 3/3/12 7:30 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: School Fundraisers

I think multiple fund raisers like you are describing get old really fast. For my kids preschool I run fundraisers. Last year I co-chaired the school rummage sale. It made twice as much money as the year before, but it was a ton of work and my co-chair left; so I am not running it this year. Instead, I am coordinating fundraising for the year books. We are extending boosters to local businesses. That was not done last year (or any prior year). Next year I am the preschool treasurer.

What we use the money for:
Last year we purchased a new sand box and a new oven for the school. We also used the money for two school field trips.

This past September the school planted a garden. The old director also left the school. Part of the fundraising we did this year will go towards the school garden (stepping stones, greenhouse, supplies). The other part of the money we raise will go to school field trips. When I ask parents for money, I explain exactly what things cost, and why I am asking for their help.

One of the other fund raisers we do is to collect old cell phones. This brings in money to the school. In September we also sell the Kids Stuff books and a large tote bag. Those are the fundraisers for the year. HTH

Posted 3/3/12 9:06 PM

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