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Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

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Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

We'll be taking a 6 hour flight to CA when DS is about 20 months old. I'd rather not pay over $400 for a seat for him if he'd be fine in either of our laps. At the same time, I want him to be comfortable and hopefully relaxed during the flight. If it was a shorter flight, I'd have no problem holding him in my lap. I'd rather take a direct flight and be done with traveling as quickly as possible than take 2 shorter flights though.

WWYD? If you've been in a similar situation, what did you choose and how did it work out?

Posted 2/2/10 11:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

i have not flown yet with either of my kids, but i would buy the extra seat.

its not only safer but they would definitely be more comfortable and it's not always a guarantee that an extra seat would be available.

Posted 2/2/10 11:15 AM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I have flown a couple of times with my DD...We have always bought her a seat...I know my DD would NEVER sit in our laps that long...she think she would for a little while...but not more than 30 minutes.
We take her car seat with us...she is more than content in it...we bring a DVD player with her favorite movies...a couple of toys...and we are good to go...I know it costs more...but I would rather have my child in a seat that try and wrestle her for 6 hours...I would be Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Posted 2/2/10 11:19 AM


Member since 6/08

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I have flown with each of my children and I would HIGHLY recommend you buy a seat for an 18-24 month old child. An infant, like 3 months old, on the lap hands down, but a walking/talking toddler? Get a seat.

Bring your carseat onto the plane, so that DC is in a familiar seat and is comfortable.

Have a good trip!

Posted 2/2/10 11:20 AM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

We usually don't buy a seat and all but one flight we have gotten lucky enough that it was not a full flight and the airline allowed us to bring their seat on....You ask at th check-in counter..
Also, if the airline lets you choose your own seats online , I always make it so that there is an odd seat between us Chat Icon

The one trip when we didn't luck out , it was only a 3 hour flight...The way there wasn't too great with DD on our lap ( but not horrible) and the way back, she fell asleep which was awesome ....

Depends on your DC'c temperament also Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/10 11:24 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I would not buy a seat. My DS at that age wanted to be in our lap anyway

Plus, we usually get lucky and get a seat anyway...we like to fly early in the morning, so that works to our advantage

Posted 2/2/10 11:25 AM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Posted by MrsGmomof3

I have flown with each of my children and I would HIGHLY recommend you buy a seat for an 18-24 month old child. An infant, like 3 months old, on the lap hands down, but a walking/talking toddler? Get a seat.

Bring your carseat onto the plane, so that DC is in a familiar seat and is comfortable.

Have a good trip!

I'm sure things will change by the time we go away, but he always cries when I put him in the car seat. He'd rather be in my arms or lap. I can't imagine him willingly sitting in a car seat next to me for 6 hours. I guess having the option of putting him in his own seat is good though. Thanks!

Posted 2/2/10 11:25 AM

He's here!

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

For a 2 hour flight I'd say lap but for a 6 hour I'd buy the seat. We've flown twice with DD. The first time we bought her a seat and she was great. The second time we didn't and it was a nightmare. Both of us were crying on the way home she was so bad Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/10 11:28 AM

My loves

Member since 5/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Buy a seat. We bought a seat for DS when he was 18 months. A toddler won't sit still that long on a lap.

Posted 2/2/10 11:43 AM

Insert Witty Comment Here

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I'm not a parent but a very frequent traveler.

Buy the seat. It will be beter for both you and the baby not to mention the person who may be sitting behind or in front of you.

Nothing worse then a restless baby kicking your seat for hours.Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/10 11:48 AM


Member since 3/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Since it's a long flight I would definitely buy a seat. We flew to Vegas when DD was 21 months and had a seat for her. I can't even imagine not having it!

Posted 2/2/10 11:53 AM

Real Estate Professional

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I def would buy a seat for such a long flight and a walking toddler!!!

Posted 2/2/10 11:56 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

We've bought the extra seat since DD was born. We went to California in Sept when DD was 20 months and it was such a relief to be able to strap her into her car seat. She is such a squirmer that I would have felt horrible if we were sharing an aisle with a stranger. Plus I felt it was safer for her to be in her own seat. My DD would NEVER sit for 6 hours on either one of our laps.

Posted 2/2/10 11:58 AM

Sooo Sleep Deprived....

Member since 7/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

My DD is 18 months old and I would absolutely buy her a seat. She might stay on my lap but would be making everyone else's life miserable because she wouldn't be strapped in. Plus buying a seat and bringing her carseat is much safer in case of heavy turbulence.

Posted 2/2/10 12:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I would recommend buying the seat. We have flown twice with my DD -once when she was 8 months and then again when she was 17 months. Both times we got her a seat. I felt that it was better to have the extra seat (and not to mention extra room)!

