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asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

Last June, out of nowhere, he is in distress and spends 5 days in hospital. Same week I weaned him.

So, I thought it was the weaning that brought on anxiety and depression...for about 8 weeks...

I have never had anxiety or depression ever.

Then Sept was HORRIBLE. 3 middle of the night ER visits. I think I just kicked into turbo mode at that point.

Dec was bad.

We can't go out if tree count is up. We can't go out after it rains. we can't go out if its too windy.

I am moving next week mainly because we can't have him living with carpets any longer.

Yesterday was a HORRIBLE attack. He was crying and could not catch his breath...then I realized what was happening, he looked so scared and paniced...grabbing for me. I made myself sick.

The pulm said all his attacks come on pretty strong and quick. I am a prisoner! completely. I am always on edge.

Now, pulimort generic is backordered...that was my one bright light in this saga.

I started meditating in really helped, I have to start doing that again.

Is this effecting me more then it should? So many kids have asthma...surely not all moms feel this way...or do they? I need help. Like a support group or something.


Posted 3/23/09 12:25 PM
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LIF Adult

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

#1 - - LOTS OF HUGS!!!
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I have had asthma since I was a young child (about 4/5 years old) but I don't think mine has ever been that severe...

I have to say the worst thing in the world is watching your child suffer and unable to catch his breathe! I think it is totally normal for you to be suffering from anxiety!

Can the dr give you any office samples of the pulmicort to tide you over until it is back in stock?

So sorry!! Stay strong!! Hope the change in environment makes the WORLD of difference in his health!!

Posted 3/23/09 12:34 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

sounds terrible Chat Icon hopefully, the change of scenery will do you both good Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 12:37 PM

Mrs. Patticakes

Member since 9/06

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

I'm so sorry....I have no experience with it but if it was happening to me....I think I would be reacting the same way. I agree with meditation, it works wonders. If I can help in any way during the move, PLEASE let me know. Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 12:37 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.


the weight is coming on too...I can't get it off.

once we move I have to get a treadmill. We were such walkers/joggers/bike we are homebound so often.

ann-thanks for info.

pharm said once generic comes back, they will hold it for me...they said it exploded off shelves.

god bless your mom! if you had asthma as a child send your mom a thank you card todayChat Icon

I wish anxiety made me not eat!Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 12:41 PM

We love summer!

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

My DD has asthma and we rececently took her to see one since she was hospitalized 2x for RSV & Pnuemonia over last 2 years due to her asthma. It is very sad to see them get that sick. All DD needs to do is get a cold and it escalates to Bronchitis (All the time!). Now we are on Pulmicort 1x/day as her control medicine and it seems to work. When she gets a cold we bump it up to 2x/day and upon occasion give her Xopenex (it is the emergency meds). She is also on singulair everyday.

Posted 3/23/09 1:01 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

Janice, my baby brother has had severe asthma since infancy (started out as some sort of chronic bronchitis/pneumonia)

the helplessness you feel when you watch your loved one, especially your child, struggle for something as simple and life giving as air is unimaginable.

my mom had severe problems over it...anxiety etc. my brother was hospitalized so many times...even before he started kindergarten, and it would be for week stints.

it's something I would not wish on anyone. it is something that cannot be underestimated.

talk to his ped or the pulm ped. I am sure he/she can put you in touch with some sort of support group down there. my mom didn't have one and I am sure it would have helped immensely.

I will also add that my brother has certain anxieties about death and dying that I am convinced were from being unable to catch his little breath, but being too young to understand why. so keep that in mind for your son as well. my brother is older now (18 Chat Icon ) but cried a lot when he was younger and thought we (his family) were going away.

I can't tell you how sad it made me to watch him to through that. and I was just his sister. Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 1:02 PM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

I think I have some med for the neb! I can check when I get home and will send it right down to you!

What about singular? Is DS on that? Advair? prednisone orally? The Pulm should be able to get him on a better plan so that he can have a "normal" active life!

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Posted 3/23/09 1:04 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

Hi Janice,

I know I've mentioned before that I am an asthmatic. As a child it was really really bad, kind of like Josh's. My attacks were bad and would come on really fast out of no where. My mom is an RN and even still she panicked everytime I had an attack. I remember I couldn't do gym as a child in school and most days I could not go outside for recess because I would get an attack.

Some online support groups that may be usefull:



My asthma got much better as I got older adn more manageable. I guess just take some comfort in knowing that there is a chance that Josh will grow out of it as he gets older or at least it should improve significantly!!

FM if you ever need to vent!

Chat Icon Maria

Posted 3/23/09 1:04 PM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

no advice, but i am so sorry! that sounds like a lot to handle Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon i hope you get those meds soon!!

