I had to share this, I'm pretty excited! Chat Icon

For Christmas, I bought my husband two PS3 games related to fitness because he's been trying to branch out of his usual routines. I figured I could use them too if they were good.

I bought Active 2 by EA Sports, which was a bit of a disappointment. We put it on Medium difficulty and barely broke a sweat. I thought it might be good for beginners and the voice prompts were good. But it's pretty basic and cartoonish, with a $30 price tag. Not impressed.

I didn't have high hopes when I put Fit in Six in today, because it was the cheaper of the two ($13) and I was discouraged already.

Thankfully though, I was pleasantly surprised and broke a sweat immediately. Here are some screenshots:

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The way it works is you put in your profile info - age, height, weight - and then choose a "goal". Mine was to burn fat. Then it tells you, out of these six different elements, which ones you need to reach your goal:

Upper body strength
Core strength
Lower body strength

Each different routine has point values that you earn towards reaching your goal. Or you could just say screw all that and do whatever routines you want.

The routines range from easy 5 minute warmups to advanced 40 minute challenges. I quickly went through them today - there are over 100 - and found that in addition to the standard routines, they also have different types of dance, kickboxing, pilates, yoga.

I'm kind of amazed how much is in here. I have the PS3 Move so it shows me on the screen next to the character so I know if I'm doing it right, and I can use the handheld controller. It's also for Wii. But I didn't realize the first time that I could use the Move camera/controller so it will run just fine without it too if you want to just use it as an exercise video.

Hope this helps those of you looking for something to do at home, I definitely recommend. Chat Icon