How do you handle this situation? My sister does it BIG time. And it's driving me nuts. I know my son is afftected by it. And I'm sure when her twin is old enough to really see it she will be upset over it. At first I thought it was just me. But, my niece was here for the weekend & even she said "I know I'm 21 & it's going to sound stupid. But, I hate that she seems to be all about Fiona" and she even said "I don't know how Patrick stands it" I've said things to her before but, it goes in one ear out the other.Chat Icon I've come to the point where I just want to take some time away from her.
Just wanted to add before the girls were born she was ALL over Patrick. Her world seemed to revolve around him. Now she gets pissy with him & doesn't seem to have patience. I've told her well if you didn't ignore him he wouldn't have to be nagging.