Posted 2/2/10 12:45 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

When we would fly across country or any flight more than 3hrs. we would get them their own seat. Easier for all.

Posted 2/2/10 12:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I'm in the minority, but I wouldn't buy the seat. Chances are there will be one extra seat on the flight and when you check in you can ask your seats to be changed to the row with the extra seat.

If you book online and don't buy a seat, just choose an aisle and a window seat in a row that still has all three available. If it is not a full flight, chances of someone choosing that seat are very slim.

I've traveled with my kids by air many times and have only bought seats when I had to, after they clearly looked over the age of two. Until then, I just dealt with it, since they prefered to be in my lap or sitting on the floor in front of my chair.

For $400 plus dollars I definately would not buy a seat especially when the airline says one is not required for them.

Posted 2/2/10 12:51 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

I flew to Poland with my son last May, he was almost 2 years old at the time... no way would I be able to take the 8+ hours flight with him on my lap, he was a pain in his own seat but at least I put a car seat in there, strapped him in and he had to stay there watching cartoons lol

Posted 2/2/10 12:54 PM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

For purely safety reasons, I would absolutely get a seat. Too many DC get injured during flights from takeoff, landings, and random turbulence.

Posted 2/2/10 12:55 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Posted by XcalystaX

Plus buying a seat and bringing her carseat is much safer in case of heavy turbulence.

I agree, noone wants to think of scenarios like this but I mean having a child in your lap is dangerous for the child in case of heavy turbulance...

Posted 2/2/10 12:57 PM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

........ drags soapbox to center of the room.

As a former flight attendant (Yes Amy, we all know you were a flight attendant) I can promise you that your child is much safer in his/her own seat. I was part of a task force of active flight attendant who has been trying for YEARS to get the FAA to make it a law that the "lap" child allowance be discontinued.

I don't blame the parents for taking advantage of this practice as the FAA and airlines lead you to believe that having a child under 2 on your lap is perfectly safe. IT IS NOT. The leading population with injuries/deaths during accidents (where there are deaths) and incidents are lap children. Even seemingly minor incidents (short stops, turbulance) can cause injury to these children. Arms are just not the same as a seatbelt.

It's deplorable that the FAA makes you secure your laptop under your seat, yet allows a 23 month old to sit on mom/dad's lap.

I fly for free yet STILL purchase seats for my kids to ensure they will have a seat.

Posted 2/2/10 1:05 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

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Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Buy a seat!!! it is better for everyone involved

Posted 2/2/10 1:26 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Posted by Porrruss

........ drags soapbox to center of the room.

As a former flight attendant (Yes Amy, we all know you were a flight attendant) I can promise you that your child is much safer in his/her own seat. I was part of a task force of active flight attendant who has been trying for YEARS to get the FAA to make it a law that the "lap" child allowance be discontinued.

I don't blame the parents for taking advantage of this practice as the FAA and airlines lead you to believe that having a child under 2 on your lap is perfectly safe. IT IS NOT. The leading population with injuries/deaths during accidents (where there are deaths) and incidents are lap children. Even seemingly minor incidents (short stops, turbulance) can cause injury to these children. Arms are just not the same as a seatbelt.

It's deplorable that the FAA makes you secure your laptop under your seat, yet allows a 23 month old to sit on mom/dad's lap.

I fly for free yet STILL purchase seats for my kids to ensure they will have a seat.

I think I saw her speak on the show "I survived" was it the United crash in Sioux City? I remember her talking how horrible she felt for asking to place kids on the floor for the crash landing...

Posted 2/2/10 2:21 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

Posted by Porrruss

I don't blame the parents for taking advantage of this practice as the FAA and airlines lead you to believe that having a child under 2 on your lap is perfectly safe. IT IS NOT. The leading population with injuries/deaths during accidents (where there are deaths) and incidents are lap children. Even seemingly minor incidents (short stops, turbulance) can cause injury to these children. Arms are just not the same as a seatbelt.

It's deplorable that the FAA makes you secure your laptop under your seat, yet allows a 23 month old to sit on mom/dad's lap.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well said, and I couldn't agree more.

Posted 2/2/10 2:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: Flying with an 18-24 month old: lap or buy an extra seat?

We fly often to CA with DD and trust me - buy the seat. It will be the best $400 you spent. You do not want a toddler on your lap for 6 hours, and neither will he/she. Get the seat, bring the car seat and usually they will take a nap too. I don't like spending the money or miles either but for a long flight, I would def do it. If youwere going to FL, then maybe I would say hold DC, but even then....

Posted 2/2/10 2:43 PM

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