My son got his teeth super early. The first one popped through (front tooth) the day before he turned 3 months. They all came in pretty much one at a time after that. The problem is, they are all pretty much uneven and crooked! I know they won't be his permanent teeth but should I take him to a pediatric dentist anyway? One incisor (Is that what you call them) is very very pointy looking and I'm so nervous that he'll accidently bite his tongue or fall and puncture his tongue!!!
Also one tooth in front looks like it's beign pushed out towards the gum from the ones on either side of it. Thankfully unless he opens up wide you can't tell how bad they are, but I always cringe when his mouth is open in pictures. he's such a cutie pie, and then you see these crooked teeth!

I think a pediatric dentist is covered in my plan - anyone think I should bother or just hope that the permanent teeth come in straight?

Figures this kid would get teeth just like his dad. Mine (baby and adult) are perfectly straight!