DD and the new baby will be about 24 months apart. She knows about the potty but really has no interest in it right now (20 months old). I'm getting mixed opinions on if we should JUMP on her first sign of readiness or hold off until the baby is here in case she regresses? Our nanny is very eager to train her but I keep saying she's not showing any real signs yet. But what if she starts showing signs close to when the baby is coming? I don't want to miss the opportunity but I also would RATHER have two in diapers (as weird as that sounds) than clean up lots of accidents with a newborn around.

Ok, I'm babbling and none of this really matters until she shows us any signs. BUT would you try to hold off training until the newbie was a few months old or just jump at her first sign of readiness and risk having a newborn and a training toddler. Chat Icon