I bust by butt all year long and work every Saturday and felt this Saturday I want a day off. I want my weekend (I am working on Monday) so I had this lady Barb work today (great O/T for her) in my absence.

I call the customer service department
at around 12:30 knowing she would answer the phone. This is how the conversation went:

B: Thank you for calling Gullivers. This is Barb may I have your ID number.

Me: What! You want my number. After I have been holding for over 5 minutes (I was actually on hold for about 1 minute). I think an apology is in order way before I even give you my ID number.

B: I am sorry for your long wait. We have been experiencing a high call volume and do have a limited staff on hand.

M: I dont care. I am paying for a service for you to take my call. Now you take it. Do you not understand the importance of my call. And I certaintly do not appreciate your hostile tone with me. (She was extremely professional)

B: I understand you are upset but if you would provide me with your name or ID number I would be more then happy to assist you. Again I do apologize you experienced a long wait but I will tell my supervisor about your wait and we will do our best to prevent these long waits for future calls.

M: Fine. I will give you my initials hopefully that will be enough and if it's not too bad. First Name put in Me Last name put KI

(I know by entering that information my name will come right up in the system)

B: MELISSA I HATE YOU!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

PIMP!!! I love just love my co-worker. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon