Fergie and Josh Duhamel are taking their time planning the perfect wedding – and the The Dutchess is starting with bridal basics 101.

"I have a big stack of wedding magazines, and I've never picked one up before in my life," the singer, 32, told USA Today.

The pair – who have been together since 2004 and got engaged in December – have not revealed a wedding date. (Duhamel would only say "soon" when asked to nail down a timeframe for the nuptials.)

"Right now, we're just figuring it all out," the Las Vegas actor, 35, told PEOPLE in January, adding that they haven't settled on a size or location for the ceremony. "We're just enjoying it. It's all great."

Could a summer wedding be in the works? She's not saying. But the hardworking Black Eyed Peas star did say she plans to take some serious time off.

"I've been touring for a long time, and I want to go home this summer and spend time with my family and get in the studio and just take some time to think about everything," she told the newspaper.

Fergie, who is the newest face of MAC's Viva Glam campaign, also says she is eager to influence the teens and young adults who make up her fanbase. "I think I can be very helpful with that," she said. "I know certain people who are very proud of having unprotected sex and the fact that they haven't caught anything yet."