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Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy. UPDATED BELOW

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy. UPDATED BELOW

Hi ladies! I am only 6 weeks and trying so hard to do everything right! I bought a bunch of books on eating right when pregnant. From the books I calculated the amount of calories I should be eating per day and also have printed out copies of the food pyramids for pregnancy and try and fill it out every day.

I have to say I find it SOOOOOOO hard to eat everything I am supposed to eat everyday! Even if I make every bite count - i.e. something in the required servings on the food chart - it is so hard to eat enough to get the proper servings and calories every day.

I totally realized that I was not eating near enough everyday before getting pg (even though I am at a normal weight) so it is even harder to eat this much now that I have soooo much less of an appetite. Then I see posts on losing weight while pg and i wonder how the heck anyone could possibly lose weight eating everything you are "supposed" to.

My question is - how do you all do it? Am I going overboard or do you all feel you get the proper servings of each of the food groups and enough calories daily?

Thanks ladies!

i also have a HUGE problem with guaging how much I am eating - I get full MUCh faster than i used to and either i end up starving at bedtime or i am so stuffed i feel sick! I end up fearing i am hurting my baby either way! any tips you might have would be greatly appreciated!

Updated in Reply below on the thread

Message edited 1/11/2007 1:27:59 PM.

Posted 1/7/07 7:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 1/07

428 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

I don't think it's necessary to worry so much over the exact amount.

You'll be surprised but your body is very good at giving you signals about what it needs. If you're not having enough veggies or certain vitamins you will get certain food cravings to make up for the deficiency.

Also remember our mothers and their mothers gave birth to us w/o knowing about all these requirements or restrictions and they gave birth to us healthy children. Didn't they?

So I say trust your body and just make sure you get a variety of food in your system - ie. enough veggies, protein and carbs.

As far as food advice go, I would be more careful about what NOT to eat and what to stay away from while you're pregnant.

No raw meat, no raw eggs and some people even recommend cooking all your vegetables...

Good luck!

Posted 1/7/07 7:46 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

Oh please - I am sure I don't eat enough half the time - especially when I still have so many food aversions. I try to eat healthy when I do eat.... And there are so many women who just eat junk when PG, so they arent getting the nutrients they need anyway....

Dont worry - the fact that you are being so mindful is a good step - just eat healthy - plus, I began getting m/s at around 6 or 7 weeks, and could not eat ANYTHING at all for weeks... I lost 13 pounds in a few weeks! Even after I took Zofran, I couldnt eat that much... You'll be fine!

Posted 1/7/07 7:59 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

Posted by kimchee

I don't think it's necessary to worry so much over the exact amount.

You'll be surprised but your body is very good at giving you signals about what it needs. If you're not having enough veggies or certain vitamins you will get certain food cravings to make up for the deficiency.

Also remember our mothers and their mothers gave birth to us w/o knowing about all these requirements or restrictions and they gave birth to us healthy children. Didn't they?

So I say trust your body and just make sure you get a variety of food in your system - ie. enough veggies, protein and carbs.

As far as food advice go, I would be more careful about what NOT to eat and what to stay away from while you're pregnant.

No raw meat, no raw eggs and some people even recommend cooking all your vegetables...

Good luck!

I agree with this 100%. Your body is an amazing machine and it will give you cravings in what you are deficent in. your still early on in your pregnancy also so I noticed that appitets are still usually less until you get to the second trimester and it will pick up. It wont stay like this. I would just continue what you are eating but just in moderation. has a great list of what foods and beverage to avoid. I ate more than normal but not for 2 with my first and gained 45lbs. Nobody believed me but that is what the scale said and I had somewhat of a difficult time getthing 20lbs off and then found out I was pg with the 2nd. I have been eating the same but, like you am getting fuller faster and just not as hungry as I was the first time around and am eating 5 meals a day as opposed to all day long grazing. You really cant control how much weight you gain or loose durning pregnancy. Their are women on this boards that have eaten very healthy and have gained just as much as me and then their are some that eat less and gain more. Its how your body handles the pregnancy.

Posted 1/7/07 8:01 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

OMG I wish!

At 18 weeks I can barely keep anything down and when I can, I could care less if its a big mac, Pizza or some chicken.

My OB seems ok with it, cause of course my 1st priority is the baby.

She said as long as Im keepig fluids down, you would be amazed at how long the baby can thrive with no food ( to ease my mind)...SO I would definatly not worry so much.

sound slike your doing a good job now.

Posted 1/7/07 8:19 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

I have to body def does not crave anything besides chocolate, ice cream, and chips. I force the other things down. Just take a prenatal vitamin and you'll be fine...the baby finds the nutrients it needs.

Posted 1/7/07 9:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

Thanks ladies Chat Icon You have REALLY made me feel a lot better!

Posted 1/8/07 2:11 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

I am having a Happy Ending Sundae for lunch today....

Posted 1/8/07 2:12 PM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

I must commend you on your committment to eat well during your pregnancy. Definitely don't be too hard on yourself. My doctor explained that fluids are the top priority. In addition, I try to get in some spinach and protein. I find that listening to my cravings - not the chocolate ones - is really helpful. You'd be amazed at how we seem to be hard-wired to get what we need. Do the best you can - don't worry about quanity.

Since you are so good about what you are eating - maybe adapt the quality over quanity rule.

Posted 1/8/07 2:18 PM

Love my family

Member since 6/06

4546 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy.

in the beginning i watched what i ate too and i realized i was losing weight b/c of it. My doc ssaid many pregnant women tend to eat healthier when they find out they are pregnant but your baby really needs the extra calories. Dont be afraid to eat a cheesburger or pizza. I dont get much veggies and or fruit the vitamin makes up for that. I eat basically what i want now except for fast food.

Posted 1/8/07 2:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy. UPDATED BELOW

I just wanted to say (in addition to thank you for your responses) that I now understand a lot of your posts. This question that I posted less than a week ago is now so comical to me as I am so nauseated I will eat whatever does not make be feel worse which is usually crackers or some bread product - the food groups...the thought of most of them is enough to bring on full blown nausea Chat Icon What a difference a week makes Chat Icon

A big Chat Icon to all of you ladies that put up with this feeling - IT IS AWFUL!

Posted 1/11/07 12:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

572 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy. UPDATED BELOW

Posted by itsbabytime

I just wanted to say (in addition to thank you for your responses) that I now understand a lot of your posts. This question that I posted less than a week ago is now so comical to me as I am so nauseated I will eat whatever does not make be feel worse which is usually crackers or some bread product - the food groups...the thought of most of them is enough to bring on full blown nausea Chat Icon What a difference a week makes Chat Icon

A big Chat Icon to all of you ladies that put up with this feeling - IT IS AWFUL!

I hope that you feel better soon! Can you handle ginger ale? I thought it was a real life saver during my first few weeks of queasiness.

Posted 1/11/07 1:16 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Eating issues - question re: eating well during pregnancy. UPDATED BELOW

You really only need an extra 300 calories a day while pregnant, which isn't that much!

I just picked up chocolate cupcakes from Sam's for DS's bday and one of them was just screaming "eat me eat me" so I just had to Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/07 1:25 PM

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