Posted 3/23/09 1:05 PM

I am Batman!

Member since 5/05

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I'm Batman, I tell you!

Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

DS has asthma and I know how horrible it is for you to watch him struggle and be upset. I feel especially for you since my DS has only had 2 incidents, but it is something you really have to be constantly vigilant about with your son. I can only give Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and say I can understand and you're reactions are normal and to be expected and you just have to take it one day at a time. Hopefully it'll get better as he gets older and he learns how to manage it with you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 1:06 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

wow thanks!

jess-thanks for the truth. At times I feel like I am overreacted and need to chill, but then BAM...I get hit in the face with the reality of this.

his current meds:

twice a day pulimort

2-3 times a day duo neb(albuterol and atteral..I think)

he's also suppose to take an allergy med twice a day. I don't even have a kid at that point. I will usually only give it at night.

Posted 3/23/09 1:14 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

thanks for links Maria. I am going to start my pre reqs for nursing school. I feel very helpless in all of this and my mom(nurse) thinks it will help.

thanks everyone for your stories

Posted 3/23/09 1:16 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

6314 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

janice, i was just talking to my husband about this yesterday. i was telling him just how horrible my anxiety was when jonah's asthma was not controlled.

i know that jonah's case isn't as extreme as josh's ... but in the past few months i've also had the experience of living on edge - not knowing what the next moment will bring. being terrified and helpless as your child suffers.

it's definitely not just you - it IS horrible. i absolutely think you should find a support group to help you through this. and we fellow asthma moms are also here to lend an ear.

sending tons of prayers and well wishes to both you and josh Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 1:22 PM

I'm a Big Brother

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

just wanted to give you some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I think Josh is lucky to have such an amazing mommyChat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 1:23 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.


I think about you often, how I can't imagine the added anxiety of having to miss work over all of this.

I tend to be very pro-active. mainly because my deductible is high and the ER/hospital/specialist/dyson asthma/bedding/pharmacy/ambulance bills all add to my anxiety! Chat Icon

Pulm sees is as a sucess that he hasn't been to hospital since Sept.

Ped agrees. That is our goal, to keep him out of ER.

So, that's why we are prisoners. I am asking for trouble if I leave the house under the wrong conditions.

My dad(also a nurse) wants josh to switch meds every 3 months so he doesn't become immune to them. I have my next appt in May. I am going to try and get the singualar tablets...does anyone have reviews on them?

Posted 3/23/09 1:30 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

I also got pregnant on my first try with josh. I think the anxiety both me and leo have is effecting our fertility this time around.

A nurse at ped's office is a godsent to me. I have her cell #, she is wonderful and always makes me feel like I am never a bother. She has asthma, and her 2 boys have it as well. The thought of 2 boys with this makes me want to close shop now. Leo is more then ready to adopt out of our gene pool!

A few of my cousins have asthma, but grew out of it. thanksgiving we went to MA to see leo's fam. Almost all the grown male cousins had inhalers on them! I was like mystery solved.

Posted 3/23/09 1:37 PM

Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

No advice,,,just wanted offer you Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 2:06 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

I do not think you are overreacting at all! I never posted about it but both of my sons had RSV. One night my son Ronan started coughing and gasping for air. He started to look lethargic and pale and we called an ambulance which took us to peds emergency. He was fine but I cannot imagine going through something like that at a moments notice.

Now this is going to make me sound kooky but have you thought about homeopathic stuff: diet, acuouncture etc. I might even go see a naturopathic Dr-I think you can do a google search. Good luckChat Icon

Posted 3/23/09 2:21 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

thanks sweetsChat Icon

melissa-not crazy at all.

I was speaking to another poster about the wheat allergy connection to asthma.

I try and keep him on a gluten free diet.

sorry about your boys. I hope it was a one time thing.

that's what is sick as well...the ped called amubulance once to bring him to hosptial, I begged them not to that I will drive okay...but they would not allow it since he was in distress and on oxygen...bam, another 900 bill.

Leo works nights, in sept he was only home for 1 of the 3 ER nights...the other 2 were me in the car with josh racing to hospital screaming that he stays awake.

Posted 3/23/09 3:22 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: asthma do you deal? I can't get my head right.

Janice, my heart is breaking for you. I cannot imagine dealing with what's going on with josh. You are such a great mom and there is no way this effecting you more than it "should." If anything, it sounds like you're handling it a heck of a lot better than I would. It makes me sad that you guys have to stop walking, etc. because of this. I really hope Josh does outgrow this soon!!
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Posted 3/23/09 3:42 PM

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