Things are not so good on my homefront (well my mothers homefront)

While my brother has passed every drug test since entering into this program, he has stated several times that coke only stays in your system for 2-3 (well shows in a urine test) and since his drug test is the same time and day every week.... he is always ready to pass...

He is still outta control, however not as violent....

My mom is exhausted.... 2 days a week... she has to transport him to drug court, and then counseling... every week his apt. is for 3- however they are the last case to get called...when the time comes the judge is in such a rush..... they check his drug test and dismiss them... my brother hasnt been to school in weeks, and is being denied credit in 8/9 classes...

now he will have to go to summer school- and then it will be my moms responsibility to transport him to and from there everyday...

When my mom tried to tell the judge about the fact he wasnt going to school... he told her she had 2 min. cuz he was going home... Chat Icon She told him... but he said nothing... (Empowering my brother even more)

All this has taken a turn for the worst for my moms mental health.... Her last few days have been horrible... and she keeps talking about admitting herself into an institute...

Today I got home from work, and there was a msg. from her therapist...saying i was my mothers emergency contact, and to call her ASAP... when I called the Dr. she said she had a frantic call from my mom in the middle of the night, and hadnt talked to her since....

I then called my mom, and she just said shes done...She feels all alone, she has no help... and my brothers are just so outta control, she feels like a prisoner in her home.... She is continually verbally abused, and there is nothing she can do to stop their behavior... for she has no rights...

This aggravates me- because I do so much to help her.... and it totally makes me feel worthless....

Im just so stressed.... Between my MIL drama, my mom, my brothers, and my DH not being as helpful or supportive as he should.... I just cant help but wonder... why is this my life??? Thank God for my son...because I seriously wouldve booked my ticket to never never land a long long time ago....

OOOohhh, and my dad was supposed to be coming home in June... which then go t pushed back to July, and now August....

I know there is so many that are dealing with much worse... but I just feel so weak..Chat Icon